Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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unknown regions

  1. Ova Ziss

    LFG  Expedition to the UNKNOWN Unknown Regions of space

    I propose that we form a spacing expedition party, head to an UNKNOWN Unknown Regions ("UUR") planet or hex, and build a space station there. This would be open to anyone. I've been watching videos like these lately regarding the lore of the Unknown Regions, and OOOOH BOY, there's a lot of...
  2. Inanna Harth

    Approved Planet  Lao-mon [Canon]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the Chaos canon for Lao-mon that I have amassed over the past four years of roleplay. Image Credit: Ll jiawei Rutger van de Steeg Jan Urschel Pixoloid Studios Canon: Lao-mon Permissions: N/A Links: Shi’ido "Unearthing Horror" GENERAL...
  3. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Trial by Shadows

    T R I A L_B Y_S H A D O W S FINAL DAWN PROJECT APOCALYPSE When Marlon Sularen first joined the Brotherhood of the Maw, he had done so with two goals in mind : To conquer the Core Worlds and the Deep Core and to get his revenge against all those who had wronged him, past, present and in the...
  4. Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Private  A Legacy in Point Form

    As of 900 ABY, in the heart of the Unknown Regions drifts a cold black Star Destroyer: the Chimaera, second of that name and certainly not the last. It has a limited droid crew for maintenance, is sometimes visited by Ashin's family and close confidantes, and is otherwise silent. If approached...
  5. Tiberius Vexus

    Public  Return From The Void

    There was no comfort to be found within the darkness of Space. I knew that all too well, as I have spent perhaps centuries in and out of sleep. All the while the internal sounds of the Meditation Sphere often was the only company I had. I had spent countless lifetimes traveling beyond known...
  6. Atlas Drake

    Outbound Flight (Info & Roster)

    OUTBOUND FLIGHT Outbound Flight is a civil agency dedicated to peaceful exploration of the Unknown Regions and fostering renewed cultural relations abroad. It's ongoing mandate is to construct additional space infrastructure beyond Ilum as well as launch probes or manned expeditions in search...
  7. Jorus Q. Merrill

    Approved Location  Xelec, the Lonely Warren (WRotP Contest)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A submission for the Wondrous Ruins of the Past contest, Prompt 2: "The remnants of an ancient transportation network drift in the far Unknown Regions." Image Credit: Chaehyeon Ra Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Hyperspace wormhole, Thera SETTING...
  8. Maris Fero

    Private  A Job for Life

    Hidden Location, Unknown Regions. “Wakey wakey, Doctor.” All was dark, and from that dark uncertainty, thoughts formed in a mind clouded and drowsy. Where am I? How did I get here? Where is here? The last thing Doctor Franz Yenneba could recall clearly was leaving his high city surgery to...
  9. S

    Character  Sylix

    S Y L I X Faction: Galactic Alliance Rank: Strategic Officer Branch: GADF Navy Force Sensitive: No Force Alignment: Neutral Species: Humanoid Sentient Species Grysk Sex: Male Age: Middle-Aged Size: Tall Weight: Bulky Build: Solid Eye Colour: N/A Skin Colour: N/A Hair Colour: N/A TRAITS...
  10. Okkeus Dainlei

    Approved Location  Lehon Zigzag

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Chaos needs more custom Hyperlanes Image Credit: Top image - (x) Mid image - Chaos Map, with edits by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Bruke’s Trailing (Inspiration) Path of the Houses (Inspiration) HYPERLANE INFORMATION Hyperlane Name: Lehon...
  11. Zark San Tekka

    Campaign  Balance Point (Open to All Jedi)

    JEDI TEMPLE ILUM UNKNOWN REGIONS Master San Tekka gazed out upon Ilum's frozen wilderness. An arctic gale tousled his mane but the grim old Jedi paid the elements no mind. Zark's eyes were fixed on Prosperity looming above in low orbit. Its beacon was active which meant more would be arriving...
  12. Zark San Tekka

    Major Faction Fate of the Jedi

    <"To any Jedi who can hear me, this is Master San Tekka aboard the Prosperity. We are en route to Ilum. The Circle is asking everyone who can wield a saber to muster with us in the Unknown Regions. For too long we've fallen short of our promise to be galactic keepers of the peace, seldom roaming...
  13. Darth Solipsis

    Work In Progress  Asog

    “The Sith have no Seeds, since what they Bury does not Grow. They are the Despoilers of Worlds, and have Laid to Waste once Fertile Habitats such as Korriban, Ziost, Ixigul, Asog, and Others.” - Kli the Elder in The Rammahgon Intent: To flesh out the canon but bare Sith world of Asog. Image...
  14. Felmorante L'lerim

    Private  Fetters of Old

    Felmorante's room with the Eternal Empire had been left alone after the Empress' internment. The young girl having retreated inside the room and seemingly never come out with the news. Even with the letter reassuring her that this had all been according to plan. She had done little more than...
  15. Thalia Senn

    Public  The Beginning of the End

    Outlander Station - Several Hours After Csilla Inscident Thalia didn't need a holoscreen to tell her that billions had died on the far-off world of Csilla. She had felt it in the Force as it happened. Likely every Force Sensitive person in the Galaxy felt something. The sea, it was raging...
  16. Mazik Stazi

    Approved Lore  Outbound Flight

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a Galactic Alliance subgroup and narrative device tied into the greater Unknown Regions story arc. Image Credit: A Fresh Start by Aurel edits by Annasari Starships of the Galaxy Canon: Outbound Flight Permissions: / Links: Head of the Snake...
  17. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Ashes of Horror | Agents of Chaos + Open

    For months now, the Agents of Chaos had been working tirelessly to recuperate from the losses they had suffered at the hands of the Brynadul during their stint on Kesh. While few were willing to mention it out loud, it had sucked some of the motivation out, leaving the leaders of the Agents with...
  18. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Return of the Not-a-Jedi

    Nighthaunter Scherezade let a chuckle out as she realized she was on Eve again. It slightly dizzied her head to think of how quickly her new home had replaced what she thought had been her former one. Though she still held no official position among the Agents of Chaos, she joined more and more...
  19. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Jar of Dirt | Agents of Chaos + Open

    For the past few months, moving parts and pieces among the Agents of Chaos had given special care into expanding the type of resources available to the organization. The riches of the Scintilla were ever on the rise, with new spheres forming into which more tech was used to create organic matter...
  20. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  The Knights' Tomb | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt | +Open

    Ondoher. A small and insignificant planet in the Unknown Regions, shoved by galaxy nature almost entirely against the rim, and 'tis in constant danger of simply falling off the edge of the galaxy' as the locals put it. For numerous millennia it had been left alone in piece, mostly because of its...
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