Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. H

    Game  Star Wars The Old Republic & Chaos

    How many of you here also play SWTOR? Do you guys bring your toon from there to be played out here as well, or here in Chaos you create new chars to be used exclusively in the forum?
  2. Tarsus Kiyan

    Work In Progress  Ardent-type Heavy Star Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'To create a medical ship to support the growing crisis in the Outer Rim.') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon...
  3. Jacen Nimdok

    Approved Starship  Chernamila-class Shi'ido Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a star destroyer for future RP. Image Source: Dmitrii Ustinov Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Nizros-pattern Starlance Projector [Open Market] Primary Source: Cognition throne | Neural interface device PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Shi'ido...
  4. Martin Draigo

    Approved Tech  SM-12 'Nova' Star Mortar System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide an extremely powerful siege weapon for use by the Ashlan Crusade and GDI Incorporated Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: GDI Incorporated Affiliation: GDI...
  5. Laertia Io

    Starship Review  Lao-Mon Class Star Destroyer

    Intent: To create a Star Destroyer that hunts Battle Cruisers Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Tector-class Star Destroyer House Io Star Destroyer Leviathan of Sev Tok PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  6. Haon Hafey

    Approved Starship  Gauntlet-class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Star Destroyer, excelling at Multiple Engagement Ranges. Image Source: Here, Recolored by Rex Valhoun Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Alban Roble Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel Affiliation: The Elysium...
  7. Haon Hafey

    Ready For Judge  Gauntlet-class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Star Destroyer, excelling at Multiple Engagement Ranges. Image Source: Here, Recolored by Rex Valhoun Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Melliflous Magenta, Alban Roble Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel...
  8. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Children of Shiraya: The Passing of A Star

    "You may not always feel strong, but you can always be brave." - Baros Sal-Soren to a young Briana. How many years had passed since she last saw her mother and sister? Not since the night of her parents engagement over six years ago when she'd ran away with Brandyn. For months since the fall...
  9. E

    Work In Progress  Phalanx-type Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create one powerful SOB Image Source: (x), Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Not Applicable Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starlight Industrial Combine Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet Remnants (Secondary...
  10. Beltran Rarr

    Work In Progress  The Crucible [Obsidian Star Aerospace Facility]

    The Crucible [Obsidian Star Aerospace Shipyard Facility] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the in-universe assets of Obsidian Star Technologies and its subsidiaries, Obsidian Star Aerospace and Obsidian Star BioMed Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: OSA-18...
  11. Beltran Rarr

    Ready For Judge  The Forge [Obsidian Star Aerospace Shipyard Facility]

    The Forge [Obsidian Star Aerospace Shipyard Facility] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the in-universe assets of Obsidian Star Technologies and its subsidiaries, Obsidian Star Aerospace and Obsidian Star BioMed Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: OSA-18...
  12. Martin Draigo

    Ready For Judge  SM-12 'Nova' Star Mortar System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide an extremely powerful siege weapon for use by the Ashlan Crusade and GDI Incorporated Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: GDI Incorporated Affiliation: GDI...
  13. Jacen Nimdok

    Work In Progress  obsolete

  14. Jacen Nimdok

    Ready For Judge  delete

  15. Laertia Io

    Ready For Judge  Lao-Mon Class Star Destroyer

    Intent: To create a Star Destroyer that hunts Battle Cruisers Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Tector-class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards Affiliation...
  16. N

    Character  Narico Vesmir "The Flaming Star"

    NAME: Narico Vesmir “The Flaming Star” FACTION: Sith Empire RANK: Warrior / Acolyte SPECIES: Human AGE: 19 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’ 6 WEIGHT: 120 LBS EYES: Sun yellow/Brown hue HAIR: Brunette / Long Shoulder length (Under helmet) SKIN: Light olive (Under uniform) FORCE...
  17. Tristan Evore

      Wyvern of the Abyss | Dictator II-type Star Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To experiment Image Source: (x), edited by Credius Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Here Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Nagarth Holdings Primary Manufacturer: Affiliation: ( Market Status: Model: Production: Unique...
  18. Zahara Myneto

    Approved Starship  MC-100 'Vindicator'- type Star Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create out the most powerful Mon Cal battleship in the Alliance Image Source: (x) Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Not Applicable Primary Source: Startide-type Star Defender; ANV 'Ouroboros' Startide-type Star Defender; ANV 'Alliance...
  19. Race Tolsen

    Work In Progress  Reaper-type Super Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Image Source: (x), Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Jaegar Primary Source: Ragnarok-class Super Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Eternal Empire Primary Manufacture: Department of Advanced Weapons Research Secondary...
  20. Niki Priddy

    Approved Starship  Angyali Nyugalom - Eternal Empire Super Star Destroyer Factory Ship

    Intent: Submit a Super Star Destroyer Factory Ship for the Eternal Empire. Image Source: Source Canon Link: Factory Ship Wiki - Arc Hammer Factory Ship Permissions: Aegis SH13LD - (Open Market, Mass Produced) Phase III "Force Avenger" Energy Shield - (Permission) MP-042 "Skjöldr" Energy Shield...
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