Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Apotheosis

    Star Wars Episode VIII

    Yes, that 3rd I is meant to be in the title. After seeing VII twice thus far, I am a little concerned about the next movie. The director for the next film is Rian Johnson, the director that worked on Looper and some Breaking Bad episodes. Why am I worried? Rian does not have a very large...
  2. C

    My 'The Force Awakens' Non-Spoiler Review

    Fear not! No Spoilers here. I love this journey more than anyone and wouldn't spoil it at all. I write reviews daily on an external site, something I've always enjoyed, and wanted to share my 'TFA' review here for you all if you choose to read it. It's nothing spoilery, so don't worry - just...
  3. Kana Truden

    Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?

    I just finished the movie and holy poodoo. I loved it. Could be the new movie buzz, but I absolutely loved it. The spoilers follow below. I loved Poe, I loved Rey, I loved every single character. I will update this thread when my nerves chill out, but I figured this was a good thread to have...
  4. Shawn Withers

    Theory about Luke

    So, as some of you may know, There is a hidden fact where George lucas comtemplated the idea that in the film, Return of the Jedi, Luke would become evil. However as all of you know, he ended up as the Jedi, and the savior of the Rebels against Darth Vader and Sidious. However! Here is a new...
  5. A

    Starkiller Base (possible spoilers) So, this new planet/super weapon looks cool....but the whole SUPER UBER DEATH STAR thing seems...too much? Also, when more detail is given on the planet...
  6. Tefka

    This is a test of the new Episode VII spoilers prefix.

  7. C

    A Compiled Spoiler Synopsis of 'The Force Awakens'

    Found online, a devoted fan has compiled every rumour, set leak or photo for 'The Force Awakens' into a lengthy synopsis of the entire film. Read on for an idea of what happens, but beware - obviously spoilers may lie ahead, but as always most of these are unconfirmed from Disney / LucasArts...
  8. Jsc

    Clone Wars S6: Lost Missions, Spoiler Me Pls.

    Don't have Netflix, don't watch Clone Wars. That said, I would love it if someone would spoiler the heck out of the last two episodes from the Lost Missions with Yoda. I'm no Lore Junky, but I would love to know how Clone Wars S6 ties up the whole 'Force Ghosts' thing. Thanks in advance! :D...
  9. Tefka

    How to do Spoiler Tags

    This is how you do a spoiler.
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