Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lily Decoria

    Private  Meeting the Noble Sword

    Outfit: Training gear Tag: Valery Noble Several weeks had passed since Lily had first arrived at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. She hadn't left the temple as of yet, the busy life on the streets still seemed too daunting for her and while she was still getting lost in the temple, Lily figured...
  2. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  A Boulder CAN teach a Sword and a Shield

    “Always hold fast to the present. Every situation, indeed every moment, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The life of a Jedi was of service. This was a service of protection, of strife, and of danger. This was not something...
  3. Elouan Tangi

    Approved Tech  Annezhadi Training Sword

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal weapon for Elouan Tangi Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Force Imbuement, Annezti PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Elouan Tangi, Annezhadi Monks Affiliation: Elouan Tangi [@], Annezhadi Monks Market Status...
  4. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  Khemostium Sword

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[ Intent: Create a line of Vibro Swords Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Vibroblade PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed-Market...
  5. Darth Strosius

    Approved Lore  Fleet of the First Sword

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish the fleet for the Order of Wonosa Image Credit: N/A Permissions: Permission to use the fighters and corvettes Links: Order of Wonosa, Altorius, Skep Klar GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: First Sword Classification: Patrol Fleet/Strike Fleet...
  6. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  Sword and Shield

    ‘I am not a teacher, but an awakener.’ –Robert Frost Caltin had not brought Dagos Terrek, out on assignment since taking him as a Padawan, this needed to happen but he needed to know what the Padawan still knew. He was already skilled when last they knew each other, but it had been some time...
  7. Kai Bamarri

    Approved Tech  The Reforged Sword of Tania Bayern

    Left to right: The reforged sword of Tania; massive statue depicting Tania holding the sword in her left hand and staff in her right. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To craft a sword/artifact with story potential. Image Source: Margarita Bourkova | Joon Ahn Canon Link: N/A Permissions...
  8. Aiden Porte

    Private  Just a form

    Coruscant Jedi Temple-Training Room Dreidi Xeraic Aiden was sitting in the training room in one of the the many chairs that was against the wall. He had made himself a promise that he would work more on his lightsaber technique. Especially with the incident with the criminal late in the...
  9. Apollyon The Betrayer

    Approved Tech  Longfang, The Betrayer's Blade

    L O N G F A N G OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify Apollyon's personal beskad and a potential reward for her defeat Image Source: Here Canon Link: Beskad Permissions: N\A Primary Source: Beskad \\ Vibroblade \\ Shockwave generator \\ PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Apollyon...
  10. Michael Barran

    Private  Sword Mountain

    Sword Mountain - Carannia's Watchtower The Druid's Domain Altitude: 3.48km Gravity (Valley Floor): 114% Gravity (Michael's House): 136% Gravity (Summit): 145% Carannia, one of the Empire's last bulwarks of the once-prominent Pellaeonist fold. Serenno's beacon of calm in an Age of Strife...
  11. Jax Thio

    Private  Sword of Destiny

    Location: Christophsis Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Tiland Kortun When Jax's Lightsaber was destroyed by Carnifex-Demiurge, he meant to create a new one. There was one tiny problem though, Jax lost his connection to...
  12. Valery Noble

    Private  Forging the Sword

    Kestri Appearance | Outfit | Weapons A new era has begun. After the NJO Council unanimously elected her as the new Sword of the Jedi, Valery began a journey to discover its true meaning. Much of what it represented was firmly established through those who held the title before, and through...
  13. Iris Arani

    Private  The Prodigies Of The Sword

    Times were changing. Again. The Maw had been pushed back on Tython. But Tython brought it's own scars to Iris. Not physically, but mentally. The shade still weighed on her mind, hovering overhead like a guillotine. She'd been pushing it away, aside to focus on trying to be the best Jedi she...
  14. Elysium Dusk

    Approved Tech  Dusk Reaper, Sword

    Intent: To be the personal swords of Elysium Dusk Image Source: [X] Canon Link: NA Permissions: Ingrid L'lerim (Headers) Primary Source: Soulsaber Manufacturer: Elysium Dusk Affiliation: Elysium Dusk Market Status: Closed-Market Model: NA Modularity: NO Production: Semi-Unique (2)...
  15. Spirit of Perseverance

    Faction  Sword of Reclamation | GA Victory at Empress Teta

    Tython was only the beginning. With the momentum of the Maw advance halted at the ancient homeworld of the Jedi, the Galactic Alliance turned the gears of its war machine to strike back and liberate lost planets in the core. Their first target — Empress Teta. With a massive battle station in...
  16. Silas Westgard

    First Reply  Way Of The Sword

    Objective: Train and practice Sorosu Location: New Covenant Tags: Open It was early morning at the New Cov temple, a day that showed an early promise of good weather as the bright sun sent a calming beam of sunlight through the windows. Silas, who had been kept up all night on the end rotation...
  17. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  House Io Citizen Energy Sword, Type 5

    Intent: Create a standard line of energy swords Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Citizen Energy Sword, Type 2 PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed Market Model...
  18. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  House Io Citizen Energy Sword, Type 4

    Intent: Create a standard line of energy swords Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Citizen Energy Sword, Type 2 PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special...
  19. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  House Io Citizen Energy Sword, Type 3

    Intent: Create a standard line of energy swords Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Citizen Energy Sword, Type 2 PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose...
  20. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  House Io Citizen Energy Sword, Type 5

    Intent: Create a standard line of energy swords Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Citizen Energy Sword, Type 2 PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed Market Model...
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