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20 Questions for your Mirror Character - Hype Train

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
  • 1.What do you think about living in a society where your unquestionable Emperor controls everything?
    - I think it's great! The Emperor handles everything so we citizens don't have to worry about anything above our comfort zone!

[*]2.How has your personal family life changed because of this rigid society?
  • - Right now my parents and my own family aren't high up in the ranks, but you know what they say! "Be a good citizen, and the Emperor will reward you."

[*]3.How often do you have nightmares or fears about the future?
  • - I--What? Who mentioned nightmares?! I don't have nightmares! I am happy; everyone is happy!

[*]4.What do you feel is the greatest accomplishment at this point?
  • - One time, I managed to get ahead on my paperwork! I'm sure the Emperor noticed how diligent I am...right?

[*]5.What do you feel is your greatest regret?
  • - Who said I regret anything! I'm happy, remember?!

[*]6.If you could have another pet or companion, what would it be?
  • - Something nice and cuddly and not at all a Ropo.

[*]7.How have your finances and status in society changed under the rule of The State?
  • - Well, my family and I have been making the same amount for a while...but I'm comfortable being in the lower middle class, honest.

[*]8.When you look at a stranger these days, what is the first thing you notice?
  • - How dangerous or wild they look. That's what the Glorious Empire says the rebels look like, and I don't want to get involved with them. Nasty lot, they are.

[*]9.What is the most exotic destination you have ever been allowed to visit?
  • - Um...Well, Coruscant was pretty exotic, at least compared to Glee Anselm. I went there one time for a celebration of the Emperor's regime.

[*]0.Hyperspace.How do you pass the time these days?
  • - Oh, I don't travel very often. My place is at home. Though...watching my holodramas would be one way I'd pass the time.

[*]1.What are your religious beliefs? Do you think your Emperor would approve?
  • - Oh, the Emperor doesn't approve of the old religions on Glee Anselm; but we all believe in the Emperor.

[*]2.If you ever met a mirror of yourself, what would you do?
  • - I-I don't know. I guess turn them in if they're a rebel.

[*]3.What is your favorite sin these days?
  • - I don't sin!

[*]4.What do you order at a Bar?
  • - A good, upstanding citizen does not frequent bars.

[*]5.What trademark habits have you picked up these days?
  • - I...*lowers voice* I find myself glancing over my shoulder, every now and then. But it doesn't mean anything, does it?

[*]6.What do you want to be remembered for?
  • - For helping the Glorious Emperor, one little bit at a time.

[*]7.1 - 10.Rate yourself on possessing:Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.
  • - 10, 10, 10, 9?

[*]8.Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do.
  • - Join the rebels. Have I mentioned they're a nasty lot?

[*]9.Imagine an Orwellian propaganda-filled bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most?
  • - I don't really go to bookstores, but...either the history section or the cookbook section. I love to cook, and reading about the Emperor's past accomplishments always give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

[*]0.If you had to name your hero, who would it be?
  • - The Emperor, silly!

Oh yeah. Definitely looking forward to this event :p

[member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Joran Del-Finn"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Chiasa Vereen"] ('Cause y'all know how opposite this is from the real Nei)
20 Questions: For your Mirror Character

  • 1.What do you think about living in a society where your unquestionable Emperor controls everything?
    - It's not really my place to think about that sort of thing.. Even if someone else was in power, I would still be a slave, high level politics are not for the likes of me...

[*]2.How has your personal family life changed because of this rigid society?
  • -I don't really have one.. It might be nice, but I guess I'm glad I don't have a family.. I wouldn't want my child growing up in slavery like me. If it was allowed to grow up at all..

[*]3.How often do you have nightmares or fears about the future?
  • -All the time.

[*]4.What do you feel is the greatest accomplishment at this point?
  • -I.. I don't know. Surviving I suppose. I am one of the best dancers in the galaxy.. I guess that's something.

[*]5.What do you feel is your greatest regret?
  • -That I will never do anything for myself, never get to be my own person. Never know what I am capable of.

[*]6.If you could have another pet or companion, what would it be?
  • -I do not own anything.. Nor do I think I would want to own a pet.. I know what it is to be owned.

[*]7.How have your finances and status in society changed under the rule of The State?
  • -I have never had anything. I likely never will.

[*]8.When you look at a stranger these days, what is the first thing you notice?
  • -Whether they are an immediate threat to me or not.

[*]9.What is the most exotic destination you have ever been allowed to visit?
  • -Even when I am taken somewhere new, I do not get to see much. I go where I am told, sight-seeing is not for the likes of me.

[*]0.Hyperspace.How do you pass the time these days?
  • -If I am lucky I am left alone. If not.. I do as I am ordered.

[*]1.What are your religious beliefs? Do you think your Emperor would approve?
  • -I hope there is something when I die. I hope there is something better. If not.. I would be content to simply be unmade. I would be all right with nothingness. It would be peaceful at least.

[*]2.If you ever met a mirror of yourself, what would you do?
  • -I.. I do not know. Would it be a relief to know that somewhere I was free, or would it just hurt to know that I myself was not strong enough to manage it?

[*]3.What is your favorite sin these days?
  • -I.. I do not have a favourite sin, but I am probably guilty of envy.

[*]4.What do you order at a Bar?
  • -Credits are not for the likes of me. If I was ordering it would likely be me relaying the order of someone else.

[*]5.What trademark habits have you picked up these days?
  • -I guess I do not make eye contact well.. I do not want to encourage or incite anyone.

[*]6.What do you want to be remembered for?
  • -No one will remember me. Perhaps for my dancing.

[*]7.1 - 10.Rate yourself on possessing:Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.
  • - 7, 9, 6, 4

[*]8.Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do.
  • -Run away. I should, I want to, but.. I am afraid. Where would I go? What would I do?

[*]9.Imagine an Orwellian propaganda-filled bookstore.What section do you find yourself lingering in the most?
  • -Travel. It is nice to imagine escaping to somewhere beautiful and exotic. Just me and the landscape. I would never really of course.

[*]0.If you had to name your hero, who would it be?
  • -The birds in the sky.

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