Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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2 Year Time Jump...

I ended up taking longer to come back than I intended, and had already set up my character to be ready to jump in. It never happened, and it is now two years later from where I left off. I'm thinking of maybe using a scenario where he gets transported two years into the future. The only canonical instance of time travel I can find is via the "World Between Worlds" in Star Wars Rebels, where Ahsoka is sent two years into the future. The problem with this is that the only access to this place is in a temple on Lothal. Corbin was on his way to Kestri from Susevfi in 876, and Lothal is much further out than Kestri, so I cannot imagine any reason why he might travel there instead. (The time was after the end of the War on Tython.) Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share? Corbin is Mandalorian and trained in the Jensaarai tradition on Susevfi.
You could always go with a hyperspace anomaly. Miscalculations in navigations in legends could have all kinds of weird results, since it is an alternate dimension.
True. Had toyed with such an idea. Might need permission to do that though. So I thought I might see if there were alternatives. Also, though it isn't absolutely necessary, I'd really like an in-universe reason why it happened. Haven't thought up anything yet.
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Use the netherworld event that happened?

Maybe Corbin got zapped into the other realm via an anomaly, and in the nether time passed different for him, and when he managed to escape it seemed like a matter of days - but was actually 2 years later to the galaxy.

Netherworld tie-in ftw.
True. Had toyed with such an idea. Might need permission to do that though. So I thought I might see if there were alternatives. Also, though it isn't absolutely necessary, I'd really like an in-universe reason why it happened. Haven't thought up anything yet.
I don't think you'd need permission for that one. I have a character who was sent to the future by hyperspace anomalies and I've seen plenty others, so if you don't find another solution I think you should be fine.
I don't think you'd need permission for that one. I have a character who was sent to the future by hyperspace anomalies and I've seen plenty others, so if you don't find another solution I think you should be fine.
Ok, cool. And I suppose there seemingly not being a reason for it would be a nice juxtaposition to there being a reason for a meteorite delivering his Kyber crystal when he needed it. And he is flying a brand new ship with all new parts, many of which are prototypes his own company built.
Time Travel? In my Star Wars?


In all seriousness, I like using cryo-pods. Something like an accident occurs or maybe they went into cryo and something went array, now it's been two years.
Time Travel? In my Star Wars?


In all seriousness, I like using cryo-pods. Something like an accident occurs or maybe they went into cryo and something went array, now it's been two years.
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't normally use it, it's just kinda necessary for a smooth transition to answer where Corbin has been for the past two years even though he hasn't aged at all...
And he does have a cryogen chamber on his ship, but no real reason to use it on himself. Unless you can think of a good reason lol.
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't normally use it, it's just kinda necessary for a smooth transition to answer where Corbin has been for the past two years even though he hasn't aged at all...
And he does have a cryogen chamber on his ship, but no real reason to use it on himself. Unless you can think of a good reason lol.
Could be his ship was damaged, life support offline. Any number of reasons really! I don’t mean to take my words as criticism,do whatever you gotta for you to enjoy or have fun with your story!
Could be his ship was damaged, life support offline. Any number of reasons really! I don’t mean to take my words as criticism,do whatever you gotta for you to enjoy or have fun with your story!
No, you're good. I'm looking for any and all ideas! His ship is actually brand new. However, that in and of itself could cause any number of unforeseen problems. It is not a factory-produced ship. (Well, it was technically produced in a factory, but it's a unique ship and many of the parts are prototypes made to test the limits of the engineering capabilities of Force users.) I'm definitely leaning towards that. Maybe an odd combination of techs within the ship overpowered and engaged both Hyperdrives at once? And that caused a time distortion as spacetime bent in an odd way around him?
Bunker-level Normal
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't normally use it, it's just kinda necessary for a smooth transition to answer where Corbin has been for the past two years even though he hasn't aged at all...

It's never necessary.

Chaos doesn't follow its own timeline, much less keep it up diligently. Timey whimey is the name of the game here, your character can age as much and as little, as fast or as slow, as you want.

Me? I usually age up my characters when the RP feels satisfying for a character year. Others go from birth to 13 in one IRL month. It's no big deal, as long as you're happy with where your character's at, write them at the age/circumstances you want. Sure, it might not make perfect sense, but it's not like Chaos is making perfect chronological sense itself. Try asking a dozen people when a particular RP event happened, and you'll get a good half-dozen answers.

The timeline here is just a guide, use it like one and learn when to break away from it. This place is meant to be fun, not a chore.
Time isn't all that important, there are characters here who started on the site when the timeline was 830s and the characters are still roughly the same age now in 876. The timeline is only really important to explain the setting we are in, to distance our stories from those of the movies, games, books and comics.

I wouldn't worry about wracking your brain over logical explanations for the time period. You don't really need cryo errors, hyperspace anomalies or time travel to say why he's been gone for two years. Space travel is long, it takes far longer than we like to write it takes. You could just say he had been travelling. If aging your character feels like an issue, 18 to 20 isn't much of a jump, that's still super young.

If nothing else, hyperspace anomaly is the easiest explanation.
some are being silly but the year is in fact late 877 ABY (For reference - Tython annihilation was late 876)

if folks are time-jumping, they're doing the,"timey wimey = time is fluid thing"
not to be taken too seriously if your characters are relatively new.
Well, the main thing is I missed a couple invasions, including one that ended with the faction leader dead. That's pretty major. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't worry too much. But considering he should've been there when something that major happened, it would bug me to not have a reason for it. And I figure the easiest cop-out is time distortion. Do appreciate all the input though. Thank you so much!

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