Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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yula perl

  1. Lossa Aureus

    Private  A Different Luster

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Yula Perl's Garage, Denon Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear, Left Bracer Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber Tags: Yula Perl Zetlana had always been silently searching for the one that had given her up for adoption. A fact that her...
  2. A

    Leaner... Meaner... and Moving Forward...

    Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Jeremiel, Uriel, Seraphim [Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation] It had been a couple of days since the events on Dorin. Much of the team were recuperating and recovering in sickbay. The general mood of...
  3. Damsy Callat

    Private  Vertical Migration

    E Ave 917.12, Level xXx, Coruscant // Yula Perl \\ She felt like she was stalking Kamino's deep oceans again. There were obviously a lot of differences between the memory and her chronic, Coruscanti circumstances—notably the lack of a tail and the fact that she was not the meanest fish in this...
  4. Daiya

    Private  Temple of My Secrets

    ::[THEME]:: D E N O N 1600 TAUNGSDAY She drew. Her hands worked with unfamiliar tools, having to put down the colored pencil every time she needed a different hue. It was slower work, and the girl found herself frustrated with the results. More pressure was needed to get the same intensity...
  5. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Urban Grime, Urban Crime

    Neon lights reflected in oily puddles along the street. The rain had already stopped, having succeeded only in making this little corner of Coruscant’s underworld a little slipperier. And smellier. On a grimy sidewalk, a tall figure stood. Blaring neon from a strip club sign somewhere above...
  6. Bounty Hunter's Guild

    Yula Perl

  7. Z

    Private  A Million Ways to Die in the Rim

    TERMINUS SLUMS THE OUTER RIM Yula Perl "Stop! In the name of the law!" Zak watched the alien he was chasing crash through a window and twist itself into an acrobatic leap that brought it to a graceful landing four stories below. He cursed to himself. Did every petty criminal know parkour...
  8. Yula Perl

    It Began Here, Before You

    Nar Shaddaa Corellian Sector Igor’s Tapani Palace Life on the go really opened you up to some exotic dining across the galaxy. Sometimes though, you couldn’t afford the prime cut bantha steak smothered in fancy sauce with fancy fixings. Usually those fancy fixings were something weird too, like...
  9. Yula Perl

    We're All Friends Here [Omi]

    “Ah, haha. Yeah, you see, I’m not really into party barges.” There was a nervous chuckle in there, though her tone was not unfriendly. Yula’s disposition was pleasant, albeit guarded as one of the mid-ranking cartel members came to inspect her shipment. The Zeltron mix was no big time smuggler...
  10. Talus Morid

    Road Home

    Corellia - Inner City @Dumb Starberry Lite ([member="Yula Perl"]) Talus ran as fast as he could, the rain whipping at his skin and water splashing from puddle after puddle as he rushed through the city streets. The sights and sounds of the city all around him were about as unfamiliar as could...
  11. Yula Perl

    Away from Their Eyes

    Eria Pechal was a charming little world and she meant that in the least posh way imaginable. Yula was fond of traveling and had been exposed to all sorts of different environments both with her family and on her own. To say that she had the traveling bug would be an understatement, but it was...
  12. Yula Perl

    Feet Don't Fail Me Now

    Universally, Zeltros was known as the party planet. And for good reason—the natives were friendly and exuded a natural pheromone that caused everyone around them to feel at ease. Invasions of the planet were often halted in their tracks until pheromone-filtering technology was invented. Not all...
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