Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Spirit of Prosperity

    Dominion  Ye Who Enter Here | GA Dominion of Netherworld Hex south-east of Hypergate Velusia

    It started on Byss. Occupying soldiers conducting routine patrols of Sularenopolis have encountered a mysterious active portal in a long-abandoned factory deep beneath the city. Initial scans returned a startling result - the device is a hypergate, a long lost technology capable of opening a...
  2. Declan Frost

    Public  Who Stole My Ship?

    Planet: Coruscant -------------------------------------------------- "I'm sorry that I don't have better news for you Mr. Frost," the man in the hologram said just as the image flickered yet again, some of the bandwidth in the connection dropping momentarily. It had been the third apology the...
  3. Coren Starchaser

    Faction  Answers, for those who Seek (Jedi!)

    Word had reached the Jedi Coalition. Word from Wayseeker Jedi Master Coren Starchaser. A long time paladin of the Jedi Order, he balanced himself between the various Branches of the Orders, serving as the closest the Jedi Order had to an active Barsen’thor, but wearing the moniker of Wayseeker...
  4. Okkeus Dainlei

    Private  I’ve Seen Your Face Before My Friend

    Shadowport Backwater Reconnect With An Old Friend ———————————— The marketplace was alive and booming. As the young Jedi took a walk through the many stalls around him, he took a second to take in all of the different people surrounding him. They all came from unique lives and backgrounds...
  5. Amea Virou

    LFG  Who else is around?

    Hello hello! I am in need of threads, and I need your help to fix this! For a while now I have written with the same people and I would love to see about meeting more. So, in order to help you help me help you to help me get to know you, these are the characters I write at the moment. Amea...
  6. Ryv

    Faction  Operation: Save Lanik! ( PM to Join )

    “Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.” Many believed with time, all wounds would surely heal. To hold onto the past and turn your back...
  7. Darth Yamato

    I wuv you guys....

    Hey, what's up? How's it going?
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