Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Percy Vaceldau

    Percy Vaceldau

    "Whatever happens, happens." Basic Information: Name: Percy Vaceldau Alias: Perse, P. Vass Species: Human Race: Corellian, Alderaanian Age: 19 Height: 6'5 Weight: 165 lbs Eye Color: Hazel Skin Color: Light Brown in Summer, Whiter in the Winter Hair Color: Brownish Red Face Claim: Spike...
  2. Isadora Lycinius

    Isadora Lycinius

  3. hbomb656

    Getting down to smooth sounds & living it up at The Smooth Spacers Club

    | Jorge's Smooth Spacers Club | | ~{GRAND OPENING}~ | Location: ~| At Jorge's Smooth Spacers Club ~| In Carson City ~| On Kyrayc Points of interest: ~| 1st Floor contains: ~| Jizz-wailers doing their thing, playing music on the stage. ~| The dance floor in front of the stage for dancing. ~|...
  4. Mother Askani

    Jian Kylo

    NAME: Jian Kylo OCCUPATION: Spacer, Explorer, Linguist SPECIES: Human AGE: 30s SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’6” WEIGHT: 140 lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes [+] She was technically trained as a dancer when she was younger. Her technical training affords advanced traits that...
  5. Lief

    Kyra Sol

    Kyra Sol, The Junk Collector ♫ ♪ "Just because it's broken doesn't make it useless" BASIC INFORMATION Name: Kyra Sol Alias: Kai Force Rank: Knight Force Alignment: Neutral Species: Near-Human Race: Epicanthix Planet of Birth: Dromund Kaas Age: Young Adult Height: 5'8" Weight: 126 lbs Eye...
  6. M

    Mallory "Mal" Bash

    Mallory "Mal" Bash NAME: Mallory Bash NICKNAME: Mal SPECIES: Nagai/Human Mix AGE: Early 30's SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’8” WEIGHT: 120lbs EYES: light brown HAIR: Black SKIN: Pale BIRTHPLACE: Dunari’s Rest Space Station, Mayagil Sector, Outer Rim FACTION: The Galactic Alliance -3rd...
  7. Lyla Quinn

    'The Areta' OOC (Commission Us Here / Crew Chat / Misc. Information)

    Vessel Model: YZ-775 Name of Ship: 'The Areta' Max Number of Crew and Passengers: Crew, 10. Passengers, 6. Methods of Payment Accepted: Preferred, credits. Will accept most forms of valued goods or produce if credits are unavailable. Allows work-for-passage as well. Standard Transport Rate...
  8. Dinah Vekarr

    Dinah Vekarr

    DINAH AERENA VEKARR NAME: My name is Dinah Aerena Vekarr. My mother wanted something beautiful, and my father was adamant on naming me after his mother. PRONUNCIATION: Die-Nuh Veck-ar. FACTION: While my cousin Katria seemed to have been rather fond of the Confederacy, I am often comfortable...
  9. Gaen Rhade

    Gaen Rhade

    NAME: Gaen Kell Rhade FACTION: Freelance Spacer RANK: Ruggedly handsome badass SPECIES: Human (Corellian) HOME: Corellia LANGUAGES: Basic, Huttese, Ryl, Binary {Scottish Accent} VOICE: Sample AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 200lbs BODY: Athletic and muscular EYES: Dark Blue HAIR...
  10. Sedge


    NAME: Delka 'Sedge' Stariecha. Always goes by 'Sedge.' FACTION: TBD RANK: Runner, Deckhand, Able Spacer SPECIES: Human AGE: Looks to be in his mid 30's SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10'' / 1.7m WEIGHT: ~190 lbs / 81.7kg EYES: Brown HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: White, typically a bit pale from too much time on...
  11. Aster Jaenke

    Aster Jaenke

    - Aster Jaenke - [ Image Source ] Name - Triter Zone. Faction - SPQI. Rank - N/A. Species - Miln. Age - 28. Sex - Female. Height - 1.2 standard meters. Weight - N/A. Eyes - Red. Hair - White, cropped short. Fur - White. Force Sensitive - No. Strengths - Spacer Born - Though not born to...
  12. Harland Gates

    Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky

    For hire, one rebellious loud mouthed spacer. Various jobs will be considered for the right price, but the prime contracts are transportation of goods or people to various systems in the Galaxy. Can handle himself in a fire fight, and is not against helping various factions. Don't ask, don't...
  13. Ugoto Chivaro

    Feeto Chivaro

    Feeto Chivaro [IMAGE] NAME: Feeto Chivaro FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Rodian AGE: 36 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 1.5 m WEIGHT: 53.6 kg EYES: Black HAIR: N/A SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: N/A...
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