Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sularen's war of purification

  1. Joseph Torson

    Public  Shadow over Seswenna

    SHADOW OVER SESWENNA CRISIS ON SESWENNA! In the wake of the collapse of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW following the destruction of it's throneworld of EXEGOL and the subsequent shift in galactic geopolitics with the collapse of numerous established powers, the FINAL DAWN would suffer a...
  2. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Trial by Shadows

    T R I A L_B Y_S H A D O W S FINAL DAWN PROJECT APOCALYPSE When Marlon Sularen first joined the Brotherhood of the Maw, he had done so with two goals in mind : To conquer the Core Worlds and the Deep Core and to get his revenge against all those who had wronged him, past, present and in the...
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