1.What do you think of your name? My title keeps changing. Other than that it's about the only thing about me that doesn't change.
2.How often do you like to knock boots? I don't. I'm a softie
3.How often do you have nightmares? I did a long time ago, after my husband was killed. But not anymore.
4.What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? Every slave that I've rescued that went on to have a better life is an accomplishment. As well as helping to secure a good future for Commenor.
5.What do you feel is your greatest regret? Getting myself into the situation that caused my late husband to die.
6.If you could have another pet, what would it be? Hmm...another Gwaii Cat, I think.
7.What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy? Do what I've always done. Use most of it to fund my slave rescue missions.
8.When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice? Their behaviour. Actions speak louder than words.
9.What is the most exotic destination you have ever travelled to? Bakura.
10.Hyperspace.How do you pass the time? Drink tea, read, eat and sleep.
11.What are your religious beliefs? Don't have any.
12.Where do you see yourself in 20 years? Retired in a secluded location. Perhaps with a special someone.
13.What is your favorite sin? I don't have one.
14.What do you order at a Bar? A virgin drink, or tea, sometimes Commenori Brandy..
15.What habit of yours annoys others the most? My talking...lol.
16.What do you want to be remembered for? My efforts of helping to give others freedom from oppression and a better quality of life.
17. 1 - 10.Rate yourself on possessing:Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit. 10, 8, 9, 8.
18.Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do. Murder anyone.
19. Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most? The Mystery section.
20.If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be? An invasion of privacy, but I'd say [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] or [member="Sareen Zar"] so that I can be steps ahead of them.