Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ren Sogan

    Private  A First Impression

    Valery Noble Soundtrack: John Williams - In the Jungle Night was falling fast on the planet Mimban. Too fast. On a remote corner of the planet-wide swamp, far from the settlements of the native Mimbanese - far from any trace of civilization, for that matter - Ren Sogan stood on the edge...
  2. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  High Above the Swamp

    The forested landscape of Dagobah was a far cry from the endless metropolis that was Coruscant. As she stepped from the shuttle landing pad, Cora craned her neck up to the great sprawl of ancient trees that held Dagobah's Jedi Temple. Constructed around the world's natural flora, it was...
  3. Kyriaki

    Approved Location  Swamp of the Martyred Forsaken

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on Tephrike. Image Credit: Here. Here. Here. The creepy pics show the exterior, whereas the inner sanctuary is brighter and more peaceful. Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Dominion of Light, Disciples of the Vader, Into Darkness, After Darkness...
  4. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  The Swamp Vanquisher

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally make a unique personal weapon for Karkosuchus Image Source: Melee Weapons!!! Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Saint Augustine's Power Hammer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Karkosuchus Affiliation...
  5. K

    Bounty  The Swamp Hunt

    Boom... Crack.... Thunder and Lightning swirl into the atmosphere above the Planet of Mancharakorkon. A light drizzle of Acid rain poured down from those dark clouds of gloom and despair which cover this once vibrant landscape. The swampy and polluted water moved slowly across the landscape...
  6. V

    Private  Shadows over the Swamp

    SHADOWS OVER THE SWAMP SHADOWS OVER THE SWAMP TAGS: Valery Noble LOCATION: Swamp World of Mancharakorkon, The Graveyard of the Mancharunk RELEVANT LINKS: Darth Mordheim | Mancharakorkon SPECIAL ITEMS: Shield Talisman | Cloak of Hate | Sith Spellbook | Sith Regenerator The World of...
  7. Arumi Zy

    Approved Planet  Hell Eden

    Image Credit Fish032 Deviant Art Name: Hell Eden Region, Outer System: Eden Primus Suns: 1, Yellow Giant Orbital Position: 2nd planet, Habitable zone Moons: Ordus System Features: Asteroid belt beyond Hell Eden Coordinates: 17, 20 Rotational Period: 27 standard hours Orbital Period: 381...
  8. Jun Nez

    Jun Nez

  9. Arrbi Betna

    Approved Location  Piryc Kurshi Vhetin

    Name: Piryc Kurshi Vhetin (Wet Tree Land) Classification: Swamp/Wetland Island. Location: Along the equator of Mandalore, directly opposite of Ruus'edee in the middle of a large swamp Size: A decently sized swampy island. Population: Insignificant Demographics: Wildlife Points of...
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