Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Inquisition of the Wolf

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Darth Strosius Alisteri Haxim… or Darth Strosius… however he was going by now that Ophidia was dead, had found himself in the sights of the Dread Wolf. Neither Darth Empyrean nor Srina Talon had asked Gerwald to...
  2. The Dark Inquisitor

    Approved Starship  The Black Wolf

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a private fighter for The Dark Inquisitor Image Source: AI Generated Canon Link: Scythe Transport ship Permissions: The Dark Inquisitor Primary Source: Scythe Transport ship PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Dark Inquisitor Affiliation...
  3. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  When the Wolf Beckons

    WEARING: xxx TAG: Naedira Darcrath | Oleander Webb | Evor | Lunara Azure | Arkryion Malachar Darth Empyrean had given Gerwald a task, and he would see to it. The wolf’s ambition had grown in the wake of @Darth Ophidia’s death, and the Emperor wanted her holdings folded back into the empire as a...
  4. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Dead God; Dread Wolf | Empyrean

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Darth Empyrean Ambition filled the hearts of many Sith. It was the common quality which drove them to build and expand a kingdom or an empire. The wolf had watched many succumb to the seductive song of the flowery...
  5. Gerwald Lechner

    Approved Tech  Ulveand | Wolf Spirit (Character Contest)

    Intent: To create an amulet for Naedira Darcrath Image Source: x pinterest, crafter’s etsy shop, image not found anywhere else Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Gerwald Lechner Affiliation: (Naedira Darcrath Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Unique...
  6. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  When Calls the Wolf | Evor

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Evor Jutraand. The Sith Academy. Gerwald rarely ventured into the dark institution. Many of the students there would never be among the rank and file of the Sith as their bones would litter the graves of all those...
  7. Brynjar Threist

    Private  A Failing Wolf

    Tag: Aelin Erevos The walk back from the forest after leaving his clan, it was the hardest walk of his life. He had spent ages attempting to find a way to compose himself, to rid himself of the emotions and pain that burned through him. The anger that caused his whole body to shake and wish to...
  8. Fury of Aerðs

    Approved Species  Lychanberry

    Intent: To codify a plant found on Islimore and expound on Lupo culture Image Credit: Midjourney AI generated image Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Summerlight Gathering [ mentioned ], Månenøye [ mentioned ], Lupo, Islimore Name: Lychanberry Origins: Islimore Other Locations: Lychanberry...
  9. Lowri Rhi

    Private  Releasing the Wolf

    Outfit: This Tag: Declan Durinson Being in the North of Islimore had not been initially in Lowri's plan. Staying there for any length of time had not been in the plan. In fact, Lowri was constantly throwing away plans that she had made in the past. The only reason she kept finding herself...
  10. Gustaf Lögr

    Private  The Hearts of Wolf and Man

    [Gustaf's Soundscape: Gravenimage] The wind blew through the branches of the trees out in the wilderness beyond the walls of Hardhaven, heavy with the scents of winter upon them. Of woody, earthen aroma mixed with the musk of the fauna that roamed within the brush. The sound of birds calling...
  11. Lowri Rhi

    Character  Lowri Rhi - The Chaos Wolf

    Lowri Rhi Music WATIC - Best Thing (That Never Happened) Full Name Lowri Rhi/Lowri Lögr Class(es) Smuggler/Spy Homeworld Unknown Age Assumed to be 26 Personality Traits Fiery, Flirtatious, Fierce Education Traits Limited Lifestyle Traits Chaotic, carefree, callous Rank(s) TBD...
  12. Olaya Astrapí

    Private  Thrown To The Wolves ~ Part I, She Who Cried Wolf

    Well, this was just dandy. The dark room stank like a rancor pit as she found herself thrown into it. She looked up, pale hair in her face. "Hey! I healed your kid! You can take me back now!" The shadowy figure scoffed from the doorway, "As if I'd waste your potential like that. Maybe I'll...
  13. House Van-Derveld

    House Van-Derveld

    The central hub for members of the Van-Derveld family and their associates.
  14. Zaya Tawfik

    Character  Zaya Tawfik - The Wolf Seer

    Name: Zaya Tawfik Alias: Seer, Mystic Rank: Kaiha, Seer Species: Lupo (The Adevmok) Gender: Female, Cis Sexuality: Heterosexual Family: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased), Uncle (Alive), Older brothers (all alive, around 5 of them), younger sister (deceased) Height: 6'2 Weight: Eyes...
  15. Scarlett Zann

    Approved Starship  The Wolf

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pirate vessel for the Zann Consortium Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scarlett Industries Affiliation: Scarlett Zann, Company Name Scarlett...
  16. Scarlett Zann

    Ready For Judge  The Wolf

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pirate vessel for the Zann Consortium Image Source: Pinterest ---> Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scarlett...
  17. Aelin Erevos

    Approved Lore  Clan Svärd

    Intent: To flesh out a historically important clan of Lupo history. Image Credit: N/A - Art is done by myself Canon: N/A Links: Lupo, Aelin Erevos, Miera Erevos, Rana Erevos, The Clans of Islimore Organization Name: Clan Svärd Classification: Distinguished Clan of The Kaiha Affiliation: The...
  18. The Clans of Islimore

    The Clans of Islimore

  19. Julius Haskler

    Private  Awakening the Wolf - HHA

    O P E R A T I O N _ W E R W O L F Tag: Nayeïr Orega Accessing... Encrypting... Encrypting... Opening the joint files... Accessing... Opening... Open OPERATION WERWOLF - STEELFIST-ACTUAL EXILED REGENCY OF ANAXES Subject: Awakening of the Wolf This is the first document transmitted to the...
  20. Ulrica Adolfina

    Private  The wolf and the Chiss

    Having as of recently been rescued from a slaver camp Ulrica has been in for a few years. The young Lupin decided or rather is fallowing orders from the Rimworld trade group to go get a checkup at a nearby clinic and to avoid saying no they made the appointment for her. Begrudgingly Ulrica made...
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