Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pilgrims is a thread series about visiting and learning from quirky, obscure, non-human Force traditions. Dozens of writers, hundreds of posts.
I Just Happen To Have A Chance Cube Here (The Pilgrims 0.5, you could say) involved learning Suerton probability manipulation. (51 posts)

The Pilgrims: Unlearn What You Have Learned took us to the 'blue banthas' on Entooine, where we learned to share memories or make them unforgettable. (24 posts)

The Pilgrims 2: Life Creates It took us to Sedri, where a divine coral colony taught us to share our Force energy with friends from far away. This ability would later play a crucial role in opposing the Sith Eternal assault on Ossus. (34 posts)

The Pilgrims 3: Progenitor's Call took us to Ahto City on Manaan, where the Selkath Order of Shasa shared their signature techniques with us. (77 posts)

The Pilgrims 4: Not This Crude Matter involved learning from a dying, ancient Mist-Weaver, a pre-Jedi Force tradition. (41 posts)

The Pilgrims 5: Feel, Don't Think took us to Gesaril, where the locals taught us a healthier relationship with our emotions through their unique carving-based Force tradition. (20 posts)

The Pilgrims 6: Unwholesome Pursuits (dark side) took us into the hostile Drengir Root-Mind, to learn about hive minds and spiritual planes. (36+ posts)
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    Jend-Ro Quill

    The Pilgrim
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    Was actually very friendly
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    Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
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