Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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vs the mandalorian enclave

  1. Cordelia 'Cori' Eldoris

    Private  The interrogation

    Coruscant, 900ABY Cordelia Eldoris watched from outside a prison as night fell upon the city. Like a wave, lights flickered on across the buildings, illuminating signs and apartments. And, as always, despite it being night, the city continued being as busy as ever, not sleeping or resting. It...
  2. The Quartermaster

    Major Faction The Mandalorian Catechisms

    THE MANDALORIAN CATECHISMS FOREWORD For centuries, the worst enemy of the Mandalorian people has been ourselves. The dishonorable among us have diluted the meaning of the word to the point that the antithesis of our kind has dared to wield a title so sacred as Mand’alor. We are a fractured and...
  3. Lion Darman

    LFG  Weapons Supplies

    Hello there, I am looking to make deals with arms suppliers, mercenary groups, pirate groups, and smugglers who can deliver. The client is a group of fairly disreputable Mandalorians of House Darman who are located on the planet Mon Gazza. The recent discovery of the group by the Mandalorian...
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