Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aoki-Barran Mira

    Is your villain character Broken or Pure Evil

    I hate TikTok. I also enjoy those Broken or Pure Evil villain videos with the sad song beat that slaps. So... Your villain you write on Chaos. Whether it be a Sith Lord, dark spider of another type, bounty hunter, criminal, etc.? Would you classify them as Broken or Pure Evil? The closest...
  2. Hargo Zur

    Character  Commander Hargo Zur

    DISTRICT COMMANDER HARGO ZUR fa-play fa-pause [div= width:100px; height: 22px; margin: auto; overflow: hidden] ---WIP--- //: RUN SCRIPT //: //: CHANNEL OPEN :: DATABASE ACCESS: GRANTED; SEARCH PARAMETERS: "HARGO ZUR, COMMANDER;" CONNECTING :: OPEN :: ACCESSING DATABASE: HARGO ZUR ~ PENDING ...
  3. Maple Harte

    In the Arkham Series, the Environment is the True Villain, Part 1

    The Arkham Games are, at the moment, the last word on proper Batman simulators. I would argue that in terms of sheer effort and attention to detail, they are also among the finest immersive Sims available in any videogame category other than Red Dead Redemption 2. They have their flaws, but are...
  4. V

    Character  Victor Carmine

    CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE VICTOR CARMINE NAME: Carmine, Victor. FACTION: To be added. RANK: Criminal. SPECIES: Corellian. AGE: 32 GSY. SEX: Male. EYES: Pale blue. HAIR: Unknown. SKIN: Caucasian. FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative. STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Describe in moderate detail the...
  5. T

    Sister Kaza

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a villain for an upcoming thread, to be killed off or spared by the end at the player's discretion. ​Image Credit: MAROK-ART on devientart Role: Witch, Marauder and general villain of the story. Links: N\A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 28 Force...
  6. Astoach

    New villain looking for a home in your stories and role-plays!

    (I apologize for the subsequent text wall and I hope you don't get scared away.) Hi everyone who finds it within their heart to check out my little topic! This is my second (second as in the second time I know what I'm doing) character on this board and while my other character, a Dark Jedi...
  7. Soeht

    The One Sith Q/A

    Following a single Dark Lord's vision, the One Sith is a collective of Sith Lords that aims to bring Order through Power. In this thread, feel free to ask me anything about the One Sith Faction. I will answer to the best of my abilities. I also have a list of what should be FAQ below. What...
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