Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vera Mina

    Proper Representation

    Planet: Dohmus Prime ( Arrived by: Charted Space Flight Wearing: Lawyer Suit ( Armed with: Legal Tender (CIS combat pistol) Specific location: Dohmus prime country side. Burials. Vera...
  2. Vera Mina

    Approved Tech  Lawyer Suit

    Intent: To make Vera's primary form of protection while in her civilian guise. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source:
  3. Vera Mina

    Lawyer Suit

    Intent: To make Vera's primary form of protection while in her civilian guise. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source:
  4. Vera Mina

    Vera Mina

    "Me? An Assassin? Rediculous! haven't been talking to Nine Lives have you? Dammit!" NAME: Vera Mina FACTION: Galactic Alliance RANK: Lawyer (Secretly House Bloodscrawl Matriarch) SPECIES: Formerly Illegally modified Biot...
  5. Kael Rose

    Approved Tech  Vera

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION • Intent: To deal with that nasty lightsaber deflection issue • Image Source: This Youtube Video • Canon Link: N/A • Restricted Missions: N/A • Primary Source: Emissary Revolver PRODUCTION INFORMATION • Manufacturer: Rose Blasters and Bounties • Model: Vera •...
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