Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Irumakka Sednava

    Adumar Advanced Starcraft Design and Repair

    Adumar Advanced Starcraft Design and Repair OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: (Please link to where you found any images used in the submission, or to the original artist(s) if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source...
  2. Arris Windrun

    LFG  Need a starship captain to take me to Nar Shaddaa

    Seeking a starship captain to take Arris here to Nar Shaddaa. Does your starship barely function? Great. Do your enemies show up at the worst possible times? Even better! Are you grizzled, old, maybe a bit mean or irresponsible? Love that. We could even get all philosophical and explore the...
  3. Edward Ashcard

    Approved Starship  Dragon LF1 TR 'Wyvern' Technical Research Freighter

    IMAGE SOURCE: AdamKop TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Technical Research Freighter Length: 40 m Width: 35 m Height: 7 m Squadron Count: None Hyperdrive: Class 1.0 Material: Fyrirdögun, Seigurium Light, Theadian, MRC, and Starship Materials STANDARD FEATURES Weapons: 2x Dragon SCG1...
  4. Edward Ashcard

      Dragon LF1 TR 'Wyvern' Technical Research Freighter WIP

    WIP Out Of Character Info Intent: To create an enlarged spy ship variant of the Dragon LF1 'Drake' Light Freighter Eternal Empire Image Source(s): Permissions: Eternal Empire Discord Primary Source(s): Dragon LF1 'Drake' Light Freighter Affiliation: Eternal Empire Model: Dragon LF1 TR...
  5. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  Tiber-II/LM Modular Starship Superstructure

    Image source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE Original Sub: [X] STANDARD FEATURES Meassurements: Length: 600m Width: 370m Height: 280m Ratings: Armaments: None Defense: Very High Energy: Very High Kinetic: Very High Thermal: Very high EMP/ION: average Sonic: low Corrosive: Low Radiation...
  6. Edward Ashcard

    Approved Starship  Dragon LF1 'Drake' Light Freighter

    IMAGE SOURCE: AdamKop TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Light Freighter Length: 33m Width: 28m Height: 6m Squadron Count: Very Low (3) Hyperdrive: Class 2.0 STANDARD FEATURES Weapons: 2x Dragon SCG1 Twin-barrel Coilguns 1x Flak Gun 2x M.I. Model 40-series Laser Cannons Defences...
  7. M


    STANDARD This includes all features standard Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines) ADVANCED SYSTEMS (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth...
  8. Kaila Irons

    Approved Starship  "Masquerade" Stealth-Courier

    View 1 View 2 OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Provide a suitable personal starship for Kaila Image Source: Here \ Here Canon Link: N\A Permissions: Enarc Trade League HPI Consortium Primary Source: Courier Starship PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Enarc Trade League...
  9. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Trade Federation Mobile War Foundries

    Wookieepedia - Mobile Munitions Complex | Gat Tambor Permissions Length: 3,000 Standard Meters in Length Width: 3,000 Standard Meters in Width Height: 3,000 Standard Meters in Height STANDARD FEATURES Standard Trade Federation Countermeasures Standard Trade Federation Security Systems...
  10. Niki Priddy

    Approved Starship  PGEM-Salvage and Support Vessel

    Intent: Create a vessel for both player and npc use on the open market. Image Source: Source Headers/Dividers made by me. Canon Link: Salvage Ship Permissions: Aegis SH13LD - (Open Market, Mass Produced) MP-042 "Skjöldr" Energy Shield(Open-Market, Mass Produced) Seigurium(Open-Market, Mass...
  11. The Dark Inquisitor

    Question  Starship Spreadsheet working?

    Hi factory Team, Hope you're all well. I've tried to use the starship spreadsheet, but it seems to be uneditable on my end. Am I doing something wrong or is it the sheet's fault? Please reply ASAP or as soon as you have availability to do so. If it is me that's wrong, then can you please...
  12. deplorable

    Work In Progress  untitled starship

    notes: -modified VCX-100 Light Freighter -home/base operations for future character (tech nerd, information broker) -maybe some inspo from ghost OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'To create a freighter for smugglers everywhere.') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the...
  13. Jack Sandrow

    "Pod" - Personal starship for Jack Sandrow

    (wrong sub)
  14. Spek Zhio

    Question  Regarding starship upgrade/affiliation update

    Probably a needless question, but it's more of an excuse to 'reopen communications'. Start posting here again. So, I've been absent for over a year and was hoping to return to RP. I was thinking of benching this character for now, or at least relegate it to a secondary role, and create a brand...
  15. Jada Raxis

    Public  Discounted Starship Repairs, come by!

    Tatooine Spaceport The smell of noxious and sweet tobacco filled the air as her match met her deaths stick, igniting the cherry, She let out a long plume of smoke, stashed the death stick in her ash tray and pulled out her guitar, strumming a backwater tune from her early spacing days in the...
  16. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Factory  Tutorial: How To Be The Factory Chad

    I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding… But since I have your attention anyways… I have a present for you… And this is what it looks like… So I've been working on this starship submission template passively for about 2 years now. I'm not the best BB coder on the site, but these things...
  17. Niki Priddy

    Approved Tech  PGEM-NBD

    *Shown in space saving configuration. Intent: Produce a standardized creature comfort system for PGEM production and the open market. Image Source: Headers/Section Dividers made by me. Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: AlloyPlast - (Open Market Mass Produced) Druetium - (Open...
  18. Niki Priddy

    Approved Tech  PGEM-VCR

    Intent: Produce a standardized communication system for PGEM and the open market. Image Source: Headers/Section Dividers made by me. Image Source- Scroll Down to AndrewG section of Image Posts Canon Link: Rectenna Permissions: AlloyPlast - (Open Market Mass Produced) Druetium - (Open Market...
  19. AMCO

    Approved Starship  Militor-class Autocruiser

    "You are operating in violation of Commerce Directive 442. The Globex Corporation is not liable for damages or loss of life arising from illegal resistance towards this interdiction operation. This extends to but is not limited to loss of life caused by this unit's inability to effectuate live...
  20. T

    Approved Starship  Z-97u-S Headhunter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a flexible starfighter for Tarish Galland. Image Source: Source Canon Link: Source Permissions: Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing - My Company Sleg Ultracapacitor - (Open-Market) Kirishima Cap Drain - (Open-Market) C-3a "Mercury" Class...
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