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Private [1] The Trial of Spirit- [Centerra] [Temple of the Sun and Moon]


TAGS: Kaleleon Kaleleon


Kaleleon, Tirin, and Valin stood at the precipice of a grand staircase, overlooking the majestic Temple of the Sun and Moon on the vibrant world of Centerra. A sense of awe enveloped them as they observed the striking architecture, shimmering in gold and silver. The temple's spires reached high into the sky, where the twin celestial bodies danced in harmony. Intricate patterns adorned the walls, telling the ancient stories of Centerran deities.

Valin's eyes sparkled with excitement, his voice tinged with reverence as he turned to his companions. "I chose this place, dear friends, because it seemed perfect for our journey," he explained, gesturing toward the captivating designs.

"The Temple of the Sun and Moon is a symbol of unity and balance. It's a place where cultures converge, and where wisdom is exchanged. Here, the people of Centerra come to learn from one another, celebrate their shared history, and honor the forces that govern their world." Tirin spoke up offering some words on the place.

As Kaleleon, Tirin, and Valin crossed the threshold into the Temple of the Sun and Moon, a profound stillness enveloped them, silencing the chatter of the outside world. The air was filled with ethereal tranquility, heavy with the weight of centuries of wisdom, reverence, and contemplation.

The interior of the temple seemed to breathe with the eternal dance of the celestial bodies, giving life to the symbolism that adorned every surface. Frescoes of the sun and moon, locked in a harmonious embrace, glistened under the soft, otherworldly lighting. Shadows danced along the walls, creating an intricate interplay of light and darkness that echoed the temple's very essence.

In the heart of the temple lay the Chambers of Contrition, quiet spaces imbued with a somber serenity. Here, members of the order, and visiting guests, sought self-reflection, confessed their innermost thoughts, and embarked on personal journeys toward growth and understanding.

Staircases spiraled like the arms of distant galaxies, leading the trio to spaces where they could feel the cosmic forces that shaped the universe. The corridors were filled with a gentle melody, ones that whispered secrets of the sun, the moon, and the cosmos.

They wandered through rooms dedicated to rituals, ceremonies, and gatherings, where altars were set for the celebration of celestial alignments, solstices, and equinoxes. Each room was an example of communal harmony, a physical manifestation of the unity and interconnectedness that lay at the heart of the temple's teachings.

Valin's voice was soft, almost a whisper in the quiet of the temple. "This place, it's something else, isn't it? Makes you think about life, about who we are, and what keeps everything in balance."

Together, they moved through the Temple of the Sun and Moon, each step a journey into something bigger and more profound.

"We're here for the Chambers of Contrition. They've got some ceremonies we need to do. It's a good place to start for your Trial of Spirit," Valin said, his words simple yet filled with meaning. "They've given us some rooms to stay in while we're here. What do you think? Want to settle in and think things over, or take a look around before we get started?" he asked, his eyes wide with excitement and wonder.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
The rooms were filled with such energy. Raw and serene. It reminded me of the prairie my father and I would train in. When he first showed me a "Sunsword" or a Lightsaber. The floors were immaculate. I felt like walking in here was going to dirty them up and scratch them. A place of reverence and contemplation in which the force flowed through freely without hinderance. I could feel its waves and flows. A current not racing, but just lazily moving in and out of the chapel, for a lack of a better word. My focus broken by Valin.

"I can see why."

Followed not too far after was Tirin explaining more of this location. Where I continued to look about. Just taking everything in. I understood the reasoning for bringing me here, but I still did not quite see why it was here that was so important to them, and the choice to accept my presence here. However, the decision for what we should do was given to me by Valin.

"Um I uh... Honestly don't know. I am just taking in the ambiance right now."

I felt almost overwhelmed by the amount of the force that flowed through here. I have been around many a Nexus before. I have been in temples such as this, but it still never seemed to bring about a feeling of awe. I finally brought my attention back to Valin and Tirin then answered them completely.

"We can go ahead and look around before getting started. I didn't bring much with me."

DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer
OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in.


