Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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tingel arm coalition

  1. Fynch

    Public  Message of The Arm | Tingel Arm Coalition

    SANCTUARY SENT TO THE ENTIRE GALAXY "Greetings. My name is... was Solarus Fynch. You don't know me yet, but I am willing to indulge you all with a story. I was, at a time, the democratically elected official of Lothal and her people. Look back only a year and my Lothal Protectorate stood...
  2. Tingel Arm Coalition

    Tingel Arm Coalition

    TINGEL ARM COALITION ARM OF THE RIM The Outer Rim has grown tired of Empires. The Tingel Arm Coalition was born from an alliance of Outer Rim planets in proximity to the Tingel Arm, created from a mutual weariness of Imperial occupation. After the burning of Lothal, the people of the rim...
  3. Balun Vale

    Character  Balun Vale

    Balun Vale Age 17 GSY Species Human Gender Male Height 5 feet 6 inches Weight 60 kg Force Sensitive Yes BIOGRAPHY Balun's journey into the embrace of the New Jedi Order commenced in the nebulous mists of infancy, a tender soul surrendered by nameless hands to the benevolent...
  4. D

    LFG  Ignore

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