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Tygara - Firemane Base
Cora had come a long way from where she had started. The girl was working slowly onto a path of redemption and away from the outright terror of old, especially after having been forced to face the simple reality that she had the Force all along. The sweet blonde had...
Source: Deviant Art, Seraph777
Name: Xioquo, the children of darkness.
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Tygara
Language: Xio and its various dialects have remained remarkably similar over time due to...
Source: Warhammer, Dark Elf Armybook
Name: Yazgid – translated literally this means ‘Great Mouth’, which is understandable!
Designation: Semi-Sentient
Homeworld: Tygara...
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
It was a sad day. Tempest looked out the windows at the planet below. Kaeshana...her de facto home for many years. Soon it would be changed and broken forever.
However, steps had been taken. She was on board the Tirathana Skyport, the vast orbital station which, for...
Name: Semiramis III
Loyalties: Amikarese Empire.
Role: Shahbânu (ruler) of the largest nation on the planet Tygara.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 54 (about 27 or so in human years)
Species: Qadiri
Force-Sensitive: Yes
Appearance: Semiramis is of average height for a Qadiri and is thin and...
(OOC: This Dominion is for the planet Tygara which is currently in a pre-contact state with the outside galaxy. Our objective is to defeat harassing slavers, establish relations with the locals and establish a base on the northern continent. Killing of civilians, looting or seizing power is...
Island Planet, by Bloknayrb
Name: Tygara
Region: Far Rim
System: Tygara
Suns: 1 white medium sequence
Orbital Position: 4th
Moons: 1: Paragaz
System Features: The first planet in the system shows evidence of extensive asteroid bombardment. The second and third planets have thick hothouse...