Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. T

    Character  'Theo' Vane - Mandolorian

    CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE TITLE/CHARACTER NAME GOES HERE Character images go here. NAME: Give your character a name, even if it might not be their real one. Remember, be original and don't use canon names unless they are Mandalorian names such as Ordo, etc.Theo'vane FACTION: A faction...
  2. Théodoro

    Hell and Back | Chapter 1

    Following the events of the Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia The Sun Guard slashed through the space where his opponent’s neck should have been but tumbled instead into a cold nothingness. The void swallowed him whole, letting him fall and spin until he had lost all sense of...
  3. Théodoro

    Character  Théodoro Pirran -- Prodigal Sun Guardian

    Personnel File: 8436-TAF/SG-TP. Nickname or Alias: Present: Theo. Previous: None. Titles: Current: Stellar Legionnaire. Previous: Champion, of Various Gladiatorial Matches and Tournaments. Stellar Initiate. I N F O R M A T I O N Species: Near-Human. Subrace: Thyrsian -...
  4. Theodosius Organa

    When will the Shadow Fall and the Sun Rise Once more?

    Location: Alderaan Delegation Vessel Time: After the party at the Tree of Life republic Party Theo looked over the crystal decanters filled with different colored liquids. The decanters themselves were beautiful ornate deigns and must have cost a pretty hefty sum. The clear blue material and...
  5. Théodred Heavenshield

    Double post.

    Double post, please delete or archive. Thanks.
  6. Théodred Heavenshield

    Approved Location  Yggdrasil

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a home for Boo and Theo Heavenshield while in residence with the Silver Jedi on Kashyyyk ​Image Credit: Tree House | Boo's Bedroom | Théo's Bedroom | The Chiller | Boo's Pray Platform Canon: N/a Links: Théo and Boo's arrival to Kashyyyk, Théo...
  7. Theodosius Organa

    Approved Tech  Theo's Staff

    Theo's Staff OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION · Intent: A personal weapon for Theodosius Organa · Image Source: · Canon Link: N/A · Restricted Missions: N/A · Primary Source: Force-Imbued blade, Force Weapon , Master Vodo’s...
  8. Matsu Ike

    Approved Starship  The Tarly (Théo's Yacht)

    Image Source: Star Yacht Affiliation: Unique [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry Model: Saotome Jedi Yacht Modularity: Highly Modular Interior Production: Unique Material: Quadanium steel (frame) Alusteel (hull) Sasori Synthweave Turadium (door) Absorbital (interior)...
  9. Ronin Wendigo

    It happen one night......(by invitation)

    It had seem about just about more than couple years ago when two them met. Caught in heat of the moment during one his many mission face death at moment notice. The two them got separated from the others left on their own they somehow got thru it. Found some days after by scout and one the...
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