Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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veiere arenais

  1. C

    Private  Guidance From Beyond The Grave [Veiere Arenais]

    MNEMOSYNE The Forestry of Ovates held nothing on the dense woodlands of Velichor, yet it held a beauty all the same to Caedyn who had arrived at the Mnemos Jedi Temple some two days ago. With the recession of war came an uneasy sense of adjustment for the Jedi Knight, wanting to enjoy the time...
  2. D

    Private  Convergence [Asha Hex]

    VALEN ARENAIS Starship: The Chimera Inventory: Acolyte Apparel // Sith Lightsaber Torment. Once having come into the possession of the truth of his origins, the revelation that Valen was little but a construct of someone else's design had both enraged but also set into course his emotional...
  3. C

    Approved Lore  Holocron of Jedi Master Veiere Arenais

    Holocron of Jedi Master Veiere Arenais OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To update, and add to, the original submission of Veiere Arenais’ Holocron under the Lore section of the Codex. Image Source: Click here. Canon: N/A. Links: Holocron. Veiere’s Personal Holocron (Original...
  4. WolfMortum

    Approved NPC  The Jedi Vanguard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To modify Veiere's personal vanguard, and to bring them over to the Lightside of the Force. Image Credit: Click here. Role: Protective Detail, Combatant Unit. Links: - The Sovereign Guard. - Jedi Temple Guard. - The Order of Commenor. GENERAL INFORMATION...
  5. WolfMortum

    This Path Wasn't Meant For You (Romi Jade)

    "The HA Judiciary" Heavy Assault Cruiser. Gordian Reach, Yavin System. Atten: [member="Romi Jade"]. Veiere Arenais sat within the Captains Quarters of the Starship, his gaze having drifted away from the terminal upon his desk, growing distant in the thought of his first successful...
  6. WolfMortum

    Approved NPC  "The HA Judiciary" Bridge Crew

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create and give depth to the Crew of “The HA Judiciary” Heavy Cruiser, under the command of their Captain, [member=Veiere Arenais]. While the Bridge is manned by other personnel, these five are the primary officers to be played out in the Fleeting of the...
  7. WolfMortum

    A Felony of Generations (2v2 on Glee Anselm)

    Location: Glee Anselm. Jedi Objective: Investigate rumors of an old One Sith Academy. Team Lightside: Veiere Arenais & [member="Loreena Arenais"]. Team Darkside: [member="Dubiety"] & [member="Lark"]. Pieralos, the underwater City of Glee Anselm was a marvel to behold and a first experience...
  8. WolfMortum

    Approved Tech  Robes of the Exile

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a submission of Veiere Arenais' Tunic and Robes of Exile. Image Source: Click Here. Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: Jedi Robes. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: [member=Veiere Arenais]. Affiliation: Veiere Arenais. Model: N/A. Modularity...
  9. WolfMortum

    Approved NPC  The Sovereign-Guard

    Intent: To create an elite and personal guard for [member=Veiere Arenais], trained in the Force and the Lightsaber Arts of the Dark Jedi Order. Image Credit: Click here! Role: Protective Detail, Combatant Unit. Links: N/A. Unit Name: The Sovereign-Guard. Affiliation: [member=Veiere Arenais]...
  10. WolfMortum

    Conjugal Convictions (Lady Kay)

    Commenor: Chasin City Royal Palace underground High Security Holding Facility "Gone are the days where power reigns, Gone are the times of famished guests and handsome wine's, For all is now, nigh and true, The black death comes for I, from you, Where I the sword, and you the victim, Were...
  11. Lief

    The Sins Of Thy Father

    Onboard The Prophet That they were traveling was not even remotely an oddity. [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and she had work to do over on Svivren in preparation for the unveiling of the Enclave. A large group session was to be held there in a few weeks time, and there remained many things to...
  12. WolfMortum

    Approved Tech  CSA K-191 Battle Armor

    Intent: To create a heavy set of Armor fit for the King of Commenor and to put emphasis in the other half of Veiere's life that isn't of the Jedi Order but the stewardship and protection of the Commenor Systems Alliance. Image Source: Click Here Canon Link: Turadium, Force Light Restricted...
  13. Garza

    Approved Tech  Promissium Annulos

    His Ring Her Ring OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a set of rings for the King and Queen of Commenor. Image Source: His Ring, Her Ring Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: Veiere asking for rings to be made - To officiate Cerberus being a benefactor to Commenor, Wedding...
  14. Darlyn Excron


    How long had it been since Darlyn had spoken with [member="Veiere Arenais"]? The man that was to marry his Queen, and for whom he had willingly risked much to keep tabs on that same queen... far too long. At least, far too long since the two shared any non formal, less fanfare filled...
  15. WolfMortum

    Faction Rank Tags

    Pretty straight forward, I'm going to be playing around with Rank Tags for the Faction and am open to taking requests. In order to make a Request, I'll need the following: All work completed for the faction, whether requests or of my own volition will be below. The above may...
  16. WolfMortum

    Approved Tech  Veiere Arenais' Lightsabers of Svivren.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document an official submission of the lightsabers of Veiere Arenais, used in his past under the Jedi Enclave of Svivren (Character History). Image Source: Click Here! Canon Link: Not Applicable. Development Thread: If Necessary. Primary Source: Not...
  17. WolfMortum

    Character Feedback: Are you not entertained?

    So...Like my old pal [member="Ryn'Dhal"], I figured it's about time I took the plunge and posted up one of my own. As a Writer I've only been around for just over a year but as a Character it took me some time to actually find the one that suited my style and liking. Honestly, Veiere could well...
  18. Hastur-Yig

    You will Throw Me in the Water

    Within the dark reaches of space sits a creature that has evolved telepathy of such an extreme that it could seek out actively through the force students that needed his teaching. One such student was found in exile while searching through the galaxy. The beast sat in it's hull, it's...
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