Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. LT-137

    Thyrsian Culture and Species Lore.

    herp derp Despite being flavoured by the regional dialects of its people and various tribal customs, the Culture of Thyrsus fundamentally remains as a warrior society. Formed upon the three pillars that are commonly seen amongst similar sentient collectives, those of martial strength...
  2. LT-137

    Character  Khonsu Amon, the Supreme Sun Guardian

    Personnel File: 0116TSF/SG-KA. Notable Aesthetic Differences Seen on the Supreme Sun Guardian's armour, as it supposedly varies from engagement to engagement. Nickname or Alias: Present: None, Currently. Previous: Slave. One-One-Six (Thyrsian Special Forces Callsign.) Titles...
  3. Matsu Ike

    Monica Troy

    NAME: Monica Troy FACTION: Jedi RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Thyrsian AGE: 19 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 6' WEIGHT: 145 Pounds EYES: Black HAIR: Black SKIN: Black FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
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