TAGS: Kaleleon Kaleleon

Valin's face broke into an easy grin, his eyes shining with genuine enthusiasm as he clapped Kaleleon on the shoulder. "A walk it is, then! This place has a lot to show, and I reckon a good stroll will help us soak it all in. Ready when you are, Kale."

Tirin, standing nearby with a thoughtful expression,

"I'll take this time to show Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru and Loomi Loomi around the island. There are some unique spots that I think they'll find fascinating," he said, his voice calm and confident.

Then, turning back to Valin and Kaleleon, Tirin's face softened with a warm smile. "Good luck with your exploration, both of you. I have a feeling that this place will reveal more to you than you might expect."

With that Tirin parted ways with the two of them.

The Temple of the Sun and Moon stood in serene harmony with the lush surroundings of a tropical island, a hidden gem that seemed more like a vacationer's paradise than a place of deep reverence and contemplation. On this calm, breezy day, the distant waves crashed against the shore, weaving a somber backdrop that resonated with the very essence of existence.

As they moved through the temple, the atmosphere embraced them with a unique blend of raw energy and tranquility. The air was infused with the soft fragrance of exotic flowers, carried by gentle winds that whispered through open windows and doorways.

The architecture of the temple was an elegant fusion of nature and artistry, its walls adorned with celestial motifs and intricate carvings that told the timeless tale of the dance between the sun and the moon. Large openings in arched ceilings exsisted in several locations for different positions designed to view the skies above. Streams of sunlight filtered through strategically placed openings, casting ethereal patterns on the immaculate floors.

Outside, the verdant landscape was dotted with palm trees, their fronds swaying gracefully in rhythm with the distant ocean waves. Exotic birds added splashes of color to the scenery, their songs blending with the soft rustle of leaves. Pathways led through rich and vibrant gardens, inviting exploration and quiet reflection. The island was practically teeming with life energy.

Even to those familiar with places of power and spiritual energy, the Temple of the Sun and Moon offered a unique allure. Its tranquility resonated with the natural beauty of the island, and the gentle ebb and flow of the Force that permeated every stone, every space.

In this place, it was easy to lose oneself in thought, to become overwhelmed by the feeling of being part of something greater, something that transcended the ordinary. It was a sanctuary where the mysteries of life could be pondered, a perfect oasis of peace on a perfect day in a perfect world. Here, one could almost touch the very essence of the duality of existence, the balance that governed all things, and the interconnectedness that was the heartbeat of the universe.

Valin lead them outside where they came across an odd sight along a beaten path, A sign was hung on a tree.

It read: ' The Mist -Wreathed Forest'

The Mist-Wreathed Forest, located on the far reaches of the temple grounds, is a place of secrecy and mystique. Shrouded in an eternal fog, the forest offers a dream-like landscape that seems to hover between reality and illusion. Tall, ancient trees with gnarled branches stand as guardians of this mystical realm, their leaves whispering secrets to those attuned to hear them.

Upon entering the forest, warriors are immediately enveloped in a dense mist that obscures vision beyond a few feet. The mist, said to be a manifestation of the Moon's subtle energy, lends an ethereal quality to the surroundings, and time seems to stand still.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
We walked. Simply enjoying the ambiance and presence of the temple, its surroundings and how much it could make Varin and I feel the flow of the force. It was something that in small bursts, I could easily handle. However, being here too long, was like a purifying light. Bright enough that a little bit was fine, but staying too long, would burn you and scorch. Leaving nothing else behind. It reminded me of the Force Light abilities that some more powerful jedi had. It purified the light into a weapon. one to combat the Sith, however this was much more subtle in its feel and contexts.

"Leading us into the forests? Is there something else out here?"

I was curious. Even passing by the Mist sign that was hung up for us, I was still wondering what else was out here that pertained to my trial of spirit.

Damn was I too impatient.

DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer


@ Kaleleon Kaleleon

Valin chuckled softly and shook his head. " No... we came here to make use of the Chamber's of Contrition... This is something they tend to use for when they are lost. Do you feel lost in life Kalelon?" Valin asked curiously crossing his arms and pausing to lean against the entrance to a large stone bridge. The towering man offered Kaleon a curious glance. " Where are you in life right now?" He asked.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Did I feel lost? Did I feel like I had actually found what I am seeking for? I believed I had. Coming to peace with the deaths of those I had failed to do so. Have I allowed myself to grieve in a way that was healthy? Looking to Valin, I answered him honestly.

