Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A

    Tech Review  Dark Side Talisman

    Found in the unknown regions beyond The Outer Rim, this talisman of the dark side wards off certain magicks, night invasions (nightmares) and probing of the mind. It contains four shards of Bled Kyber Crystal, and the metal was fashioned from ore of a Sith Lord’s Tomb. Art Source...
  2. Tytos Saxon

    Approved Tech  Itmala'ni Kadir Talisman

    I T M A L A ' N I K A D I R "I have studied the deep magics. I have ventured into the tombs of Korriban, the sepulchers of Onderon. I have bandied with spirits millennia years old, and I have won." - Tytos Saxon OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful Force artifact. Image...
  3. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Shaal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub an object for use in future RP. Image Source: Hanadan Jewelry telthona Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rhiannon Dinn Affiliation: Rhiannon Dinn Market Status...
  4. S

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Raven

    TALISMAN OF THE RAVEN OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Nightsister Talisman Image Source: Viking Talisman Raven Ring Canon Link: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Senka...
  5. S

    Personal  Talisman of the Raven

    TALISMAN OF THE RAVEN OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Nightsister Talisman Image Source: Viking Talisman Raven Ring Canon Link: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Senka...
  6. Darth Moskvin

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Witch

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create A Magical Talisman Image Source: X Canon Link: N / A Permissions: N / A Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation, Talisman of the Raven PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Clíodhna Affiliation: Clíodhna Market Status: Closed-Market Modularity...
  7. Darth Moskvin

    Ready For Judge  Talisman of The Witch

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create A Magical Talisman Image Source: X Canon Link: N / A Permissions: N / A Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation, Talisman of the Raven PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Clíodhna Affiliation: Clíodhna Market Status: Closed-Market Modularity...
  8. Vytal Noctura

    Approved Tech  Compass of the Eternal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A special gift for one in need filled with Holiday Cheer. Image Source: Etsy Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vytal Noctura Affiliation: Adron Malvern Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Electrum...
  9. J

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Chiroptix

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a magical talisman for the Nightbrother needing to spread his wings. Image Source: [ X ] Canon Link: Talisman of Transformation Primary Source: Metamorphosis | Chiroptix PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jorah zos Darnus Affiliation: Jorah zos...
  10. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  Sigils of the Soul

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a gem altered by Sith alchemy and Dathomiri Magic to house part of a being's soul and allows the user to transform into that being. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A...
  11. Kyyrk

    Approved Tech  Talisman of Sacrifice

    Intent: To create a specialized Force Focus with a twist Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Vylmiran Technological Industries Affiliation: Knights Obsidian, Mandragora Model: None Modularity: No Production: Semi-Unique Material: Force Crystal Force Focus: The...
  12. Via Dolorosa

    Approved Tech  Domine Aranea

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a ring of transformation Image Source: Google {Gothic Rings, actual link leads to Ebay} Canon Link: Talisman of Transformation Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Spiderclan Affiliation: Via Dolorosa...
  13. Qrylo Qykk

    Approved Tech  'Eye of Quay', Void Stone Talisman

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A force-dampening talisman for Qrylo Qykk. Image Source: 'Amulet Nord', by Ray Lederer, Artstation Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Void Stone PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Qrylo Qykk Affiliation: Qrylo Qykk Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  14. Darth Athora

    Approved Tech  Sith armor talisman

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A special talisman to complete the set Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Sith armor talisman Manufacturer: Hircine Affiliation: Hircine Modularity: N/A Production: Unique...
  15. V

    Approved Tech  Ring of the Gargoyle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create ring for Umai to find in her search for clues about her past Image Source: (My wedding ring) Canon Link: Talisman of Transformation Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Me PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Myself, Mandragora Model...
  16. Muad Dib

    Approved Tech  Talisman of Reflection

    TALISMAN OF REFLECTION OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create a talisman of reflection able to refract a force ability back to the attacker. Image Source: Ailsigr. Designer Artisan Jewellery Canon Link: concept derived from...
  17. Ellie Mors

    Approved Tech  Talisman of Heart and Soul

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To commemorate the binding of Irina and [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s souls and their entwined destinies. Image Source: John Malcolm Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: (These provided inspiration for this submission as they contain...
  18. Akhilleus

    Approved Tech  Naga Sadow/Exar Kun's Talisman

    Image Source: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Comics Intent: To bring to light a Sith artifact that is commonly overlooked/forgotten and expand upon it. Development Thread: The Dragon Within: 12 posts/6000+ words Manufacturer: Naga Sadow Affiliation: Naga Sadow -> Exar Kun -> Akhilleus...
  19. Akhilleus

    Approved Tech  Syn Talisman

    Image Source: (Closest to the Murr and Drepya talisman I could find.) Intent: To bring to light a Sith artifact that is commonly overlooked/forgotten and expand upon it. Development Thread: · Jedi Down (32...
  20. Vulpesen

    Approved Tech  Shadow Fox Amulet

    Image Source: (Edited from's_Amulet.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/185?cb=20120601173157) Intent: To give Vulpesen a personal artifact, as well as a new trick on the battlefield. Development...
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