Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Velran Kilran

    Private  Insanity is Strength

    Location: Jabiim Though the Resource Rush campaign on Jabiim finished a long time ago, Velran stood alone on the site of the battlefield taking in the cool wind bristling against his wrinkled skin. He gave a giggle when his large Moustache was tickling against his cheeks. He looked around the...
  2. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Strength and Fury

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Saahar Jutrand. The Sith Capital. Gerwald was loath to leave the confines of orbit while Naedira was recovering from her return. It had been violent, more so than Gerwald had accounted for. He often wondered if Srina had...
  3. Laoth

    Private  Trials of Strength

    Equipment: Sword of the Tenth | The Panoply Tags: Darth Saevius Location: Crucifix II-Class Destroyer - Sanguine Lady "It is our goal to be stronger, to achieve our potential and not rest upon our laurels. We are the seekers, not the shepherds." - Yuthura Ban Blue Devaronian eyes narrow as a...
  4. Vora Kaar

    Bounty  Hunt for the Sovereign of Strength (Closed)

    The Crimson saber tore through the troops. Cleaving in pieces. Their screams fueling the blade and it's strength. The power of the wielder, a Dark Sovereign was all that could be seen from the man who once was. Troops, Sith troopers, Sithspawn, and all that had once been the powerbase of the man...
  5. Sylvia Virtos

    Private  Hollow Strength

    My Prayers Have Become Ghosts Sylvia did not fight back anymore. Her strength was gone. From the moment the woman had been locked up in this lightless cell, the door would occasionally open to let in a guard. Sometimes she would be left barely enough food and water to survive, sometimes they...
  6. Valery Noble

    Private  Finding Strength Within

    Finding Strength Within Planet: New Cov Location: Ilic Time: Evening local time Tag: Aayla Shan Valery: Appearance Valery was walking through the streets of Ilic alone in the evening, lost in her thoughts while she stared up at the stars beyond the city's massive dome. Much quicker than she...
  7. Darth Empyrean

    Faction  The Strength in Pain │ Sith Eternal

    The Royal Academy Korriban 865ABY The days at the academy had grown relatively quiet after the invasion of Ossus. With so many of the acolytes brought from the security of Korriban to the frontlines to help strengthen the weakpoints of the Eternal's crusade down the Permian Hyperlane, there had...
  8. Judas of Vahl

    Dranok Lussk for Supreme Chancellor!

    A uniformed figure took the podium of the senate, a pair of 501st legion Stormtroopers flanking him. It'd been dozens of years since the last Emperor had stood in this exact spot, Palpatine. Oh how Dranok cherished the man, but he was a weak ruler. Order and peace were definitions of his regime...
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