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Approved Starship Âhcena Interceptor

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Image Source: Here
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Zuguruk Tyûk Industries
Model: Âhcena Interceptor
Modularity: Missiles can be changed out
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Quadanium steel Hull, Starship components, engine parts.
Classification: Interceptor
Crew 1 Pilot.
Length: 10 meters
Height: 6 meters
Width: 3 meters

Twin Laser cannons
Two Ion Cannons, capable of disabling other fighters and bombers, larger vessels require very sustained fire.

Two Missile/Torpedo tubes, inside armaments can only hold 4 missiles or Torpedoes each. Standard is to have
Squadron Count: 12

Special Features:
Integrated droid brain: Helps with flying, targeting and maneuvers that normally are hard to do.
Sensor Mask systems
Decoy Systems
Electronic countermeasures
Maneuverability Rating: 1
Speed Rating: 2

Strong weaponry: The Âhcena Interceptor boasts very heavy weaponry and are able to inflict massive damage.
Tough as nails and hard to hit: Thanks to the Hull composition the Âhcena Interceptor is very tough and can take more punishment than normal interceptors ever could and with it's countermeasures it's hard to get a lock on, on these bad boys.

No shields what so ever
No Hyperdrive unless with an outer hyperdrive ring or docking in a larger vessels bay.
When the company made it's first haulers it became painfully aware of the fact that they'd need protection for it's vessels and stations and thus the Âhcena Interceptor was born. Âhcena Meaning Knife in the ancient sith language is the most apt description of the Interceptors capabilities as it comes in hard and fast, inflicting massive with it's Twin Turbo laser cannons that should in all reality belong on a larger vessel but has been scaled down enough to be placed on the fighter.
On either win is a retractable compartment which holds two barres one for the Turbolaser cannon and another for the ion cannon, this way all four could be fired at the same time but due to power issues it is highly advised not to do this and to make sure of this the cannons cannot be fired both at the same time to prevent just that.
Designed for fast and easy maneuvering in space it holds a large Ion drive engine and maneuvering thrusters to help with it's great maneuvering in space. However due to the speed that has been put into the craft a hyperdrive core wasn't installed and instead they have to rely on hyperdrive rings or other vessels that have hangars and hyperdives to move around the galaxy.

Development Thread: Will add if need be
Intent: To provide an interceptor for all of Zuguruk Tyûk Industries needs such as defenses of ships and stations around the galaxy as well as offer these same interceptors on the open market.
Darth Erebos said:
Twin Turbo Laser cannons, capable of inflicting heavy damage to do damage to even cruisers
Please swap these for twin laser cannons and remove the remark on cruisers, a turbolaser is the same size as this whole ship.

Please drop speed or manoeuvrability to 2.
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