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Private 1st Royal Open


Theme: x
Attention: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp , Felix Astermo Felix Astermo

The day had arrived. The 1st Royal Open was moments from beginning it's main event! The Honored Guests from Prince Athriel's personal invitation list would compete in a series of duels to discover who among them would be the first Champion of Horizon's Crown! The arena was extravagantly adorned with amethyst colored fabrics draped over the marbled walls which stood several stories high, hundreds of denizens and visitors walked through security checkpoints manned by the city's Police Droid contingent. The droids were painted a flawless white color with a purple stripe diagonally across their chest. All under the dome were witness to a synthetically perfect day. The contestants were then paraded down the cobbled street in individual, golden, chariots pulled by light blue holographic Fathiers. A full escort of six police droids headed the parade, blaster rifles slung over their shoulders. From the sky, suddenly, rose petals began to fall from an indiscernible point. It did not take long for the pathway to be covered in speckles of red. Even outside of the RDC the excited cheering was near deafening. As the parade neared the grand entrance to the Royal Dueling Court, the gilded gates receded into the walls to display a manicured meadow and a thousand cheering faces waving flags with the contestant's names in Aurebesh, there was one particular crowd flag that was much larger and draped across a section of the crowd - the symbol of the Silver Jedi Order.

Off to the side on a raised platform among the crowd was Prince Athriel dressed in fine robes with a Police Droid on either side of him. His hands were folded in front of his lap and he stood straight with an imperial aura about him. He seemed perfectly comfortable so close to his people and they seemed to pay him no ill will. The chariots began to pull the contestants around the inside of the arena for all the spectators to see them up close and for the contestants to encourage whatever feeling in the crowd they wished. Afterall this was an event for not only the prizes but for the entertainment of the people.
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo & Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

The colours, the crowds, the damn rose petals - it was far from the arenas his kind favoured, further still from the glory of war. Still, he was not one to complain, so long as he was given a worthy adversary, or two.

He would know soon enough if the tiny creature and the Jedi were able to provide.

Whether or not his opponents relished in the attention - like the tiny one seemed prone to - or not, he would stand silently, crimson-painted helmet held in hand as his orange gaze swept across the crowd, though a sneer crossed his features upon spotting the Silver Jedi Order's banner.

He had seen them in action on Kintan, seen them prioritise the gutter trash of New Kalandra over victory, seen them flail desperately when faced with a proper military. They were not all idiots, surely, but close enough, as far as the young Pureblood was concerned.
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
He never really cared much for pomp and flair. This arena, with all the music, the crowds and noise was never really something he particularly cared for. Looking back, he's surprised he had actually gotten this far. Signing up for the tournament on a whim simply to earn a few extra credits. Maybe upgrade the Freebird a bit. But this was where he path led him. Sitting in his corner of the arena. Waiting for the second round to begin.

His potential opponent was a Pureblood Sith or a literal fairy. He wasnt quite sure how to handle the latter. I mean, if he hit too hard, he couldend up seriously injuring the creature. Even a glancing blow could be fatal due to the sheer difference in mass. As for the Sith? Well, judging from the sneer that seemed to be everpresent on his face. They thought quite highly of themselves. Aaran's face remained utterly impassive as the Sith's gaze fell on him. Meeting the glare of Sarrius Daruna with his own cool gaze. Simply watching, studying, observing.

He was honestly quite curious as to how they would handle themselves in a one-on-one fight. Without someting like overwhelming numbers on a civillian target. For all their talk of strength. They were inherently cowards. But that was simply what came from drawing on one's own fear for strength. Once that was taken away. What else did they have left to them?

Rolling his shoulders, Aaran sat down on the bench in his little corner that was assigned to him, one hand resting under his chin as he simply sat there. Observing the upcoming match to try and figure out what each of his potential opponents could do.

Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp Felix Astermo Felix Astermo Athriel


As the chariots finished their rounding of the arena the contestants were brought back to the center of the arena. Athriel took a small step forward and lifted his hands in greeting "Welcome, to the 1st Royal Open dueling competition." the crowd's cheering heightened and Athriel's microphone volume was increased remotely "Before us stand our honored guests who have come to compete for the grand prize of 3,240 credits and the privilege of being named our Champion! Courageous contestants, I look forward to seeing your martial prowess - as do we all. Let the tournament commence." Prince Athriel took a step back and a ornate chair extended from the platform he stood on. Taking his seat the chariots pulled Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo away to the side lines of the Royal Dueling Court as Felix Astermo Felix Astermo and Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp were taken to either side of the meadow.

