Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ali Hadrix

    CSAF Technology

    Below is a list of what CSAF writers have available to use from the Factory. These submissions were put forth by myself specifically for CSAF use only, with a select number of exemptions, such as units given to the Republic. Small Arms Verpine Assault Carbine Personnel Armor SHARBO Armor...
  2. Tanith Alde

    Approved Tech  HS-01 Blaster Rifle

    Image Source: Intent: To Develop a new and more powerful blaster weapon for the Sith Army Development Thread: If Necesarry Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries Model: HS-01 Blaster Rifle, AKA: Hot-Shot Model 1 Blaster Rifle...
  3. Tmoxin Temi

    The Techno Union [Faction Advertisement]

    We are The Techno Union Business. Technology. Oligarchy. Business Business is at the core of the Techno Union faction. But this doesn’t mean, we’re all stuffed suits, VIP, spice-snorting, power players (well, some of us are). The Techno Union vehemently protects its interests with a...
  4. Rusty

    Approved Tech  Rusty's Personal BFG (Gertrude)

    Image Source: This is close, though I'm not a huge fan of the P-90 style grip. Those things suck if you want any sort of precision aiming. Gives you a good idea of the size and approximate shape we're working with. Intent: A personal weapon for the character Rusty Development Thread: N/A...
  5. S

    Approved Tech  Go! Mobile Comlink

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a wrist comlink Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Wrist Link | Code Cylinder PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellia Digital Affiliation: Corellia Digital Market Status: Open-Market Model: Go! Mobile...
  6. S

    Approved Tech  World of Build-A-Bear Knights

    Image Source: Logo sourced from RuleDragon (DeviantArt) (photoshop manipulation by me). Lower image compiled by me using artwork by TheJackRabbit and NightRider480 Intent: Just as Shakespeare included a play within a play (Hamlet), we have a game within a game for Chaos. A massively...
  7. S

    Approved Tech  HoloStation 4

    Image Source: Logo drawn by me based on the Sony Group Playstation Logo; Lower Image from Gadgetsin Intent: An interactive holographic gaming experience for younglings, big younglings, the youngling at heart, and anyone else who secretly grew up loving The Legend of Tofu, Rebel Hearts...
  8. Lord Ajihad

    Approved Tech  MT-M16 Falsekill Pill

    Image Source: Intent: A substance developed to help the Sith Assassins escape tricky situations or other such things. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Mystic Tekk Model: N/A Affiliation: Sith Assassins Modularity: There are...
  9. Lord Ajihad

    MT-M16 Falsekill Pill

    Image Source: Intent: A substance developed to help the Sith Assassins escape tricky situations or other such things. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Mystic Tekk Model: N/A Affiliation: Sith Assassins Modularity: There are...
  10. Salvor Arnex

    Approved Tech  EC-I/EECC-I

    Image Source: Intent: to provide a set of specialized armor for Salvor Arnex's personal troops and to set them apart from the other units in the Tenebris Triumeritve...
  11. M

    Eshan Industrial Corporation

    Founding technological unit of Eshan and the Echani, Eshan Industrial Corporation (EIC), was formed out of a merger between Eshan Drive Yards and EchaniTech. This new corporation now offers services in design of droids, armor, ships, and light arms, and technology that goes along with these. If...
  12. Coren Starchaser

    New Horizons Pluto Misson So. I've been nerding out about this. The most clear images are on their way. This probe is heading out to our systems farthest major planet (charismatically speaking) This trip has been going on for near 9 and a half years with a launch of January 2006. She's finally...
  13. Zac Grayson

    Grayson Industries

    Corporation Name: Grayson Industries Headquarters: Medium sized headquarters Mayferria Locations: Mayferria Operations: Industries specializes in droid, medical, starship, and human enhancements. Willing to also make other tech items such as armor and weapons. Rationale: Founder and owner...
  14. T

    Services (Closed)

    Archive/Delete, if you would be so kind.
  15. Garza

    Technology Creation 101 - Factory 101

    Alright Ladies and Gents. Here is the kick off for the Factory 101 series I will be doing. So for the first part, I will do the Technology portion because so many technology subs are put in every day. I will be taking The Technology Template and simplifying it for you guys. *looks down at the...
  16. Blackhot

    Improving the Lightsaber

    I'm trying to compile of a list of all known lightsaber countermeasures. Anything from the EU, or used here on Chaos is fine. Examples include exotic metals, projectiles, alchemical weapons, biotech, etc. It is my hope that I can develop some improvements on the lightsaber to keep up with the...
  17. Arage Bao

    Neuro-Saav Corporation

    Ty’rel Holdings Ty’rel Holdings is the proud owner of patents in the exclusive technology of Baktoid Industrial and Neuro-Saav Technology, through cooperation with other leading partners in the market it also has vested interest in the ancient old Czerka Arms. Based of the planet of Lianna...
  18. Skyler

    Requests from Felicity's R and D lab

    If you have an idea for the Hand, technology or pathogen-wise, just let me know. I can be a slow poster, so I encourage you to take ownership of your ideas and make the appropriate submissions to the factory, but if you need a Felicity-cameo or poster in your threads or even some brainstorming...
  19. Darth Ayra

    Chandrila DataTech

    Chandrila DataTech is a Tier 2 technological firm founded on Chandrila, in it's capital Hanna City. It is ran, maintained and owned by it's founder, Alicia Drey, who also happens to come from Hanna City. DataTech was founded to create a gateway to technology on world, after Alicia identified a...
  20. Darth Metus

    Approved Starship  BR-0592 Kandosii

    BR-0592: The Kandosii* Intent: A medium bomber Development Thread: No Hero Unit: No Manufacturer: MandalMotors Model: BR-0592 (Bas'Bavar-series Bomber) Affiliation: Mandalorians Modularity: No Production: Mass Material: Durasteel Description: Among the great, collaborative projects of...
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