Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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venrain sekairo

  1. Antoir Setrrin

    An Aegis For A New Life {Dev}

    She didn't know who she was. For some reason that didn't bother her- as if she had never really known herself, and was already used to seeing a stranger in the mirror every morning. Some people, if put in her position, might have devoted hours of their time to trying to discover their past. But...
  2. Antoir Setrrin

    Feedback: The Mad Merc

    Roughly five years ago I started roleplaying. I made a character that fit a load of cliches, and I went out, writing her until I got caught up in the idea of another character and started to write that one instead. Eventually the site I was on hosted a "Best Character Biography" contest...
  3. Antoir Setrrin

    Approved Species  Guardian {Ven's Sithspawn Body}

    Name: Guardian (Ven’s Sithspawn body) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Sluis Van Language: Basic Height of Adults: 6’5”, 1.95 meters Skin color: Tanned ‘peach’ (Olive toned) Hair color: A dark brown with streaks of red Breathes: Type 1 Strengths: Physical Prowess: Due to both the Firrerreo base...
  4. Antoir Setrrin

    Aegis For A New Age {Dev}

    844 ABY: The Outer Rim There was a need for 'heroes'. Perhaps there always was a need for people to step up, to play the role of a seeker of justice. There will always be villains for them to fight. Sometimes, of course, the lack of champions became a serious thing. While the darkness could...
  5. Antoir Setrrin

    Return of the Mad Merc

    The Depths of Space: Aboard 'The Far Reach' It had been so long. Time had rushed by her, forgetting to let her know of it's passage, moving forward without aim. So much had changed. The Protectorate had faded, the Empire had taken hold of the galaxy, and the Republic faltered. What had...
  6. Antoir Setrrin

    R.A.N's Graphic Shop {GRAND RE-OPENING}

    WELCOME TO THE GRAND RE-OPENING OF VEN'S SIG SHOP! Now, you may be thinking, if it's Ven's shop, why is it called R.A.N's Graphic Shop? Simple. Because RAN stands for Rise Above Normality, my lovely little internet persona. In addition, I do more than just siggys now~ Since you're probably...
  7. Antoir Setrrin

    Ven'Rain Sekairo

    Mercenary. Warrior. Hunter. This is what Ven'Rain was, is, and forever will be. And this is her legacy. NAME: Ven'Rain Sekairo NICKNAME/ALIAS: Rain, Venny, Kaironimo, Seki "Child of the Stars" CALL-SIGN: "Raven" HOMEWORLD: Born and raised on a starship, traveling the galaxy with her crazy...
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