Upon reaching the designated points the chariots opened and let the occupants out. The holographic Fathiers fizzled away and the chariots took off with great speed out of the grand entrance, the gates sliding closed behind them. A light, nearly invisible, cyan bubble bloomed from the center of the RDC. The suppression field, on full extension, become invisible to the naked eye. Those within, that being the contestants, would feel an abnormal weight on their shoulders though it was not so much as to cause an impact to performance or comfort.

A booming voice of an announcer took over and introduced the fighters "Denizens of the Serene City, visitors, and spectators! On the north side of the RDC is Felix Astermo Felix Astermo , an apprentice in the Sith Empire! Don't let his rank of title deceive you! He is one of the few of his kind. An ancient lineage of warriors!" fans of Sarrius, of which there were few denizens but many visitors, cheered. Flags bearing the crest of the Sith Empire and Sarrius' name waved with fervor "And on the south side of the RDC is Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp , famed fighter! Watch as she floats like a Carrier Butterfly and stings like a Fire Wasp! The bets are coming in with odds favoring Felix Astermo Felix Astermo ! Will you take the 'safe' bet or go for our underdog? The choice is yours!" There was a brief silence then the announcer spoke up once again "Thank you for watching that message from our sponsors, holonet viewers, and once again welcome to the 1st Royal Open dueling tournament hosted in the Serene City of Horizon's Crown! And without further delay - FIGHT!" the edges of the RDC glowed a bright green signalling the match was on.
" well Skev "
Gna was screwed she wasn't a tailed or horned or a winged Lo-lili.
no she was 13 inches tall and in a gladiator fight. best she could do was ise her size.
" Ok Bring it. big job" she yelled.
Gna's race had little concept of fear, not a good trait for a race as small as hers but that's why they had riding cats back home.
ans with that she adjusted her satchle and charged at the giant Felix Astermo Felix Astermo
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

He would face the tiny one, then. Hopefully, she would provide adequate warmup for his fight with the Jedi. Stepping off the chariot, he placed the helmet atop his arrogant features, turning to analyse his opponent through an opaque faceplate. She was brave, at least.

As she charged, he strode forward, crimson lightsaber igniting in his left hand. Where a more empathic person - a Jedi, perhaps - might have worried for her safety, he was more concerned with the field itself. If he, say, stomped her, how would it protect her? Only one way to find out.

"Brave little thing, aren't you?" The contemptuous dismissal was clear in his voice, and yet he had no intention of giving her even the slightest opening, for he knew all too well how many of brothers and sisters Sith had fallen to hubris. As she came within range, a foot would suddenly surge outwards with force-enhanced speed, seeking to end the fight in one fell swoop - he cared little for the prize, but would not suffer a challenge to go unmet.
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

She was fast, as befitting her small size, but speed would only save her for so long. He would hit, she would fall. It was inevitable.

Sneering dismissively at her minuscule discs, he manifested a shimmering barrier of kinetic force, only to have his lightsaber fizzle out and die as they struck the field and let loose energy of some kind. He was no damn technologist.

Throwing the lightsaber to the ground in annoyance, he pulled a slender dagger from his hip, its rune-engraved surface having claimed far more lives than that damned gadget. Smiling softly, he began a series of measured kicks, observing her reactions, trying to catch her in mid-air with his blade... or simply drive a knee into her. Force knows she couldn't weigh much.
thank gods her race were fast.. rodent fast " what cha gonna do stab me. hot ta catch me first Big Job. "
ok she was lucky so far she had to use her size and speed.
all it'd take was a step and she'd be out.

she had a plan. but it'd be risky. and would take some tome to work
" you ok without the fancy glow stick Big Job?"
( ooc Felix Astermo Felix Astermo she cant fly. )
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

Damnable rodent - even with the Force fuelling his speed and reflexes, he couldn't seem to touch her. A battle of attrition was possible - he would certainly win, for his training had involved being forced to practice the ways of war until his bones felt like lead and his hands bled, but it would be a poor outcome. Much less rewarding than the glorious battles he had come here hoping for.

"I don't need a weapon to catch a rodent!" Drawing from his frustration, growing anger, and remembered pain he thrust his right hand forward, seeking to grasp her tiny form within a cocoon of telekinetic force and slam her into the ground.

