Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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unknown regions

  1. Al-Saher

    Private  Into The Dark Unknowns

    It'd only been a day since I'd left Coruscant with my new apprentice....Now we were close to Hades Station a space station in The Unknown Regions. Apparently my former Master was alright with my using it as a place to train Valrayne. I wasn't aware of anyone else that may or may be aboard the...
  2. Paragon of Virtue

    Faction  Mashinirium | Agents of Chaos

    Mashinirium. That was the name they had decided to call themselves –a group of sentient droids that had put up camp on some moon in the Unknown Regions. The information brokers of the Scintilla had attempted to locate the origin of these droids, where they were made, even a why, but they could...
  3. Madalena Antares

    Private  Catching Up

    [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] Aboard her ship, Madalena was skidding with excitement. It had been weeks now since she and a handful of others had left the Southern Systems and made for the Unknown Regions. She had ached so harshly at first, her chest hurting so much that she had been certain she...
  4. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Location  The Garden of Death

    Intent: To flesh out more of Eve and add interesting RP locations. Image Credit: X Canon: No. Permissions: n/a Links: The Alnwick Garden - Source of Inspiration Structure Name: The Garden of Death Classification: Botanical Garden Location: Eve Affiliation: Agents of Chaos Accessibility...
  5. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Location  Eve

    Intent: To create the capital city of Scintilla, the giant space construct that serves as the home "planet" to Agents of Chaos. Image Credit: Category headers made by Scherezade deWinter. Submission header is all the images from "Points of Interest", credit to them beginning in the next bullet...
  6. Paragon of Virtue

    Faction  Benevolent Gods | Agents of Chaos

    Only few still cared about Morcanth. A little while after the Agents of Chaos had arrived on that planet and liberated it from the Grysk and their wicked ways, the three hundred indentured servants had been sent to Scintilla, and the Agents themselves, true to both their word and ideology, left...
  7. Samara Raine

    Approved Location  Ch'avz, Capital City of Sposia

    Ch'avz, the capital city of Sposia OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a capital city on the Chiss world of Sposia for role-play purposes. Image Credits: X Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Thor; X The Fifth Element background matte by Wayne Haag; X Artstation Phil...
  8. Bug'ares'vemmosk

    A path less Traversed

    Unkown Regions Nearest Star System: Olystyn Chiss Outer Patrol Sector Captain Bug'ares'vemmosk, leader of the 3rd outer patrol strike team and captain of the CEDF Resolute. That was his name and title, his rank and responsibilities. When he died it was likely what he would be remembered for...
  9. Mariel Dawnrider

    Approved Planet  Eira Pechal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a small, out of the way and often overlooked world to fuel roleplay for the Jedi Praxeum. This world is not meant for inclusion on the chaos map, due to it’s relatively low impact and importance to the galaxy at large. ​Image Credit: Planetside 2...
  10. Kyrel Ren

    Approved Planet  Andax

    Intent: To create a planet to expand upon the lore of the Unknown Regions Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: Emani (To be submitted) General Information: Planet...
  11. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Planet  Mord'Rethar, the Sarcophagus World

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a spoopy ancient Sith world lost to time ​Image Credit: ​Click - Korbox@Deviantart Click - Wookieepedia Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Mord'Rethar, the Sarcophagus World Demonym: Mord'Retharian Region: Unknown Regions...
  12. Orion Darkstar

    Approved Planet  Avis, The Shattered Planet. [Dead Planet Contest WINNER]

    Intent: To provide a interesting setting for others to enjoy. Also, the Dead Planet Contest. ​Image Credit: Source Site Canon: N/A Planet Name: Avis, The Shattered Planet. Demonym: Elderwood and Rul'Gahsians Region: Unknown Regions System Name: Igni'Ventus System Suns: Ignus Ventus...
  13. Ras'kala'han

    Approved Planet  Khomos Major - Dead Planet Contest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a flavorful entry to the Dead Planet Contest that will allow for the exploration of certain RP concepts, and the potential emergence of a new faction. ​Image Credit: Planetary Wallpapers Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name...
  14. Thorald Magnusson

    Approved Planet  Boroa (Planet)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a world for Lord Boros ​ Image Credit: Here (Artist and title Unavailable) Canon: N/A Links: Lord Boros GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Boroa Demonym: Boroans Region: Unknown System Name: Arriba System Features: Two Moons praised...
  15. Krayzen Dratos

    Approved Location  Csilla Headquarters

    Name: Csilla Headquarters Image Source: N/A Classification: Csilla Office Location: Csilla Affiliation: Drakos Systems Description: The Csilla Headquarters of Drakos Systems feature a large cooperate office in the center, with two large buildings in the left, and right, each of them being...
  16. Jamie Pyne

    Approved Planet  Levasseur

    Source: [x] Name: Levasseur Region: Unknown Region System: Iskender Suns: One F-Type Main Sequence Star, Veillette Orbital Position: Third Planet - Habital Zone Moons: Two Moons – Morganti & Setmire System Features: Three planets – Cienne – Emerenth – Levasseur One asteroid belt - Verredien...
  17. Jessie Laidlaw

    Approved Planet  Primus Kashuula

    Name: Primus Kashuula AKA Nebalit Prime Image source: image myself on Region: Unknown regions - Chialite Sector System: Nebalit System of the Jewel Nebula Suns: 2; 1. Nebalit Major-Yellow G2 V (exactly like the sun) 2. Nebalite Minor- K2V (Orange dwarf) Orbital...
  18. Yamar Fantorgin


    Name: Fandorican Region: Unknown System: Mahrda Suns: Binary Stars, Mahdra and Marna Orbital Position: 4th planet from the suns. Moons: None System Features: The system has a total of five planets, of which only Fandorican is habitable. The rest are barren, and unnamed, but rich with metal...
  19. Wan Min Brightsky

    Unknown Regions Salvage (Open)

    Location: Selvaris System, Expansion Region Wan Min Brightsky pulled the lever back, bringing the Star's End out of hyperspace. It had been a long journey from Tython where she and her utility droid, T3-D4, had spent two weeks selling the results of their latest salvage operation on the open...
  20. Scherezade deWinter


    Name: Endelaan The official Wookie image for the Unknown Regions Region: Unknown Regions System: Endelaan System Suns: 1 Orbital Position: The one and only planet in the Endelaneese sun's orbit. Moons: 1 Coordinates: Two hexagons above Rhadamanthus, same horizontal line as where it says...
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