"I do not know. I believe I had. Yet there are parts of me that still feel as though I have a much longer road ahead of me."

I had decided long ago, that I would be a symbol of peace for the galaxy. That I would use all of my powers, abilities, and will into making sure that any effort made, was done for the preservation, protection and order of life. To go to the edge with a smile like my father. To keep it on my face, a sign that I am here to be someone who does a thankless, and ever continuing job.

"I am not ready for this, but I will face it."

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon

"Kaleleon, the trial of spirit is like a journey within your own heart and mind. It's about finding strength in your connection to the Force and facing whatever shadows might lurk there."

Valin continued, his words carrying a touch of familiarity. "The 24-hour vigil you'll undertake is a way of preparing yourself for the path ahead. You'll forgo sleep, only drink water, and spend your time meditating and praying. It's like giving yourself a chance to reset and align with the deeper currents of the Force. Think of fasting as shedding unnecessary baggage. It helps you focus on what's truly important – your bond with the Force and your own resilience.”

Valin's voice took on a contemplative tone, as he went over brief expirations. "Meditation's like finding a calm spot in a storm. It centers your thoughts and allows you to listen to your own intuition. Trust me, that inner voice can be your best guide."

With a warm smile, Valin offered a glimpse into his past. "I've been through my own trials, faced loss and challenges. But every time you pick yourself up, you come back stronger. Life's about embracing those experiences and growing from them."

He shifted his focus to the idea of prayer. "Prayer's like talking to your mentors, even if they're not physically here. It connects you to the history of the Order and the wisdom of those who've walked the same path. It's a way of seeking guidance and drawing strength from the lineage you belong to."

As they approached the temple of the Sun and Moon, Valin's words blended encouragement with a sense of reverence. "Remember it's about facing your own inner battles and emerging stronger from them. The trial isn't just about proving yourself to the Order; it's about proving it to yourself and embracing the journey of growth; something the Sunstar Order holds in the highest regard here.”
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I listened intently. Valin explaining that before I was to perform anything else, I had to go through a preliminary vigil. A way to center myself and allow all of what I was before, left behind. Namely, prayer.

Religion, Prayer, and Sacrament is not something I have ever done. Being trained by a Warrior Jedi into a Guardian, and protector of people, it was never a thing of faith. I knew the force was there. I knew I could use it. Thus no "faith" on what would happen should I die. Never had feelings like that before. So this was going to be new to me. Meditation I have done before. As well as a Fasting period. However, it had been literal years since I have done them. Most "meditations" were just me taking a moment to calm down. To control my emotions and thoughts. Nodding to Valin, I excused myself from him.

"I would like to do this out in the forest. I uh... find better connection to the force when I am able to be in a familiar place to home."

Reaching into my poncho, I pulled out the saber. A double-bladed weapon that could be taken apart with a simple twist lock and become two sabers. Looking at it intently, I flipped it over in my hands. Holding it between the two of them with open palms. Handing it to Valin. If I was to do this, then I couldn't use the help of a conduit to do so. It was also a sign of trust. I would be back for the weapon Jedi coveted. Bowing to him, I walked off.

Making headway through the trees, my boots softly touching the local flora, I could feel the gentle breeze passing through my hair, and against my face. A hand raising to feel it. It was comforting. Reminding me greatly of Weik. A lone planet all the way out on the other side of the galaxy. A place where no Galactic Forces have been in large numbers. A planet where farmers, blacksmiths, and simple towns worked together to just live day by day. A watchful eye of the Paladins over them. Moving further in, I just found a place I thought would be good for me to just kneel.

Standing there, I took of the poncho. Letting the clothing rest on the ground before kneeling down upon it. My hands falling to rest upon my knees. Sitting up straight, I left my eyes open. Letting them wander and play across the surrounding area. Seeing the leaves move and shift. Hearing animals crying, chirping, in the distance. I slowed my breathing. Bringing it to an even pace. Using all of my diaphragm to open the lungs, and slowly decompress. My eyes drifted closed on their own. My mind shutting out sight to let all the other sense open.

