Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the enclave

  1. The Quartermaster

    Approved Planet  Kestri

    "It's more than just the future of our people. It is home." - The Quartermaster OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a planet of Mandalorian heritage to serve as the Enclave's capital and alternative Mandalorian homeworld. Image Credit: x Canon: N/A Permissions: Breshig War Forge...
  2. The Quartermaster

    Faction Ad  Daba'r | The Enclave

    D A B A ' R The continent of Daba'r, or Beginning in Mando'a, is the location on which Mand'alor the First rallied his people. It is on Daba'r that the Mandalorians -- their heritage, their legacy -- was created. Purchased by the Enclave from the government of Roon, Daba'r is a place where...
  3. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  Si'kahya Beskar'gam | Rekr Variant

    S I ' K A H Y A B E S K A R ' G A M "For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." - Common saying among Rekr Warriors OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Rekr variant of the Si'kahya beskar'gam for the Mandalorian Enclave. Image Source...
  4. W

    Faction  The Call of Mandalore | SoM & The Enclave

    ECHOY'LA IJAAT TAYLIR SONS OF MANDALORE SPACE NEW IMPERIAL ORDER The great mount had been climbed and the once Sith throne world of Bastion had fallen beneath the Iron Sub of the Imperial crest once more. Thus, the campaign of the Braxant Run was complete and harkened the second step of the...
  5. The Quartermaster

    Vode An | The Enclave

    Join the Enclave
  6. The Quartermaster

    Campaign  Chu'Mar | The Enclave & Mandalorian Union

    R E D E M P T I O N The Enclave The Quartermaster was no warrior. From the time she'd been old enough to understand what was happening around her, the various intricacies of her culture, she had always innately known that her path was to become a master of the Forge. The fires and bellows...
  7. The Quartermaster

    Character  Alea Varad | The Quartermaster

    T H E Q U A R T E R M A S T E R Information Name: Alea Varad Allegiance: The Mandalorian Enclave Titles: The Quartermaster Species: Human [Mandalorian] Homeworld: Mandalore Residence: Kestri Age: Middle-Aged Sex: Female Height: 5’7” Weight: Lightweight Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color...
  8. The Quartermaster

    This is the Way | The Enclave

    Join the Enclave
  9. The Quartermaster

    Approved Starship  ENCL-G10 Oya'karir-class Light Gunship

    E N C L - G 1 0 O Y A ' K A R I R "There were only so many who broke free of that blockade. Everyone talks about how fire rained from the sky. . . but no one speaks of those who died to the vacuum of space." - Unknown OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a light gunship for the...
  10. The Quartermaster

    Faction  Metalsmithing 101 | The Enclave

    T H E F O R G E Metalsmiths. Gunsmiths. Forgemasters. Those who had labored at the forge instead of fighting on the battlefield had gone by many names throughout the centuries of endless Mandalorian conflict. They had always been a small minority who practiced a craft that was hard enough to...
  11. The Quartermaster

    Faction  Into the Jungle | The Enclave

    D X U N The pre-recorded holomessage winked on. "If you're listening to this, this means that you've volunteered for the mission. Good for you." "Dxun is the moon of Onderon, in the Silver Jedi Concord. It's unpopulated, probably because the whole moon is covered by jungles and inhabited by...
  12. The Quartermaster

    Private  Hidden Fissures | The Enclave

    S E V T O K The pre-recorded holomessage winked on. "Listen. I know that this isn't exactly what you signed up for, but it still might be of interest." "The place is called Sev Tok. It's an uninhabited world, probably because of the constant seismic quakes and volcanic activity. Thing is, I...
  13. The Quartermaster

    The Forge | Enclave Marketplace

    T H E F O R GE We’ve moved shop - come visit the Ji’yr Market for all your Mando tech needs. The Enclave is a gathering for all Mandalorians, and the Forge is a place for Mandalorians in the Enclave to try out new weapons, discover new items, and prepare themselves for future battles to come...
  14. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  The Huntsman's Pack

    H U N T S M A N ' S P A C K "I killed them all. Every last one of them. Every. Single. One." -Unknown OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an exotic weapon for future roleplay. Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  15. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  The Swordbearer's Legacy

    S W O R D B E A R E R ' S L E G A C Y "Thousands of generations have fought with this blade. They now live on with you." - Inscription on the Grip OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an exotic weapon for future roleplay. Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary...
  16. The Quartermaster

    Faction  New Beginnings | The Enclave

    R E B I R T H The Enclave Mandalorians, by nature, were not a people of peace. They were born to pillage and plunder, to conquer the galaxy. Fighting and war was in their blood. But, as a consequence, their blood was spilled often. Over the centuries as Mandalorian civilization had recouped...
  17. The Quartermaster

    Work In Progress  The Enclave

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location to facilitate future roleplay. Image Credit: x x x x x Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Enclave Classification: Haven Location: Roon Affiliation: The Enclave Accessibility: The Enclave is a...
  18. Siv Dragr

    Codex Denied  .

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