Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Spirit of Faith

    Dominion  TRAA: Ballad of the Bardotta | GA Dominion of Bardotta

    On this episode of the Totally Real Adventures of Auteme… Once again, the Galactic Alliance calls upon Auteme and her friends for assistance. For weeks they’ve been attempting to bring Bardotta into the fold, but negotiations thus far have been unsuccessful. Word has reached the chancellor that...
  2. N

    TRAA And the Rogue Gonk

    The set of TRAA was silent before a gonk droid found its way inside. They had finished a shoot earlier in the day, signing off for the night and closing shop as everyone went their own ways to find inspiration or peace. The slow shuffle of feet along the floor and the occasional screech of its...
  3. Auteme

    Adventures of Adrian Vandiir

    Last Time... Now... The investigation took time to get results. The Marshals, though skilled in their work, struggled to pinpoint the location of the TRAA network. It was streamed through a half-dozen shell sites and the HoloNet itself was always difficult to crack. But time and hard work was...
  4. Auteme

    Totally Real

    Last Time... Now... Weekly release. Auteme still had no idea whether or not she was excited for it, but there she was, sitting in her room at her desk, watching the theme of the Totally Real Adventures of Auteme on Primeday. It was startling how close to the upload time she was watching it...
  5. Auteme


    "What?" Auteme blinked and took a second look at the screen. "What?" It didn't lessen her confusion, of course, but it was worth a shot. was a terrible, terrible sight. Not that was in of itself aesthetically displeasing; the clean white minimalism and formatting made accessing...
  6. Aurelion Nova

    Totally Real Adventures of Auteme

    Book One: Shenanigans Episode One: Auteme's Night Out Auteme looked over at the messenger presenting her with the datapad with a look somewhere between trepidation, irritation and outright disbelief. (See Above) Arms crossed stoically over her chest as the messenger, a street urchin...
  7. Auteme

    Contest  Totally Real Shenanigans of Auteme

    So, Adrian Vandiir recently made this masterpiece and I thought -- I need more of this. Desperately. This is how desperate I am. From now until I decide to stop (which, if people keep writing stuff for this, will be a long time away) I'll be offering random prizes to anyone who writes an...
  8. AMCO

    Approved Lore  The Totally Real Adventures of Auteme

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An "informative" Holoseries about Auteme - "based on true events". Image Credit: Legend of Korra & Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, masterfully edited by yours truly. Canon: N/A Permissions: Good Enough Links: Auteme Denko-Durren (Main Character) | The...
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