Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kyra Perl

    Artist  Insert and Go Templates

    Heya. Feel free to use any. If something's broken, let me know. If something's confusing, I'm happy to clarify. If you want something in particular, pass me an example and I'll get it up. Cheers.
  2. Ascendant Muse

    Art || Faction Post Templates

    Below you will find a collection of post templates that members are free to use. Enjoy!
  3. Kiff Brayde

    Artist  Kiff makes Things

    I'm going to try my hand at doing some Graphics (especially templates) since in my opinion the fastest way to commission some art is to do it yourself. And, just in case, you might want to get cleaning supplies. Things are going to get messy.
  4. Scherezade deWinter

    Bug  Can't access template via character account

    This is being asked for LeoraLiliana She can save the templates just fine: And she can also access them through her writer account, no problem: But, she can't access them through her character account:
  5. Huxy

    Huxy's Workshop

    [ Huxy's Workshop ] Galactic Empire Templates Vehicles __________________________ Starships __________________________ Weapons __________________________ Armor __________________________ Technology __________________________ __________________________ GWS Templates Vehicles...
  6. Quietus

    Species Templates 2.0

    Species Templates 2.0 Please choose from the following templates to use for submitting your species. Fauna Flora
  7. Quietus

    Location Templates 2.1

    Codex Location Templates 2.1 Please choose from the following templates to use for submitting your location. Generic Structure City Location Military Base Geographical Landmark Resource Mine Force Nexus Space Station Astronomical Object Hyperlane Starship Shipyard*New*
  8. Allyson Locke

    NPC Templates 2.2

    Codex NPC Templates 2.2 Please choose from the following templates to use for submitting your NPCs. Individual Beast Companion Droid Companion Combat Unit Group Ship Crew Starship Fleet
  9. Raziel

    Starship Template 4.0

    Starship Templates Lengths Applied As Per An Adjusted Anaxes War College System. For technical statistics start with all values at Average for a Mass-Produced vessel. For every increase either: Reduce the Production Value Reduce another statistic (e.g. increase speed, decrease defensive rating)...
  10. Quietus

    Codex Updates/Changes

    This is the thread where the Administration Team keeps a change log of what happens within the Codex. Check here and see the changes when they happen.
  11. Quietus

    4 New Codex Templates

    I am happy to present the 4 newest Codex templates for use by the memberbase. We are introducing the Beast / Droid NPC Companion templates as well as two new location templates for Restricted Materials Mines (to be used for planets that are already approved/canon for RM) as well as Force Nexus...
  12. Quietus

    Minor Codex Updates and new Codex things to come!

    Over the next month or so the Codex will be undergoing a freshening up. Myself and my team will be going through it with a fine-toothed comb to pull out inconsistencies and outdated materials, and to ensure that we are covering and providing the memberbase with the easiest and most...
  13. Voices of The Deep

    Character Bio Template Makeover! <3

    Alright so, a while after i started posting my characters template i started to notice some ppl using the same method or even using a lot of the stuff i used for mine in theirs. I don't have a problem with this of course, in fact i rather enjoy seeing my stuff passed around ^^. Not sure if i...
  14. Valiens Nantaris

    NPC Submission Templates

    Provided are the various templates you may use to submit your NPCs through the Codex. If you are unsure of which template to use please feel free to ask for assistance in the NPC Creation Questions thread. [/FONT]
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