Smell of the forest. Woody, sappy, natural. Clashing of flora in the winds. Branches colliding together. Slowly, those sounds faded, the scents numbing themselves. The breeze no longer touched me. The only sounds I had, were the breathing of my body, and the silence of the mind. Emptying myself.

No voices within my head. Letting only the force flow through me. Feeling its waves that were turbulent, crashing, and destroying. A torrent of emotions harbored for far too long. Feeling these, showed how much I had lost what I once had been able to do. To quell the storm, to find a peace within the center of the hurricane. This presence in the force, was my own. Over-filled. The fragile glass that held this storm, cracking, snapping. Letting these waves crash, the power of such natural fury was wielded for far too long alone. This flow, this disturbance, I have carried without acknowledging it. It was losing control. Growing darker and stronger.

I sought only what I would know.


My voice harsh and filled with a pain and suffering. I didn't try to call for the man. I hadn't even thought of trying to communicate with him. Last time I had spoken to him was years ago. So why was the first singular though, and vocalization his title? Yet, knowing I was alone, I could feel a hand press against my chest. A pit forming within. A painful rending that took my breath away from me. Drowning within my own presence. Overtaken by the turbulence of my guilt. This pit opened. Widening within my chest. Leaving a hole where I had been.

"Smile, Kale."

His voice! Pressing me. If he communed with me, then pray and call to him I would do. All I wanted to do was to call out his name. To tell him how much I have done. To call him Dad. A child cried out to his father. Wanting him. Needing him.

"Kale, You promised me, didn't you?"

My chest fluttered. The pit digging and shaking my soul. A pain I had let him down. I had failed him. Again. Not just him, but Romi. Cotan. Coren. I failed them all. They were who I looked up to. So why was my prayer, of my father? I had to answer him.

"Yes you did. But why?"

A serious thought. Why did I promise him to smile in the face of danger, of death, of hardship? To be the one who showed that Jedi can stand in the face of defeat, and show that these people, would be safe. To hold back the threat one more day. I did it for my father. He trusted me. I did it for Romi. She guided that of me. I did it for Cotan, He supported me. I did it for Coren, He inspired me. But why did I promise him?

"You let our voices guide you. Our voices aid you. Instead of yourself."

Myself? Their voices? I had allowed their influences to lead me in this path. I let them dictate what I should and shouldn't do. Hearing their voices in time of need. Many times, in hardship, I faced them, hearing them and following them. But... my own voice? My own thoughts? My smile?

"We guided you, raised you, trained in all we know. Then why do you not use it?"

The training. To think for myself. To accept that I needed, while doing this alone physically, in spirit, I had them supporting me. No matter what I did. No matter what choice I made. I needed to understand, to quantify who I am. To really be my own person. Not a Jedi who learned from Romi. Not a Jedi who fought side by side with Cotan. Not a follower of Coren. I needed to be, A Jedi of my own. They gave me the tools to become one, yet I believed these tools were to make me into them. Not into myself. I needed to find this peace, will I find peace in my soul?

"Kale, use your own voice. Claim who I am meant to be."

With a snap, my eyes flew open. My body breathing heavily. Yet, I was not kneeling. I laid upon the ground. The poncho over the top of me now. Shielding me from the elements. I had been here a while. Yet as I started to lean up, I could feel something. It was different. Strange yet familiar. The pit was gone. a glass repaired, and still waters within. A voice echoed in my head. Clean and clear.


Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon

Valin took a moment to settle himself within a room of the temple, creating an environment of comfort where he could focus his thoughts and intentions. With practiced ease, he created an atmosphere that resonated with his connection to the Force, allowing his mind to align with the upcoming discussion. His cheerful demeanor persisted, even as he mentally prepared for the meeting.

Leaving behind the room, Valin made his way to meet with members of the Sunstar Order, seeking to discuss their procedures and traditions. His steps were measured, his presence calm yet engaging as he approached fellow members of the Order. Valin's easygoing nature made it easy for him to connect with others and engage in meaningful conversations about their shared practices.

