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Intent: To submit a rebuilt Sith Library Temple on Krayiss II to replace the one that was destroyed by the Dominon, and to expand upon the lore of library temples and an under-used ancient sith-world.
Image Credit: None used.
Canon: Krayiss II Sith Obelisk and...
The last time he was on Kuar, he had felt the whispers calling him here, a quiet hiss in his mind that he wasn't sure any others had heard. But messages had gone out to those he trusted in the area and otherwise. Of what he had found, and what he suspected waited below. He had yet to breach...
Intent: To create a fun sit along location that is not a part of the contest but inspired by it
Image Credit: Christopher Balaskas, SWTOR Concept Art, "Sith" By Tara Reuping, DaniilAleksandrovich
Canon: N/A
Links: Athiss
Structure Name: Harja, The Broken Temple
Classification: Temple...
The tomb of Sith Jedi Knight Kroran has been sealed and unopened for thousands of years, covered in vegetation and surrounded by countless dangerous wildlife it's no wonder no one has heard about this tomb for many years. Until now it is as the location of the Tomb has been revealed along with...
We have friends visiting. You don't have to be a force user to stop by and say hello to them.
Intent: To set up a mix of temple and academy hidden below the sea of Katarr
Image Credit:
Canon: N/A
Hydrostatic bubble
Structure Name: The Drowned Archives
Classification: Dark Side Temple and Academy
The Sith Temple of Korriban
Intent: To create a training ground for members of The Resurgent Empire, on Korriban.
Classification: Temple/Academy.
Cannon: Yes, here.
Location: Korriban.
Affiliation: The Resurgent Empire.
The beauty and vast history that comes with the Great Sith...
The Sith Temple of Korriban
Intent: To create a training ground for members of The Resurgent Empire, on Korriban.
Classification: Temple/Academy.
Cannon: Yes, here.
Location: Korriban.
Affiliation: The Resurgent Empire.
The beauty and vast history that comes with the Great Sith...
Alderaan Jedi Temple
“Forest” by Titus Lunter – Deviant Art
· Intent : To construct a Jedi temple on the new planet of Alderaan
· Image Credit: “Forest” by Titus Lunter – Deviant Art
· Cannon: N/A
· Links: Alderaan ...
Somewhere In Hyperspace
On Route to the Unknown Regions.
Dear Seroth,
I planned to write you sooner, but things got a little crazy. You'll never guess who I found at Yavin!
A holopic selfie of her and [member="Jaxton Ravos"], grinning from ear to ear fell below, Teth's vast forests in the...
Rosa Gunn
boolon foundation
The Entry and Main Wall.
The Outer Temple Area.
The Inner Temple, where the magic happens.
Name: Temple of the Route to M4-78, also known as the M4-78 Mission.
Image Source: The first image is by Jung Park Jabrihino. It can be found here. The second image is a photograph of the...
Aela marveled at the scene before her.
She wore a thick EVO suit, rebreather, and heavy traversing gear meant for the surface of Sullust. Her eyes were locked on the already completed bio-dome of the New Jedi Temple on Sullust, its massive transapristeel expanse stretching almost into the...
Image Source:
Intent: This Structure was Created by Mythos to create another Gem in the One Sith Empire and to make a secret elite place for High Ranking members of the Sith...
Hello Friends, I've made a new character and I plan on RP'ing her here in the OS. I've made a thread where any and all of you can come join me at the Sith Temple and do whatever your heart desires.
Come RP with me, come steal some artifacts, grab a stormtrooper in the hall and beat him up, I...
OOC/ For any Ession Jedi trainees (or others) to jump in on. Otherwise this will slowly become a personal dev thread.
Jaani sucked air through his teeth and turned away from the task. Frustration was threatening to take hold, and he knew at that point it was no use trying to push on. The...
A tattered grey cloak moved with her every step tiny, a bit shy of five feet tall and hair bright as fire only occasionally seen as her hood shifted with her. Odd she come back here to the place that once was home, the place that once was everything to her. Now in the distance the sun beginning...
(Open to all Jedi that are currently or will be on Courscant so that I may receive a Master)
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Dar’rak, dismounted from his Speeder bike as he was done with another of his runs around the temple. It had been a daily past time for him as he was fueled with a desire to...
Well just try to restart things Ronin new persona here at the board. So to kick things off and maybe restablish his connection with both new/old jedi in the order. Am try to start a rp with the premise....
Where in pick up from where his Bio lleft off..... he was pick up and train by Sky for...