Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. ADM. Reshmar

    Mon Calamari Shipyards; Waverunner-class Modular Transport

    Waverunner Modular Transport Image Source: Me, Autodesk 3ds Max / Photoshop Affiliation: Open Market, Silver Jedi Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards Model: Waverunner-class Modularity: External modular utility/weapons pods. 2 external pod slots can be customized to add more offensive...
  2. Grimm

    Approved Starship  Star Voyager Frieghter

    Image Source: Affiliation: Umbrella Interest Trading, Open Market Manufacturer: Republic of Starcrest Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Minor Material: Reinforced Durasteel Classification: Support Freighter Length...
  3. Ellie Mors

    Approved Starship  Corporeal-class Freighter

    Image Source: AdamKop Affiliation: Open Market Manufacturer: Koros Spaceworks Model: KS-CCF Modularity: Some Modularity. (Factory submissions must be made for modified ships.) Production: Mass Produced Material: Durasteel, Desh-Terenthium, Vardium Classification: Freighter Length: 45 m Width...
  4. S

    Approved Starship  YT-2400 "Alderaan Queen"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a fine piece of Corellian engineering, held together by duct tape and space prayers. Image Source: Compilation image by me. Outrider by ColonialChrome Princess Leia by SeanE Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Clan Rekali [ ask ] [ approval ] Primary...
  5. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Starship  Heavy Assault Fighter-1

    Image Source: Affiliation: Closed-Market Manufacturer: Intergalactic Solutions Model: HAF-1 Modularity: Slight Production: Minor-Production Material:Terenthium and Desh...
  6. Ayden Cater

    Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

    Image by viperaviator Corellian Engineering, one of the oldest starship manufacturers in the galaxy, continues to make strides in aerospace and deep space designs. One can hardly find a planet in the galaxy that does not have at least one CEC product on it. And while CEC felt the effects of...
  7. Ayden Cater

    How to build a Starship 2.0

    This guide is archaic and has rules in it that are either outdated or no longer in use. This guide's rules are not to be adhered to unless posted under official Staff threads, ie the Starship Template. -Tef Original guide created by @[member="Mia Monroe"] Guide 2.0 created by @[member="Ayden...
  8. D

    Approved Starship  Ar'durv Assault Starfighter

    Intent: With many factions creating their own ships and technology, I feel that it would be a decent idea for the Hutt Cartel to have a string of ships and weapons unique to the faction as well as available on the blackmarket. This will be the fourth of a series of tech submissions aimed to...
  9. D

    Approved Starship  Borvo Starfighter

    Intent: With many factions creating their own ships and technology, I feel that it would be a decent idea for the Hutt Cartel to have a string of ships and weapons unique to the faction as well as available on the blackmarket. This will be the second of a series of tech submissions aimed to...
  10. D

    Approved Starship  Ootmian-class Star Frigate

    Intent: With many factions creating their own ships and technology, I feel that it would be a decent idea for the Hutt Cartel to have a string of ships and weapons unique to the faction as well as available on the blackmarket. This will be the first of a series of tech submissions aimed to...
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