Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A

    Public  The Thorn in The Petals

    Anak has spent what felt like a life time in Darkness. His namesake, his ship, and his Mistress all were Shadow. Now to be back, to return from death and have to make Ashla, The Light his Mistress. The Former Sith groaned. Ashla was a chaste and coy lady. He had never wanted to chase her, and...
  2. C

    Private  Broken Promises

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Location: Courtyard, Jaemus Tag: Romin Renoux It’d been some of the loveliest weather she’d ever borne witness to in her lifetime on Jaemus, yet she hadn’t been able to enjoy it - not entirely. Turning from the fountained courtyard, her skirts twirled around...
  3. Tolmeh Thorn

    Character  Tolmeh Thorn

    NAME: Tolmeh Thorn FACTION: The Braxant Covenant RANK: Justicar SPECIES: Human AGE: Mid 20s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1" WEIGHT: 170lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Olive FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes APPEARANCE: He stands straight and tall, with his wavy brown hair and brown eyes with a hard kindness deep...
  4. Darth Themis

    Thorn of Ashla

    Intent: To create Unique Alchemized Swords to be found across all of Ession Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Sith Sword PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Serpents of Ashla...
  5. The Girl In Green

    Private  Oak and Ash and Thorn

    Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes. It is a strange thing, is it not? The Force? That ancient stream of life and death, connecting everyone and everywhere and everything, is so...
  6. E

    Major Faction A Balance. An Energy. The Force. | Knights Obsidian, CIS

  7. Rience

    Faction  Crown of Thorns || Knights Obsidian

    APATROS Their ranks were diminished. The Cataclysm had been a sobering event for the Knights Obsidian. In but the span of a single day, thousands of their midst were wiped away. Either transfigured into terrifying beasts, or ripped apart by them. In the wake of this disaster, the order had...
  8. Jairus Starvald

    Friends On The Other Side

    EMPRESS TETA [member="Thorn"] Every world, city, place of urbanization had its margins. Places where the law crept away into the shadows and hoped that it wouldn't be noticed by what crawled by. Empress Teta was no different in that regard. In fact... it had more of that than most planets...
  9. Garza

    Approved Tech  AA - FSA "Thorn"

    Image Source: Artstation Intent: To create a weapon to be used with flechette rounds for private customers of Cerberus Enterprise. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Cerberus Enterprise Model: AA - FSA "Thorn" Affiliation: Cerberus Enterprise purchasers/and or people provided as reward from...
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