Meanwhile, as Kaleleon settled into the forest, his surroundings seemed to come alive with curious creatures. Among them was a small, fluffy creature named a Fopps. This adorable creature resembled a miniature fox, adorned with feathered wings that gave it a whimsical appearance. The Fopps approached Kaleleon with curiosity, sniffing at his presence, its tiny nose twitching as it took in his scent.

As Fopps ventured closer, other creatures of various shapes and sizes began to emerge from the underbrush, drawn by the intriguing newcomer. Each creature had its own unique features and characteristics, yet all of them shared a sense of curiosity. Some had sparkling fur, others had intricate patterns on their scales, and a few even had luminous markings that glowed softly in the dappled sunlight.

These creatures, seemingly enchanted by Kaleleon's presence, surrounded him with gentle sniffs and inquisitive glances. Their behavior was reminiscent of a group of friends meeting someone new, their gestures filled with a mix of playfulness and intrigue. As the creatures interacted with Kaleleon, their presence seemed to imbue the forest with an almost magical quality, as if the very essence of the surroundings responded to their curiosity.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
The forest drew in upon me. Its quizzing nature with many animals drawing close. Watching and attempting to figure out who and what I was. These almost fox like creatures were drawing the closest. Reminding me of home. We did have foxes there, but these were different in color, and namely, the wings upon their backs. In truth, they were rather adorable in their size and demeanor. However, just because a creature has fur, and small, doesn't mean it couldn't be dangerous.

As one drew closer, I slowly reached out to my hand. Letting it sniff me. To show that I was not intending to hurt it, or to scare it.

"You guys are cute. If I already didn't have a buddy of my own, I'd try to take one of you with me."

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon
The creatures, resembling small foxes with feathered angel wings, continued to encircle Kaleleon, their inquisitive nature on full display. Their fur glistened in various shades, and their wings fluttered with a sense of curiosity and excitement. Their presence exuded an air of innocence and wonder.

As one of the creatures drew closer, its fluffy tail swaying gently, Kaleleon extended his hand with care and gentleness. The creature, seemingly emboldened by his gesture, approached his outstretched hand and sniffed it cautiously. Its tiny nose twitched, and it let out a soft, melodious chirp, as if acknowledging Kaleleon's friendly intent. It wasn't long before Kale was swarmed in the fuzzy little things as they made a small 'pile' of one another on top of him.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
As one drew close, I softly let my hand fall on one. Feeling its fur and the slight vibrations when it became vocal. However, as soon as one started to show any kind of affection, I was knocked down to my back as others began to crowd me. I chuckled audibly as they covered my chest and kept trying to rub against my head and arms. Wanting attention. They seemed innocent enough as they played around. I was finally able to get my hands beneath me and push myself back up and had two of them slide from my chest into my lap instead. My hands having to go back and forth petting all of them around me to try and appease them.

"You are going to make my Hrolf jealous when I get back home."

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon
The small, fluffy creatures continued to overwhelm Kaleleon with their happy excitement. They swarmed around him, their wings fluttering and their fur brushing against his skin. Their joy was infectious, and it seemed as if the forest itself had come alive with their playful energy.

It was as if the simplicity of life and the profound beauty found in these small pleasures and joy-filled moments. It was a reminder that amidst the trials and challenges of the galaxy, it was these pure and unadulterated moments of connection and delight that made life truly worth living. The forest echoed with the laughter and chirping of these creatures, a novel resonating sensation of profound happiness that could be found in the most unexpected encounters and the most ordinary of moments.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
These adorable creatures continued to pile upon me. Their fur and energy radiated unto me. Their warmth, their relaxing glee that teased me into a sense of wanting to just stay here. Hanging into this forest whereupon I would be within the forest for years. To keep me here and to allow me to just live out my days hidden from the rest of the world. It was... liberating to not have such stresses of the world, of the galaxy. Judgement from others would be washed away. Yet, this was not what I was meant to do. No. I had to..

I enjoyed my time with such calming and trivial things. In the moment they were good for me, but it did not solve the issue of why I was here. My spirit. I was here for my trial of spirit. It all came rushing back to me. Valin was waiting for me back at the Temple of the Sun and Moon. The duology of an individual. Slowly, and gently, I let go of these creatures. Whatever they may be, I made my way to stand up from the ground. Not even attempting to brush myself off or excuse my actions for leaving them. Their coos of wanting more attention wanted me to greet them once more. I could not...

