Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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zonju v

  1. Jorus Q. Merrill

    First Reply  Nothing to See Here in Zoronhed

    ZORONHED ZONJU V NEAR SITH TERRITORY Two things to know about this place. First: for a quarter century, the Sith have been the dominant power in the region, and almost every sapient in the Zonju system has lived with that impending threat since youth. There's a dread that lurks on the horizon...
  2. Cord Starfall

    Private  The Heart of Rage

    Location: Low Bar (Cantina), Zoronhed , Zonju V For thousands of years through the many dark ages of the Galaxy their stood Jedi and Sith Monoliths that scarred this Galaxy so deep those wounds can never be forgotten. The wounds always there but rarely ever is warning of them heeded and we...
  3. Zark San Tekka

    Approved Tech  Scepter of the Cyborg King

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit an invasion prize for Khonsu because he takes mercenary RP way too seriously. >.> Image Source: The Avengers Canon Link: / Permissions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Disciples of Ragnos Affiliation: Khonsu Amon...
  4. Z

    Zonju V Rebellion - ORC Victorious

    The judgment is in, and the Outer Rim Coalition has been declared victorious in the Battle for Zonju V! Congratulations to my fellow trash pandas for all the hard work they put in and a special thank you to Agents of Chaos, the new kids on the block who held their own against a veteran faction...
  5. Paragon of Virtue

    [Rebellion] Have Fun Storming the Castle! | AoC's Rebellion of ORC's Zonju V

    Few knew exactly how it had begun. Barthemos, the cyborg king of Zonju V, the planet often referred to as Budget Tatooine, had begun to change. It was subtle at first, the changes going almost entirely undetected. And yet, piece by piece, decision by decision, it became clear that something was...
  6. Maokai Bantam

    Approved Species  Aldiydan Aleazima “Sandworms”

    “In the dark times there was pain, then the force sent the great worm to eat the sins of the world. When they come they bring salvation and consume the wicked. So says the prophecy of Aldiydan aleazima! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique creature, basis for crafting...
  7. Scherezade deWinter

    [Rebellion] Have Fun Storming the Castle! | AoC's Rebellion of ORC's Zonju V

    | The time has come | | We are here | December 1st, 2019 - Agents of Chaos will be rebelling the Outer Rim Coalition for the freedom and liberation of Zonju V! Stay tuned for more information. Agents of Chaos Staff [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Nyree...
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