Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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thelma goth

  1. Amani Serys

    Private  Volunteer Shift

    Though the number of healers had increased since Amani first joined the Order, there was always a sense that they could do with more. Whether patching up Jedi, or taking in transfers from Galactic City Medical, it never hurt to have a few extra hands on deck. Thankfully things had been...
  2. Thelma Goth

    Private  Blue Jacket

    "I need some buttons," Thelma said, holding up a sample she had picked up in a thrift store. "Like this one." The giant Thisspiasian took the button, looked at it, then grunted. "How many?" "Um... Seven or eight? That counts as one, so seven would work." "Six." "O-Okay," she mumbled. "How...
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