Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kahlil Noble

    Private  I Hear You Trained My Wife

    Part of Valery's training as the Sword of the Jedi had brought her to the Mandalorians. To fight and train alongside them, learn how better to defend herself. He often did remember how she felt, though. The sting of the blows, the struggles of the trials. They were all burned in the back of his...
  2. Ivory Stroud

    Should Chaos change up the Map Game? Vote within!

    With all the discussions happening on the topic, I believe it's a great time for a temperature check. Chaos has been around for a decade. Some say it's time for a change, others say it's working perfectly fine as it is... Drop a vote, and let's see where we stand.
  3. Dominik Borra

    Private  Catching Up With The Past

    Tags: Ivory Stroud | Samuel Exel | Jai'galaar Gred | Stardust Solus Skirae | fa-play fa-pause Everyone's mother says that looking at bright screens in a dark room was bad for your eyesight. But Kingsley never knew his mother, so he missed that advice. The golden-haired man sat back in his...
  4. Gatz Derrevar

    What's up?

    Hi! I'm a new face around here, which I guess is probably obvious. I've been RPing for a couple of years now, though I'm used to proboards and j-cink. As antiquated as it sounds, I'm actually used to using chatbox for these kinds of things, but I'm definitely not unfamiliar with using Discord...
  5. Ata Jairt

    LFG  Bounty Hunter looking for a squad/party to join up with

    So, this character doesn't really have any real experience doing bounty hunter/merc work so I think it would be fun to join up with someone or some small group to go after some bounties or contracts.
  6. Malka Kaivalya

    LFG  Anyone up for a Fight?

    Are any jedi up for a duel of sorts? Just got back onto the character and thought she might need more battles under her belt. Any planet is ok with me :D
  7. Lazrea Visara

    Any hunters wanting to meet up?

    Hey there, any hunters who want to act in a public thread let me know and I'll make one that we can all join. It would most likely be set on a planet similar to Kashyyk or one that has a decent area that is full of hunt-able creatures. Lazrea isn't that fond of big city planets like Coruscant...
  8. Dhalinar Greystar

    Mission  Pick Up Your Saber

    Allies: Dagon Kaze | Rakaan Horne | Iris Arani | Gotto Sorendu | Sōla Taan Enemies: Grendel Krayt | @Mandos fa-play fa-pause Dhalinar Greystar had been in a dark place for months. His padawan missing with no word, kidnapped by the brutish Mandalorians, had become just another mystery lost to...
  9. Todblaz Graker

    First Reply  Picking Up a Prescription

    fa-play fa-pause Outfit | Profile (Will need to make a factory thing soon) Location | Coruscant Underworld Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves Tag | No one at the moment Some say that the Underworld is a place of scum, no one who is smart will end up living there. Though that seemed...
  10. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  Spice up your life!

    Location: Coruscant - Lower Levels Equipment: Lightsaber Attire: Padawan Garb Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Dreidi snapped awake, she was sleeping on a crappy bed in some motel in the lower levels. It was all she could afford since she arrived a day early to prepare for the job that she had in the...
  11. Amani Serys

    Private  Catch Up Patch Up

    Medic duties continued to be a steady source of distraction, and given the NJO’s relative shortcomings when it came to Jedi Healers, Amani had been particularly feeling the workload that came with the lack of Iris’ presence most lately. So when word got to her that the young padawan had...
  12. Daxa Zuul

    LFG  Spice Up Your Plots

    Need a manipulative, sadistic, seductive Sith Knight to spice up your adventures? Need a wise-cracking, gunslinging, adrenaline junky, force-sensitive smuggler to move your products or run a blockade? Need a murderous, samurai/assassin droid to kill some organics? Give me a ring!
  13. Domina Prime

    Private  I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good

    Core Worlds, Coruscant, Near Jedi Temple Valery Noble "Every time, every single time without fail. I swear i don't even know why i'm programmed to put up with this bantha poodoo she will never change! Irresponsible, unfocused! Undisciplined, completely out of her mi-" "Oh look whats that...
  14. Elami Iria

    LFG  Padawan Pick Me Up

    Looking for threads for my brooding/depressed Padawan trying to find her way after the loss of her master. I am not looking for a new master, that role has already been picked up. I would like for some other threads to flesh out where Elami might fit as she finds her way back. So, I had two...
  15. Saff

    LFG  Looking to start up some friendships

    Having gotten back into the swing of things, I want to build up Saffron's story, and that involves making some friends in order to later take down something. Essentially, who's up for a little bit of mischief in the inner/core worlds?
  16. Tatiana Ordo

    LFG  Mando Meet Up

    Hiya! I'm looking to start writing on my Mandalorian character here, she was brain washed into a Sith induced Death Watch, and now she's basically rampaging about the galaxy hunting down force users. Ideally, the point is to break her mental conditioning, and maybe have her slowly start to turn...
  17. Glar Ulchtar

    LFG  Anyone Up For A Crime Thread On Tatooine?

    As the title says, I am looking for anyone who would be interested in a crime thread on Tatooine. The basic idea I had for a thread was that my character wants to take over a Pyke Syndicate splinter branch on Tatooine either by force, or through a complex plot. This splinter branch is run by an...
  18. L

    LFG  Power Up

    Hello all! With the summer rolling in, and the insufferable heat of Texas keeping me indoors, I found time to finally finish this character I have been working on. Pretty straightforward Sith backstory; grew up evil, killed his extended family and all that jazz. Run of the mill origin story for...
  19. R

    Question  Questions regarding the timeline and understanding time in the chaos universe

    Hello everyone! I'm new here, so I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask. I'm currently working on a believable backstory for my first character. And to do that I need to understand the time in which he grew up. I still don't quite understand how time works here. The timeline shows...
  20. Malka Kaivalya

    LFG  Anyone up for a thread?

    If anyone Sith or Jedi want to try a thread with Malka, then let me know!!! Any premise or if its combat based or not. Either way, I'm ok with it.
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