Breathing in deeply, I did not of what was expected of me. Not what I had been told. The decisions I have made for so many years were not truly of my own mind. Having to follow my fathers foot steps, having to follow the teachings of Romi, and Coren. No. I had to do this my way. In my own soul.

Turning around, I walked back the way I had came. Making note of where I had been, and keeping just barely the view of the Temple above the treetops. Slowly forging my way backwards towards the temple. Finding the clearing that led back up to the temple. Seeing it standing there among all of the nature around it. Having fallen asleep earlier, I am sure I would have to answer the questions of Valin. More over, while I felt hunger stirring within me. I pushed it to the side. I had responsibilities. One that needed to be completed before I could ever be a Jedi Knight again.

Walking back up the steps, Keeping reverence within my heart, I stayed quiet as I came forward to the chambers. Aiming to find Valin so that we might continue.

I would no longer dismiss the responsibilities that were given to me. I had to face them. Like I had been told so many times before, been learned so may years ago. All with a smile on my face.

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon

Valin was standing outside, his figure silhouetted against the soft glow of the evening sky, when Kaleleon made his way toward him. The moment Kaleleon appeared, Valin pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on.

"Find anything interesting in the woods?"
Valin inquired, a hint of curiosity threading through his voice.

As Kaleleon approached, Valin couldn't help but notice the weariness etched in his features.

"They typically offer a special tea before you step inside," Valin mentioned. "It's brewed with herbs and a special flower from the very woods you've been wandering. Supposed to cleanse the spirit and clear the mind. If you want, you can partake."
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Valin showed up as I reached the precipice of the stairway. Specifically asking about if I had found anything in the forest. Taking a moment, I nodded my head. Answering him truthfully, but not eveything. If only because it was mostly supposed to be about self-discovery, not a team effort. it was something I had to go through myself. Valin was facilitating this.

"Sometimes, doing too much, you can become lost in what responsibilities you have, and will have. So sorting things about one's self, can lead to a better understanding, and value to those responsibilities."

When presented with the offer of tea, one that would be traditionally taken before undertaking the trial, it made me ponder that this tea might be either just a calming agent, or could aid in the spiritual aspect of the force. Nodding my head, I decided.

"I too, shall partake."

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon
Valin nodded briefly, signaling an understanding that transcended words, and led Kaleleon back into the temple, a majestic structure carved directly into the mountain's heart. They moved silently, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor, until they reached a secluded corridor known as the Path of Reflection. Here, the air seemed to hold a weight of solemnity, a reverence for the journey of self-discovery that lay ahead.

They paused before a set of ancient doors, ornately carved and imbued with symbols that spoke of olden mysteries and trials of the spirit. Valin regarded the doors with a look that melded curiosity with a deep respect for the traditions they upheld.

A few steps from the doors, upon a pedestal hewn from the same stone as the temple itself, rested a crystal chalice and a matching pitcher, the latter filled with an amber liquid that caught the light, casting prismatic colors around the chamber. With deliberate motions, Valin poured the liquid into the chalice, its surface shimmering with a gentle radiance, and offered it to Kaleleon.

"This," Valin began, his voice low and imbued with a gravitas that demanded attention, "is the Elixir of Clarity. It is the first step on the Path of Reflection, designed to open your mind and prepare your spirit for the journey ahead. As you drink, let go of your preconceptions and fears. Allow yourself to be present, fully and completely, for what is to come."

(The tea made from the Dawnstar Aster Nectar has a psychoactive effect that has a tendency to leave the consumer with their inhibitions diminished, and their ability to speak the truth of their thoughts and feelings more freely. It is said to have a relaxing calming effect on the consumer. Its effects last two to three hours and take effect approximately fifteen minutes after consumption.)

He paused, ensuring Kaleleon's understanding and acceptance before continuing, "The trials you are about to face are not just tests of strength or wit; they are reflections of your innermost self, challenges meant to reveal your true essence. Success lies not in overcoming what lies beyond these doors with force or intellect alone but in understanding and embracing the lessons they impart."

