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Passing on the knowledge to fight and kill force users... Sure, it's been done before. Tons of times. But as far as he knew no one before had gotten university lectures on the subject, studied with other FUs to get into their heads and know their weaknesses, trained for years...
Intent: To sub a standard Heavy Armor
Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Heavy Armor
Manufacturer: Lysandra Crownwraithe (Deceased)...
Voland Class Space Submarine
Intent: To create an effective space submarine capable of handling multiple roles.
Image Source: Here you go.
Canon Link:
Permissions: Permission, HPI Permission
Primary Source:
Manufacturer: Voland...
One of the biggest parts of Alina's character is the fact she's Sangnir, but I don't actually do a lot with that. She hasn't met other Sangnir really, or at least I never did the threads where she would any justice. So I want to do more with that. Deeper dive into the Sangnir, maybe have Alina...
Abandoned Czerka Research Facility
The Andelm IV System
The dead silence of space brought little comfort to the Mercenary & Bounty Hunter as he made his approach towards the Planet of Andelm IV. The Hutt Space Consortium had contacted him to eliminate a hive of Bortlings on the world of Andelm...
Space Anomaly
Location: Space, enroute to reported anomaly
Space was something of a comfort for Mi'la. In some ways, she found it a bit nice to be able to just drift in space, and not have to be concerned. There was no real limits in space. For a former slave, it was a new sort of freedom. At...
Hello all. Totally-not-a-Sith here, just another legit and lawful 2 meters tall citizen of this beautiful galaxy NOT forging and selling documents to whoever pays.
I'd love to plot some.
The Crusader's Handbook
A Traveler's Guide to Ashlan Space
Welcome to the Ashlan Crusade! This comprehensive guide will help you explore the lore of the Crusade, as well as act as a method of finding your own place within Ashlan Space. Here you will find information about our beliefs, ranks...
Criminal Syndicates had once been forced to deal their hands in the shadows beneath the banners of another, forced to follow the rules and laws of someone else, someone that had reach so far beyond their own, and ensured that the lot of them listened and obeyed. It was to be no...
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(For Firefox Users)
A Speeding Fever has taken hold of the galaxy. As pod and swoop races surge to the top of galactic entertainment, a new, but by no means unheard of, sports event makes its debut. A Race among the stars themselves, sponsored...
The Scar Worlds,
the ruins left from the Bryn'adul invasion.
What is left of Hutt Space is rough, and unwelcoming, but to many still it is home. It can be home.
Since the defeat of the invaders they have withdrawn from much of Hutt Space, leaving these devastated world open to be resettled by...
C'il stared at the floor her mind somewhat fogged. She was exhausted, she was stressed, and she felt alone. She'd gotten separated from her ship with the other thraeda and started working with someone in the meantime so she could make her way back. That, apparently, was a mistake. Apparently...
Intent: To create an advanced hyperdrive for Jorus Q. Merrill and others
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Hyperdrive
Manufacturer: hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions...
The void was a comforting place to Lirka, and in these new trying times it had been a place she had come to visit much more commonly. But such was the nature of working like a common dreg, well, “working”. If one could call immense abuse of the difficulty to enforce laws in space work. Prowling...
Location: Vur Tepe, Tython
The First Kiss landed on the external docks of Vur Tepe, then paid for a ticket to take skyfare onto the actual temple itself. It was strange to set foot on a Galactic Alliance world. Stranger still to be a vehicle ride away from his ship. It put Cord on edge, knowing...
So Kahlil here has been cut off from the Force, and thus given a freedom he longed for. So now he's wandering around space as a full time spacer, taking shipments and delivering n' such. Exploring life now that the burden of being a Jedi to fight against his family or the fate of being his...
Intent: Sub a ship.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here.
Primary Source: Nihil Spider Cruiser.
Manufacturer: Archangel Research and...
Intent: To create an automatic, self-dispersing mine for Breshig War Forge Consolidated, Strill Securities and select others.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: Mine.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: Seismic Mine.
Manufacturer: Breshig War...
Intent: To create highly defensible, well armed Space Castles for Eternal Empire Citizens to evacuate to in the event of planetary invasions or natural disasters
Image Source:
Canon Link: (Please link the canon...
tag: Nate Phantoms
wearing: xXx
It was moments like this one that reminded Sylvia why she'd become a pilot. There was an endless ocean of stars stretched out in all directions, no hurries, and not a care in the world. Yeah, she craved moments like this It was something about the peace and...