Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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starfighter corps

  1. Maia Cameron

    Character  Maia Cameron, The Next Revenant

    MAIA CAMERON Call Sign "Dropout" Homeworld Fondor Age Young Adult Species Human Languages Multilingual Gender Female Height 5'6" Weight 129lbs Force Sensitivity No Faction Galactic Alliance Body GADF: Navy Assignment Starfighter Corps Rank Flight Officer Template...
  2. Idris Rozveeil

    Character  Someone Who Cares :: Idris Rozveeil

    fa-play fa-pause Biological Name: Idris Gavyn Rozveeil Aliases: Roz | siblings-in-arms Scarecrow Lead | squadron members and military command Species: Morellian Gender: Male Age: 124 Height: 1.96 m Build: Muscular, tall Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Force Proclivity: Force-dead Languages: Galactic...
  3. Laphisto

    Approved Lore  "Navigators of the Stars: Training Regimen of the Lilaste Order Navy and Starfighter Corps"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the training regimen for the Lilaste Order Navy and Starfighter Corps, ensuring a thorough understanding of their preparation, tactics, and operational procedures. This submission aims to enhance the realism and depth of naval and space combat...
  4. Katia Alkas

    Character  Dara Arvyd

    Music RAISE HELL Full name Daraho Arvyd Class(es) Pilot Birthworld Ringo Vinda Age Adult Rank(s) Sergeant Shadow Squadron Imperial Starfighter Corps Faction(s) Dark Empire Species Human Gender Female Force Sensitive No Character Alignment Chaotic Neutral Height 5'8"...
  5. Kelora Priestly

    Approved Lore  Commonwealth Starfighter Corps

    Commonwealth Starfighter Corps OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide greater background for the Starfighter Corps, and establish its hierarchy. Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google, Vecteezy. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me. Sample...
  6. Aerarii Tithe

    Approved Tech  Dark Empire Flight Suit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To equip starfighter units of the Dark Empire Image Source: Star Wars Legacy 14, minor edits by yours truly Canon Link: Flight suit TIE pilot Permissions: Technoid Manufactorum Primary Source: Armada Flight Suit Mk II New Imperial Flight Suit PRODUCTION...
  7. Darth Strosius

    Approved NPC  Wonosan Starfighter Corps

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out the naval forces of the Order of Wonosa. Image Credit: Made by Amara Satev using Midjourney, Minor edits made by myself. Role: The pilots of the Order of Wonosa's starfighters. Permissions: N/A Links: Order of Wonosa, Formos Campaign 6, Fleet of...
  8. Agathon Kell

    Character  Kosei Renard

    KOSEI RENARD Faction: Galactic Alliance Species: Amaran Homeworld: Metellos Gender: Male Age: 22 GSY Height: 1.52 Meters Weight: 46 kg Hair: Variegated fur (reddish-brown and white) Eyes: Green Skin: Black and pink fleshy parts Voice: Josh Keaton aas Spidey Kosei Renard was born on the...
  9. F

    Approved Starship  Aquillian-class Gunship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an effective gunship. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Silver Engineering Corps...
  10. D

    Character  Delilah Jones

    - GENERAL INFORMATION FULL NAME: Delilah Abigail Jones REGULAR NAMES: Del Dagger-6 SPECIES: Human GENDER: Female AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 5'9 FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative AFFILIATION: New Imperial Order OCCUPATION: Lieutenant DIVISION: New Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps PERSONAL HISTORY...
  11. M

    Character  Maren Kydd

    Overview Name: Maren "Marnie" Kydd. Age: 31 GSY. Gender: Male. Homeworld: Pamarthe. Known Residence: None, star-hopper. Faction: CIS. - Occupation: Starfighter corps, Captain. Mechanic. Force Sensitivity: Force Attuned. Species: Human, Pamarthen. Height: 5'9" Weight: 160lbs Build...
  12. E

    Major Faction Fly for Freedom | Fly for the CIS

    Credit to the amazing Srina Talon for finding this purty image.
  13. E

    Major Faction Pilots Wanted | CIS

  14. F

    Forim Viridux

    NAME: Forim Viridux CONCEPT: Pilot FACTION: Corellian Confederation SPECIES: Duros AGE: 20 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5’11 WEIGHT: 180 lbs. EYES: Red HAIR: None SKIN: Greenish Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: (Strength) Talented Pilot/Driver- Having spent much of his youth around...
  15. V

    Approved Starship  Reign, Heavy Bomber

    R E I G N Image Source: Anthony Devine // DeviantArt (x) Affiliation: First Order Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers Model: FIHIE Reign Modularity: No Production: Limited; First Order Material: Durasteel hull, Alusteel frame. Classification: Heavy Bomber Length...
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