Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. 9-LOM

    Desert Thunder

    The heavy trudging of a dewback only a few feet away, and the tinkering of sand particles against their metal shell was all Nine could hear. There was nothing to see – not yet. They were trapped in a cloud of dust kicked up by a passing sandcrawler. "They" being 9-LOM and their client, a heavy...
  2. Illyria Syresh

    The Huntress and the Timid

    TATOOINE // TATOOINE SURFACE, MOS EISLEY, MARKETPLACE Armor: - Auxila Combat Suit Weapons: - Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade Status: - Feigned Confidence Interacting With: [member="The Huntress"] "I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find...
  3. M

    Approved Tech  Crystal of Allecto

    SIREN OF THE SANDS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new lightsaber crystal, the first of two from Tatooine. Image Source: Rakan Kamash, Artstation (x) (x) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Screams of Allecto, Siren of the Sands Manufacturer: Siverra...
  4. Krystal

    Scum, Villainy, and Pretty Girls

    Krystal needed to get off this planet. She had arrived on Tatooine not two days earlier, and already she could feel the grime of Mos Eisley settling over her skin. Her hair was braided atop her head as it usually was, but that didn’t seem to help the beads of sweat dripping down her back. The...
  5. Scherezade deWinter

    Kill a Slaver and You Know it, Clap Your Hands!

    T A T O O I N E M O S - E I S L E Y - D O C K Y A R D Her speederbike was a sweet ride, though Scherezade still had no name for it. Her mind was working a bunch on configuring how she could turn its purple pink; a personal sort of thing that she liked to do on occasion. Only a few of these...
  6. Helly Reyne

    Brand New Sheriff's Come to Town

    [Terry Hess] Greed was never something that drove Helly, so when she took up the position of Viceroy of Tatooine, it wasn't a power grab or a way to climb the ranks. It was solely to do her part in making the galaxy a better place, as naive and sappy as that may have come off to others. The...
  7. A'Runda

    A Traditionalist's Hunt

    Weapon: Gaffi Stick Post: 1 Leaving the desert city behind him the Tusken had already made great distance from the settlement. Now on the edge of the Jundland wastes, a far more rocky terrain and better environment for a Red Canyon Krayt Dragon. Out where the sand meets the rocks of the...
  8. Amilthi Camlenn

    B'Omarr comin'!

    A piercing pain from afar penetrated Amilthi's meditative state. It took a moment's investigation of the sensation to recognise it as such, and to determine its origin in her arm - so far was her mind removed from her physical existence at this moment. Amilthi forced her consciousness out of...
  9. VashtiVeridian

    "The desert is a natural extension of the inner silence of the body"

    Planet: Tatooine Location: Mos Eisley Year: 851 ABY Objective: Draw out "Old Dust" [member="Jakkor Kess'] Santosh gripped onto the small bag of food cubes as hard as he could and took off with the might of a interstellar ship. He ran swiftly through the crowds of Mos Eisley, between the vastly...
  10. A'Runda

    Coming out of Hibernation

    Tatooine | Western Dune Sea Walking along the top of a cliff A'Runda traveled alone at the edge of the Jundland Wastes. To the west was the Western Dune Sea that sprawled out farther then the eye could see, even from his elevated state. For the past two months the Force sensitive Tusken had...
  11. Mirvak

    Fury and deception. Rage and manipulation. Claw and candlelight.

    Theme. The duo stood side by side aboard the Candlelighter's personal ship, surrounded by his slaves. The two observed Tatooine through the bridge's window. A force of raw strength and rage, and a master of control and deceit. The two were nearly opposites in their methods, but they were united...
  12. Subject 5


    The man awakened in a near darkness. The only illumination, he received, was through the flickering of malfunctioning circuitry through the cracked, glass coffin he sat in. The man's breathing raced, as he tried to figure out what was going on, what was happening. The constraints of his prison...
  13. Mara D'Lessio Merrill

    Podracer Tailgate Party, Brought To You By ORC (Open for Hijinks)

    With the Harvest Day Invitational race right around the corner, you couldn't afford to stay home. The galaxy was broken -- everyone knew this -- so you had to take opportunities for fellowship and fun. And since the CIS had liberated Tatooine, there might even be more opportunities on the...
  14. Kurt Meyer

    The Harvest Day Invitational Race[Pod-Racing Tournament]

    Hello Anyone and Everyone! We are happy to announce the creation of a new galactic race day hosted by the Helios Racing Company, and sponsored by Kurt Meyer alongside Jamie Pyne. The Meyer Harvest Day Race will be an invitational Pod-Race open to anyone and everyone capable of paying the...
  15. Queen Bots™

    We've got the Moves like Jabba | CIS Dominion of Tatooine

    We've finally returned to the planet where we dropped a kajillion droids and ended up eating sand. We're picking up after the GE has departed and will be dealing with the aftermath of a missing Imperial influence. The CIS expands. This, more than anything, is a sign of that expansion. JOIN US
  16. Eternal Spark

    We've got the Moves like Jabba | CIS Dominion of Tatooine

    It has been six months since the last attempt of the Confederacy to free Tatooine from the clutches of the Galactic Empire. Since the events of Total War, the Galactic Empire had all but abandoned Tatooine, leaving its people to fend for themselves, leaving the sands prone for the takeover of...
  17. Danger Arceneau

    Final Tatooine Crowdsource

    Hi guys, Finally am finishing up the Tatooine sub. ( yeah it only took me a year). I managed to go through Codex, Factory, and the Public Roleplay forum to find all public threads and notable locations that could be found on Tatooine. However, while I did just scrub five years of public...
  18. Danger Arceneau

    Approved Planet  [Canon] Tatooine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the lore and chaos history of Tatooine on SWRP Chaos. Original Crowdsource Image Credit: Tatooine Wiki Canon: Legends Tatooine, Tatooine Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Tatooine Demonym: None Region: Outer Rim Territories System Name...
  19. A'Runda

    Desert Folk

    Making his way through the bustling neighborhood, A'Runda was no stranger to the desert city of Mos Eisley. Once he was, being one of the first places he visited after being exiled from his clan. He was little more then a young adult then. Fortunately his previously gained knowledge on Galactic...
  20. Aoman Quanto

    Once upon a Time in Tatooine

    The Tatooine Markets Aoman hadn't been there for 5 minutes, and he already hated the place. It was too hot, it was too dirty, and the stench was immense. Well, he was here now, so he had no choice but to press on and see what he could see. Small... people talking with each other at tables, in...
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