Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. C

    Private  A Meeting of Two Imperials

    A MEETING OF TWO IMPERIALS TAGS: Julius Haskler LOCATION: Over the World of Karideph, Imperial Station Everon, Imperial Concordat of Powers. RELEVANT LINKS: Cephiro Pagaarch The Imperial Concordat of Powers was a relativity new faction that has sprung up to some galactic prominence...
  2. Lyra Sunset

    LFG  Two ways - two stories

    Hello everyone! My character is a former member of Silver Jedi Concord , true veteran who seen horrors of war, misery and bloodshed but is alone. And so i am looking for 2 possible ways 1st Personal Life Something connected to possible Lyra's adventures and connections she'l make as a result...
  3. Valery Noble

    Private  Trials of Skill and Leadership

    Trials of Skill and Leadership Location: Mygeeto Valery: Appearance Ship: Factory link Tag: Brandyn Sal-Soren Assignment details Objective An investigation has found a remote facility on Mygeeto where presumably a group of Sith has begun experimentation on local crystals from the planet...
  4. Ladybug

    Private  To Sith Felacat's Freedom

    The planet of Felacat was a broken peaceful society under the rule of the CIS Government; whose governing body was designed to collect the cats into a rule of happy slavery. The rich, like most enriched planets, thrived under a structured thumb of government, whilst those classes beneath the...
  5. Collector

    The Faekoning Part Two: Glitter and Bells Bugaloo

    Oh, to be a mythical creature vibing on a log...oh wait. Another day another festival season (plague allowing), this time with a side of leadership and stage show responsibilities? Wild. As before, this should not affect admin duties, only posting times (and hopefully less so as this is way...
  6. Okkeus Dainlei

    LFG  Lost Jedi looking to find his way

    Hey y’all! I am unable to access the last two posts, so here is this new one. I feel like right now in Okkeus’s story is the perfect time for him to meet some new people. After Ziost, he pretty much left the NJO Temple and hasn’t returned yet. He is going through some depression and PTSD, and...
  7. Equinox

    Approved Tech  Light and Dark (two primary lightsabers)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Two lightsabers to be used as personal weapons for Equinox. Image Source: I designed the weapons in!/configure?code= Canon Link: Non canon Primary Source: No source...
  8. Jsc

    Prospecting the Rimma VI - Trident

    Prospecting the Rimma VI - Trident An Adventure: Now Open (2) ___ Dry Arid World, Vehement III Just outside Omega Space ___ Karen Roberts of Fondor was out prospecting for work again. Her surprising journey along the Rimma Trade Route had taken her far, far out from her normally...
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