Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Tech  OO-series Astromech

    O O - S E R I E S A S T R O M E C H OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an astromech for TSE Image Source: Click - Last Jedi Concept Art Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: BB-series Astromech Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ministry of Logistics...
  2. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Vindican-class Troop Transport

    V I N D I C A N - C L A S S T R O O P - T R A N S P O R T OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new landing craft for TSE Image Source: Click - Corvin Stichert Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  3. Lirka Ka

    Character  Lirka Ka

    Name: Lirka Ka Age: 202 years old Sex: Female, though after her “rebirth” sex has become more or less irrelevant. Species: Sephi, though has been spliced with many species now so she ofts refers to herself a “Once-Sephi” Height: 1.9 Meters, 2.19 meters in her Powersuit Weight: 113...
  4. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Tech  Agzonûboj-type Probe Droid

    A G Z O N Û B O J OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new aesthetically pleasing probe droid Image Source: Click - Jongso Lee Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Korriban Fire Hawk Story PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ministry of Industry Affiliation: The Sith...
  5. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  Mount Tantiss Sith-Imperial Fortress

    M O U N T T A N T I S S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Rebuild Mount Tantiss Image Credit: Click - Christian Piccolo Click - Stephen Zavala Canon: Mount Tantiss Permissions: N/A Links: Mount Tantiss (Mandalorian) SETTING INFORMATION Military Base Name: Mount Tantiss Classification...
  6. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Tech  Regrush'sutta-type Superlaser Cannon

    R E G R U S H ' S U T T A OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Update the superlaser weaponry on the Behemoth II Image Source: Click - Jamison Cunningham Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Aurora Industries Permission Primary Source: Superlaser Axial Superlaser Annihilation II-class Kyber...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Tarrasque Super-Heavy Orbital Defense Platform

    T A R R A S Q U E OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new orbital defense platform Image Source: Click - Luis Guggenberger Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Aurora Industries Permission Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ministry of Industry Affiliation: The...
  8. AMCO

    Approved Tech  Telecrystalline

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Snazzy new substance that extends the range of telepathy. Image Source: Fibrous Malachite by Adrien Lambert Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Itsu'Dvasi PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Darth Prospero | The Primyn Group Affiliation: The Sith Empire |...
  9. Irveric Tavlar

    Invasion  In The Undertow // NIO invasion of TSE held Jaemus and Dubrillion

    // Begins 07/10 - Ends 07/24 // // NIO intends to invade the TSE held Jaemus and Dubrillion hexes // // Contagious Assault // // NEW IMPERIAL ORDER // // STAFF //: Irveric Tavlar Vaulkhar Kor Vexen Marshal Zovesa Tyrell Paxxus Isaiah Priest Lucien Dooku Boram Predor // THE SITH...
  10. Frontier Tenacity

    Invasion  Iron Rain | EE Invasion of TSE-held PL-40112-CE-021105

    PL-40112-CE-021105 Sith Space For years, the Eternal Empire has been building its strength. Watching, waiting in the shadows, waiting for the right time. To the rest of the galaxy, the Eternal Empire has presented itself as nothing more than another authoritarian regime, run by another...
  11. J

    Character  Jihva Nokosh

    Vital Stats KNOWN STRENGTHS Daughter of Dathomir - Jihva was raised by the Nightsisters, while she would still be an initiate by their standards she has at least an understanding of Nightsister magick. Force ability - She has a powerful natural inclination to the force Teras Kasi - Jihva was...
  12. H

    Character  HK-212215 [Blue] (WIP)

    HK Unit Two-Twelve-Twentyone-Five Blue - Speederbiker Extraordinaire “Or, as Goethe summed it: “Know thyself? If I knew myself, I’d run away.” [Biography] "Condescending statement: The meatbag in operation of this page has failed to fill this section of my documentation out...
  13. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Lore  Sith-Imperial Edicts: Evacuation of the Braxant Run Decree - Transference of Treasury Decree

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the evacuation of Braxant Run worlds and the relocation of the SIBC Image Credit: Click - KHWiki Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Sith-Imperial Edicts: Evacuation of the Braxant Run Decree - Transference of...
  14. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Lore  Sith-Imperial Edict: The Witch Accords

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the return of the Witches to Dathomir Image Credit: Click - KHWiki Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Sith-Imperial Edict: The Witch Accords Format: Official documents are written on flimsiplast, copies are held...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Lore  Sith-Imperial Edicts: Treaty of Vanquo - Sale of Indentured Mandalorians

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the final chapter in Operation: Decimation Image Credit: Click - KHWiki Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Sith-Imperial Edicts: Treaty of Vanquo - Sale of Indentured Mandalorians Decree Format: Official...
  16. Aerarii Tithe

    Factory Denied  Sith-Imperial Trade Association

    Sith-Imperial Trade Association Click here to view the current SITA company listing. Note: Original submission can be found here. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Mashup by Emperor Carnifex of Zm Intertrade graphic and ICON Foundation logo with text from Font Generator. Canon Link...
  17. Aerarii Tithe

    Factory Denied  Sith-Imperial Banking Clan (SIBC)

    Sith-Imperial Banking Clan Click here to view the current SIBC company listing. Note: Original submission can be found here. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Modified IGBC flag Canon Link: InterGalactic Banking Clan Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name...
  18. Kainan Wolfe

    Invasion  Iron Rain | EE Invasion of TSE-held PL-40112-CE-021105

    PL-40112-CE-021105 Sith Imperial Territory For years, the Eternal Empire has been building its strength. Watching, waiting in the shadows, waiting for the right time. To the rest of the galaxy, the Eternal Empire has presented itself as nothing more than another authoritarian regime, run by...
  19. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion  The Empire Strikes Back - TSE Invasion of VJE Wayland

    W A Y L A N D Breath in. Breath out. Slowly, incrementally, his chest rose and fell with each drawn breath. His eyes were closed blinding himself to his surroundings as lustily breathed hymns caressed his ears with their somber incantations. He could smell the acrid smoke which wreathed his...
  20. Credius Nargath

    Private  Behind Closed Doors

    Location: Exiting Hyperspace near Bastion Attire: [X][X][X][X] Extra: [X][X] Veritably, the very sight of Bastion, even from afar was quite an imposing thing to behold. Not had his ship left hyperspace for more than one second or his crew had to scramble to sent through clearance codes for...
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