(OOC: I am aware; I was referring to her hopefully having to jump to dodge some of his blows - maneuvring is difficult in mid-air.)
Equipment; emp mines Lo-lili blaster

" Big talk for a Big Job" she teased as she darted around and drew her blaster.
ok he was p*ssed off and that was both good and bad.
one it threw him off his game and made him.. but it fuled the force.. as a Lo-lili she knew that.. sure she was a 1% oddity in her race and not attuned to it.
but she understood that.
then... slam.
Sskev the force..
Felix Astermo Felix Astermo
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

Coldly snickering at the sight of her minuscule "weapon", Sarrisus' heavily-accented voice echoed forth from his helmet's voice projectors. "Yield, little one. I can do this all day." With her speed and size, she might make a formidable assassin, but she seemed to possess little to no protection against the Force. With a bit of training and the right poisons, however... yes, her species had potential.

As if to hammer home the point, he conjured forth further tendrils of telekinetic force, attempting to fling her about like a ragdoll - this had the potential to be quite entertaining, even if he couldn't kill his opponents.

Should she fail to evade the renewed assault, the crowd's reaction would likely be lukewarm at best. After all, seeing a Sith utilise their mystical arts to toy with the opposition was liable to be an unnerving sight for all but the staunchest supporters of his order.
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

As amusing as it was to watch her struggle, it was time to finish this. Ignorant of the fact that the EMP charges had fried his suit's inbuilt shield generator alongside his lightsaber, he strode forward, imposing his will upon her once more - this time in hopes of forcing her to the ground.

"Struggling against the inevitable? How pedestrian."

Should she prove unable to withstand the telekinetic force, he would aim to earn his victory with characteristic brutality - if she was able to withstand being flung around, then he would simply stomp her until she yielded or collapsed into unconsciousness. He doubted she could be anything but fragile, given her diminutive form.
and there it was the oppening on rapid fire she unloaded her solid state blasters laser rounds at the mans face
primarily at the eyes
" cahmon big job you needed to use magic to stomp me? pathetic fight like a man. " she goaded the force user.
ok her race could take a few dings but were .. well not fragile just .. stompable
'she onloaded the full energy pack .. it was amazing what a bit of copper could oi to sheild from an emp.
Felix Astermo Felix Astermo
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour
Tags: Athriel Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

Accursed gnat! Flinching backwards as tiny blaster bolts slammed against his helmet, he raised his right arm to shield it, even as the cracked eyeguards flickered wildly with shorted out electronics and blasted sensors.

The reinforced duraplast would hold for a while against low-powered firearms - probably - but he had no intention of finding out. Closing his eyes, forced to rely on the Force given the state of his blaster-scarred helmet, he thrust forward his left arm, firing his ace in the hole - the ancient Lanvarok - at her, a random spray of razor-sharp discs surging forth, telekinetically guided by his hateful will to cut her in two.

... or at least knock her out. Bloody security field, he really needed to kill someone right now. Maybe his damn slave - if the armour had been properly sealed, it should have been able to shrug off weaker EMPs.
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber (Red), Sith Lanvarok, & Ritual Dagger (Curved) | Modified Legionnaire Armour (Damaged)
Tags: Athriel | Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp & Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Soundtrack: Beast by 8 Graves

Pulling the ruined helmet from his head, he breathed a sigh of relief, before frowning as he spotted his opponent's wound. Sure, he wanted to kill someone, but it would be rather poor form to do so in a tournament meant to be nonlethal. Fortunately, the Prince had been sensible enough to keep medics on hand, even with the field in place.

Completely disregarding the crowd - except for a few very obviously loyal Sith-Imperial citizens - he glanced over at his next opponent, before calling his lightsaber to himself and pressing the activator... after which it promptly ignited. Only temporary damage, then. Good.

Hopefully, there would be a short break before the next fight. He had spent more energy than intended and his slave had failed him by improperly sealing the armour. Fingers almost subconsciously stroking the hilt of his sacrificial dagger, Sarrius smiled coldly - two birds with one stone.


As Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp more than clearly yielded to Felix Astermo Felix Astermo the announce called through the Royal Dueling Court "And that's the first round folks! Gna Grimwasp has yielded to Sarrius Daruna of the Sith Empire! With this victory our young warrior will fight the crowd favorite Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo in round two for the title! But before this much awaited confrontation we will take a twenty minute intermission for our fighters to prepare!" Meanwhile the crowd had been cheering on the action with great excitement. The Prince clapped his hands along with the crowd while giving a subtle nod to both Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp and Felix Astermo Felix Astermo . Two attendants rushed to the fallen pixie's side and began to tend to her wounds - which due to the technology of the RDC's suppression field - would not have been life threatening. More so along the lines of a rough knocking around. The medics, should Gna Grimwasp Gna Grimwasp not refuse them, would take her off the field. Felix Astermo Felix Astermo and Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo were each approached by a protocol droid who offered to show them both to waiting rooms should they require preparation. These waiting rooms were stocked with refreshments, a medical droid, and furniture.

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