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Corporation Name: Clan Vereen Mercenary Corps
Headquarters: Concordia
Locations: Concordia, Mobile Fleet
Private Security
Mercenary Work
Bounty Hunting
Assassinations (Limited)
Rationale: As the Alit'Buir of Clan Vereen Draco decided to Incorporate the small paramilitary force...
Corporation Name: Justice Shipping Ltd
Headquarters: LC-2, Roche Asteroids.
LC-2: military base and shadow port in Roche Asteroids
Merc weapons HQ: headquarters of Merc Weaponry. An embassy was set up at this location as part of a contract with this organization.
(Style of submission borrowed from Titan Industries)
Spaarti Creations
Headquarters: Cartao
Spaarti Factories: Cartao Yuuzhan'tar & Oberon
Ethan left Corellia for Alderaan and found himself a small job at an upstart swoopbike company and...
Corporation Name: The Primeval Fleet
Headquarters: Bastion
Locations: Dubrillion,Telos, Echoy'la, and Chiloon Rift
Operations: armours, starships, weapons, vehicles
Rationale: The Primeval operate industry out of their military and thus it is necessary that its organization stays true to...
Corporation Name: Bright Star Entertainment Group
Headquarters: Based from an Ackbar Cruiser “Bright Star” based in Geosynchronous orbit around Lianna
Locations: Lianna (Rio Vivo District), Office on Roon, Resort on Makeb, Sabarene, Casino in Tion Trade Nexus and Gaming at every ATC...
Corporation Name: Rendili Stardrive
Headquarters: Rendili
Locations: Rendili, Quellor, Humbarine, Shri-Tal, Voss, and Vaynai
(Always looking for more)
Operations: shipbuilding, minor vehicle production, droid construction
Rationale: Camellia inherited the shares from her grandfather who...
Archived: new canon owner 3.8.17 by cira
Corporation Name: Incom Corporation
Headquarters: Eriadu
Manufacturing Centers – Sluis Van, Elrood, Belsavis, Fondor, Mon-Calamari (Contracted) | Research and Development Center – Anoth System Space Station
Locations: After the events that effected...
Corporation Name: MandalTech
Headquarters: Taris
Locations: Taris, Wayland, Mandalore, Cathar, Yavin IV
Operations: Manufacturing/Development of Personal Weapons and Armour, Mining ships and equipment, prison ships and equipment, Basilisk War Droids, Fuelling stations, orbital factories and...
House Verd, Incorporated.
Out of Character Information
Image Source: Gavin Bird
Canon Link: Arakyd Industries
Development Thread: N/A
Primary Source(s): Arakyd Industries, Stargo Defense Enterprises
Corporation Information
Corporation Name: House Verd, Incorporated
Headquarters: Vulpter...
Corporation Name: Daw Motors, Subsidiary of MandalMotors
Headquarters: Bothawui
Operations: Daw Motors is a speeder manufacturing company. They deal mainly in the production of atmospheric civilians vehicles and parts for said vehicles. Many privately...
Corporation Name: Phenex Industries
Headquarters: Hypori
Locations: Regional sales offices throughout the Core; limited factories and shipping offices on Kuat, Lianna, Corellia, Mon Calamari, Nal Hutta
Operations: Although Koensayr manufactures a number of proprietary starships, its main...
Corporation Name: Emeritus Industries
Headquarters: Sluis Van
Locations: Abregado-Rae, Malastare, Dentaal, and Thyferra
Operations: Weapons, armor, starships, droids, starfighters... Essentially any and all things war.
Rationale: Full-scale rebranding for the company to rise...