With a meaningful glance towards the chalice now in Kaleleon's hands, Valin concluded, "This is your first step towards a deeper communion with the celestial energies that bind this world. Drink, and let the journey of self-discovery begin."
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Valin led me through the temple. Under archways, and through doors that were likely older than the Gulag plague. Moving deeper within to come to a room. Others were within, but all doing their own thing. Bringing me to one side, Valin poured a the tea into a special chalice. A rather ornate one. Speaking of its importance, in the value of partaking it, and how it will allow my perceptions, biases, and fears to be swept aside. A drink that changed ones outlook. It could only mean it was a mind-altering drug that had been laced in the drink. Or the herbs within already provided this effect. Breathing in, preparing myself for this, I simply listened.

The lesson was not the door itself that stood before us, but the lessons that I would learn from this. Like the old verbiage goes, its not the end result that you learn from, but the processes to get there that do. Nodding my head in understanding, the chalice was handed to me. Commanded to drink, I did so. Letting my lips touch the rim. Drinking deeply of the herbal tea. Its fragrance and flavors at first were subtle, but the more deeply I partook, The stronger it became.

The cooling liquid seemed to hit my nerves with a shock, likely expecting the tea to be hot, but instead, was a sensation to ease itself into the body. I could feel it travel as I consumed and drank all within the vessel. Holding it within my clasped hands, now empty, I bowed lightly to Valin for giving it to me, and then handed it back to him. Breathing deeply one last time, I looked to the door, and began to look over the trial and challenge ahead of me.

Valin Zenth Valin Zenth
Kaleleon Kaleleon

The door to the Chambers of Contrition is graced with a detailed mural featuring the sun, the moon, and various celestial bodies, whose radiating lines intertwine to create a complex pattern across its surface. At the heart of the door lies an empty circle, as if waiting for something to complete this celestial scene.

Encircling the mural, twelve stone tablets, each intricately engraved with symbols, represent different facets of the penitent's journey. A closer examination of the mural reveals that the sun and moon symbolize the penitent's conscious self and shadow self, respectively—the former representing thoughts, actions, and feelings known to the individual, and the latter encompassing unconscious aspects, hidden fears, and desires.

Further reflection makes it clear that a decision is required at this juncture. The penitent must select three tablets that most accurately reflect the equilibrium between their light and shadow selves, necessitating profound introspection about their journey and the aspects they seek to harmonize.

Placing the correct combination of tablets into the central circle brings the celestial bodies' radiating lines into alignment, creating a seamless harmony of light and shadow across the mural. This act symbolizes the penitent's preparedness to confront and unify every aspect of their being.

Subtle cues within the mural hint at the necessity for balance: faces half in light, half in shadow; vines entwined with both thorns and blossoms; celestial bodies depicted in varying stages of visibility.

An engraved poem on the doorframe offers a mysterious hint:

"In light and shadow, truth does dwell, Reflect, forgive, and face thyself well. Three keys to balance, heart, mind, and spirit's call, Place them where the sun and moon enthrall."

Upon placing the correct tablets, the central circle emits a radiant glow, projecting an equal mix of shadow and light across the mural. Gradually, the door opens, unveiling the path to the Chambers of Contrition.

After passing through the entry, Kaleleon steps into a circular room, faced with numerous indistinguishable doorways. Each doorway leads to a unique trial within the Chambers of Contrition:

  • The Hall of Reflection for contemplation of one's life.
  • The Hall of Pain for confronting personal demons.
  • The Hall of Wisdom for seeking answers.
  • The Hall of Mercy for self-forgiveness.
  • The Hall of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Time, Life, Death, and Rest for testing faith, knowledge, actions, will, spirit, emotions, memories, and the need for rest, respectively.
  • Ultimately, the Hall of Contrition, where one faces and reconciles with their past.

The pathways are unmarked, compelling the penitent to rely on their inner guidance—possibly the Force—to navigate. This journey to the Hall of Contrition is unique for each individual, reflecting their personal journey and the trials they must overcome. But which way would Kaleleon go?

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