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A rather disgruntled sigh escaped Victor as he felt his ship shift out of hyperspace. The Silver Sunrise was a beautiful ship in it's own right. Somewhat aged for it's time but it still existed as one of the most elegant ships the galaxy had ever seen. He turned into the cockpit of the ship...
Location: Taris, the Lower Levels
The former Jedi shuffled through the crowd deftly, avoiding those that milled around him, his hood pulled up over his head, eyes focused on what was before him, hands in the pockets of his jacket, pressing the lining to his body. He made sure that his sabers...
Figurines that fall like leaves they disappear, keep calling
It was more of comet now, she thought absently, staring at the red corona around the great chunk of death as it hurtled through the sky. A tail spread for kilometers behind it, and Xyra decided to use that to her advantage. Though it...
The Perserverance was a prison barge making its way to republic space via Taris. It was captained by a man who went by the name Ahab, a strange man, he was extremely dedicated to his job, but he had seen things most would never believe in his many journeys. The Perserverance carried 500...
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
Manta already disliked this planet. One could smell the pollution in the air, and the scrap metal buildings were nothing to admire, at least in her opinion. She was here for a specific reason, although that reason may or may not be incredibly dumb. As someone in search...
A world of cities, of people, of profit, and of pollution. Cities spanned continents, people numbered in the hundreds of millions if not billions of sentients. Pollution and corruption ran rampant while death stalked the lowest levels of the planet-city. A planet found and paved over...
Middle City
Neo-Crusader Outpost
Having returned to the vode from his long excursion into the black, he'd yet to fully tell his tale of what he'd gone through in the nearly eight month span of time that he was gone. There had been no communication between himself and Mandalore, or...
Lower city, Taris
Howl after howl the Rakghoul tore down the blockade Xav made to defend some settlers. The foul monsters had followed him up from the Undercity after they ripped apart the escape pod he had come in. Xav had heard stories if how the planet had under gone a century of wealth and...
Mereel landed his ship on the reconstructed planet, it was hard to beleive this place had once been destroyed by a deranged Sith. He walked through the streets to a bar where he was supposed to meet a contact. It was a Deathwatch officer. He was fed up with the osik and wanted out. He had seen...
Mandalorian Fleet, Taris Orbit
The order was given. The time had come. Manda'lor the Rebuilder had uttered a supreme edict to conquer in the name of the homeworld, and the world Taris was selected as first to fall to the warrior children of Mandalore. In less than a day's time, a congregation...