Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the confederacy

  1. Ascendant Muse

    Operation Infinity | CIS Dominion of Cularin (V, 39)

    A Calamity has gripped the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It is no secret that the greatest strength of the nation is her autonomous horde. While others need to sacrifice their sons and daughters in the name of expansion, the Confederacy only has to expend credits and metal. Thus, her...
  2. Ascendant Muse

    Aloha Archae | CIS Dominion of Archae Teuthis (U,40)

    | Mood Music | To witness how quickly Archae Teuthis evolved must have been jarring for its citizenry. Only decades ago, the far-flung world had existed on the fringes of everything. As it was not along a major Hyperlane, commerce and outside interaction was minimal at best. Therefore, the...
  3. Ascendant Muse

    Into the Deep | CIS Dominion of Roon (Y,48)

    R O O N Templar Sanctum Local Time: 2027 Hours Decades ago, when Roon was the crown of the Southern Systems, an archaic congregation devoted themselves to the defense of its people. They cared not for where one stood in the Force, but rather used everything at their disposal to make the lives...
  4. G

    Approved Starship  Cannok-type Transport

    C A N N O K T Y P E Intent: A primary transport for members of the Mandalorian Protectors Image Source: Lazar Kacerevic Canon Link: N/A Restricted Mission(s): N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer(s): Mandalorian Protectors | The Confederacy Merrill-Valkner Systems Engineering...
  5. Maggie-Rae Americus

    Maggie-Rae Americus

    Maggie-Rae Americus FACTION: Mandalorian Protectors | [CIS] RANK: Verd [Warrior] SPECIES: Human AGE: 28 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’8” WEIGHT: 130lbs EYES: Greenish Brown HAIR: Various colors SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: No Soundtrack
  6. Malok

    The Dread Queen | Flagship of the Dread Fleet

    D R E AD Q U E E N Intent: Personal Flagship of the Vicelord's Dread Fleet Image Source: Vadim Sadovski & Star Wars: The Clone Wars Canon Link: N/A Restricted Mission(s): First Dominion of April Second Dominion of April Third Dominion of April Primary Source: CNS Midnight Exigent...
  7. F

    The Turn [Alessandra]

    BHARATA [HR] Chunapur District, Kala Trade Centers Meeting With [member="Alessandra Creed"] Fiolette had a meeting with the Minister of Commerce and to be honest she suspected that a meeting with someone within the Confederacy. Minister of Commerce? She arched a brow in the mirror. The...
  8. Ascendant Muse

    Golbah City | Capital of the Confederacy

    G O L B AH C I T Y The City is a Symbol. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems returned to prominence, it made a promise to all its member worlds. It would not rule them, it was no Empire, but would instead work alongside them. Golbah City was the physical incarnation of this promise. As...
  9. Malok

    Approved Tech  Project GARUDA | Obsidian-type Strike Armor

    O B S I D I A N S T R I K E Intent: An iconic armor option for the Knights Obsidian. Image Source: Shadow Warriors (Fury Ghost) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source(s): Taozin Beskar’gam, Oriramikade Eukgar'gam Manufacturer(s): The Confederacy of Independent Systems...
  10. Malok

    Approved Tech  Project GARUDA | SI-001 Solar Ionization Cannon

    S O L A R I O N I Z A T I O N OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: A primary weapon for use upon Confederate Dreadnoughts Image Source: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Canon Link: Solar Ionization Cannon Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer: The...
  11. Ascendant Muse

    Expedition: Dragonflower | CIS Dominion of Hex (T, 43)

    E X P E D I T I O N The Dragonflower Nebula. One of the more constant themes of the Galaxy is Discovery. No matter which powers seize dominance across the stars, one truly never knows if they truly control it all. From the ancient Republic to the archaic Empire - nations have risen to be...
  12. Ascendant Muse

    Flashpoint: Maramere | CIS Dominion of Maramere (S,48)

    Those who do not learn from History the first time are doomed to repeat it. Maramere had never been valued for its people or its beauty. From the moment the Darkness ended, the distant planet had only been craved for an impossibly scarce resource. To this end the world danced between numerous...
  13. Ascendant Muse

    Night to Remember | CIS Dominion of Stewjon (S,50)

    S T E W J O N As the light of day began to wane, a new sound joined the chorus of evening crickets. For many moons, this was not the case. The distant world known as Stewjon had forgotten what rest looked like. What Peace felt like. When the Sun made its daily descent beyond the horizon, it...
  14. Malok

    Approved Starship  Mandragora-type Fighter/Transport

    M A N D R A G O R A OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A reward for participants of the Confederacy's Codex Contest Image: Click Image Source: Alistair Macintyre Canon Link: White Current Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Confederacy | In...
  15. Malok

    The Fortressa | Flagship of the Confederacy

    T H E F O R T R E S S A OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The Flagship of the Confederacy of Independent Systems Image Source: Etienne Beschet - Personally Photomanipulated Canon Link: N/A Restricted Mission: Dominion of Haseria - Third Completed CIS Dominion (February) Primary Source: N/A...
  16. Malok

    By the Blood | The Battle of Concord Dawn

    C O N C O R D D A W N This had been a long time coming. As the saying often went: "Mandalorians have long memories." And, throughout modern history, their Clans had made a point in living out this mantra. One such Clan, known simply as Verd, had an Alor which held a lofty office within the...
  17. Malok

    Approved Vehicle  CV-1776 Freedom Wing Speederbike

    F R E E D O M W I N G OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: A reward for CIS-aligned participants of the Tatooine Invasion Image Source: Aaron de Leon Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer: The Confederacy Model: CV-1776 Speederbike...
  18. Queen Bots™

    Lungs to Dust | CIS Dominion of Katanos VII

    Life is not easy for the people of Katanos VII. It had never been. Never would be. Once home to booming business due to a surplus of Cortosis Ore the state of the planet has fallen on desperate times due to ore becoming scarce. Just when the people seemed to be at their most...
  19. Ascendant Muse

    Seven Seas | CIS Dominion of Leritor

    L E R I T O R Fine Dining | Dance Floor | Performances | Promenade Decades ago, the resplendant world was apart of something greater. Her people shared in the ideas of Freedom and Prosperity - ultimately joining hands with a community of southern systems. For a time, this community flourished...
  20. Malok

    Approved Tech  Confederate Service Dress Uniform (C-SDU)

    D R E S S U N I F O R M OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A standard, Service Dress Uniform for members of the Confederacy. Image Source: Aldo Vicente Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Confederacy Model: C-SDU Affiliation...
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