Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the scintilla

  1. Felmorante L'lerim

    Private  Fetters of Old

    Felmorante's room with the Eternal Empire had been left alone after the Empress' internment. The young girl having retreated inside the room and seemingly never come out with the news. Even with the letter reassuring her that this had all been according to plan. She had done little more than...
  2. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  It Could be Bunnies | Agents of Chaos & Open

    The summer months in the sphere of Eve were slowly coming to an end. The evenings were cooler than they had been of late, and a lovely breeze decorated the faces of those who left their homes in the early morning hours. The sky above was painted a lovely blue, and even the clouds offered specs...
  3. Bella

    Private  Lesson of the Day

    Wearing: Phase IX Anti-G Suit (No Helmet) Location: Hangar Bay, Fleet Academy of Scintilla - Scintilla Valkur Her favorite instructor at the Fleet Academy of Scintilla had told her that in order to master a skill, one would eventually have to teach it to someone else. That woman, a former...
  4. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Rebuilding Hope | Agents of Chaos & Friends

    Following the events on Siskeen and Ryloth, it was time for the Agents of Chaos, at least for a little while, to return home. Part of the war had gone precisely as planned; their voices had been heard, were still being heard, the Altar of Spirits had been destroyed despite the attempt to protect...
  5. Niki Priddy

    Private  Just Breathe

    Niki had woken up late by her standards. The clock reading 1300 as she turned over in her bed to spy the device. It was still working hours for most, and she could feel more than hear the ongoing efforts to repair the damage that had been done to the sphere her office was located in. The...
  6. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Lore  Slavery on the Scintilla and Within the Agents of Chaos

    Intent: An official publication to settle the matter of slaves on the Scintilla and with the Agents of Chaos. Image Credit: Category headers by Scherezade deWinter Canon: No. Permissions: n/a Links: Eve HOPE Agents of Chaos The Scintilla Lamta Media Name: Slavery on the Scintilla and...
  7. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Starship  Hassof

    Intent: To create a spherical space station that will serve as the center for refugees on the Scintilla. Image Source: X | X Permissions: Phalanx Testudo permission given over Discord [screenshot]. Permissions to use Lucerne Labs products requested here, permission granted here. Canon Link...
  8. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Office Replacements

    Thorus Arwyn It wasn't her office, per se. Well, it be truthful, it wasn't her office at all. But with her sister, the Head of the Hunt, now held by Coalition forces until further developments, Scherezade found herself spending more time her, with both Baal and Duckie deWinter. While worry...
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