Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Todblaz Graker

    Private  The Bad and the Ugly

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Ord Vaug Tags: Lily Rhodes Tod discreetly observed the small crowd passing by the entrance of the alley, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to slip through unnoticed. As they cleared the path, he slipped through to the dark area where a trio of men who...
  2. Jt1989

    Work In Progress  Work station

    Stuff and things will go here
  3. Zelannia Arcrin

    Approved Starship  The Flying Coffin | Crowe's YX-Wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an abomination unto sane engineering. Image Source: YX-Wing Concept by Łukasz Jędraszczak Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: T-65 X-Wing & BTL Y-Wing PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Crowe Incom Corporation (Fuselage) Koensayr...
  4. Z

    Approved Starship  El Camino

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a personal fighter for Zak Amroth. Image Source: Handbook 1: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Canon Link: Z-'ceptor Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Squib Merchandising Consortium Affiliation: Zak Amroth Model: Modified Z-'ceptor...
  5. T

    Approved Starship  Thiavi's Ugly Ball of Doom(but not really)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To the sub the cutest yet ugliest fighter in history Thiavi's first ship Image Source: William nochols on artstation | Canon Link: Primary Source: Uglies | TIE Fighter | PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: SFS(Tie parts), Thiavi(misc parts), ORC(misc...
  6. Argos Xalen

    Approved Starship  Yurbian Y-TIE

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a fighter/bomber for the Yurbian Republic Image Source: Canon Link: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yurb...
  7. Dracken Pryce

    Factory Denied  ANS Starchild

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To show what kind of crazy antics the Alliance in Exile has to pull in order to keep fighting and to give Rogue Squadron a "home base" as well as potential objectives during PvP and PvE threads. Image Source: 343 Studios Halo 4; GIF edited by me - Sparth...
  8. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Starship  Corvo-Class Light Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an ugly-Spacer Friendly starbase for light freighters and transports Image Source: "Nexus Spaceship concepts" by, Károly Gőgös Canon Link: Ugly Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Redoubt-Class Light Cruiser PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  9. Subject 37

    Approved Starship  The Kelias

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub a ship for Tyrian Image Source: Pablo Dominguez Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tyrian Model: Ugly Affiliation: Tyrian Production: Unique Material: Fiberplast, Titanium, Terenthium...
  10. 4ND-R0

    Orloch Moretti

    Orloch Moretti --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: Biographical Information ::.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homeworld: Coruscant Birth: 900 BBY Death: N/A Voice: Jeremy Irons...
  11. Junker Pugn

    Approved Starship  The Coyo, TIE Fight’ceptor

    Affiliation: Personal Manufacturer:The Coyo’s parts were made by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. Initial assembly was done by Darth Pugn, with internal components largely refitted by her descendant Junker Pugn. Model: ”Coyo” TIE Fight’ceptor Modularity: Junker Pugn may attempt to repair or upgrade...
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